10 Newest Free jQuery Plugins For This Week #15 (2016)

by jQuery Script,

Here's our #125 hand-picked collection of 10 New Free jQuery Plugins with examples we found around the web from last week (April 8th, 2016 ~ April 14th, 2016). These jQuery plugins haven't been featured on our website yet I think you might find useful. Have fun with it and remember to spread the word!

jquery Tablefy

Tablefy is a plug-in for Bootstrap framework, that permit to manage data pagination into a table, the addition, removal and editing a row, the instant search and the columns ordering.

jquery Tablefy

[Demo] [Download]

jquery Github-Feed

This is a small and simple jQuery plugin to make github repositories, activity and gists widget

jquery Github-Feed

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Snapback Cache

A client side page cache for jquery.

jQuery Snapback Cache

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery IdeaBox

Client Side Javascript with AJAX and jQuery.

jQuery IdeaBox

[Demo] [Download]


jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very convenient API for extracting and manipulating data, using the best of DOM, CSS, and jquery-like methods.

jQuery jsoup

[Demo] [Download]

Easy Rainbow Parallax

Easy Rainbow Parallax built using jQuery and CSS3.

Easy Rainbow Parallax

[Demo] [Download]

Display Progress Bar While Page Loads Using jQuery

Progress Bar is used to track the progress of the current process it can be used anywhere like file upload process,page load process etc.In this tutorial we will create and display progress bar while page is loading using jQuery and CSS.

Display Progress Bar While Page Loads Using jQuery

[Demo] [Download]


Pico/Nano like editor for jquery.


[Demo] [Download]

jQuery voting

A jQuery site customized to display voting information by age/experience

[Demo] [Download]

jquery Bingo-Charts

Printable, dynamically generated bingo charts.

jquery Bingo-Charts

[Demo] [Download]