21 New jQuery Plugins You Shouldn't Miss

by jQuery Script,

Here's our #41 hand-picked collection of 21 New Free jQuery Plugins with examples we found around the web from last week (22/08/2014-28/08/2014). These jQuery plugins haven't been featured on our website yet I think you might find useful. Have fun with it and remember to spread the word!

jQuery messages

messages - A lightweight jQuery plugin for showing messages around fields and other HTML elements.

jQuery messages

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery endless.js

Endless.js jQuery Plugin - Infinite scroll HTML element

jQuery endless.js

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Cache Images

Makes for easy caching of image files in the browsers LocalStorage. Can be bound elements or parents.

jQuery Cache Images

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery File Upload Plugin

File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bars, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery.

jQuery File Upload Plugin

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery stickypage

jQuery plugin to display a page with chronological sticky tags.

jQuery stickypage

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery foundation-select

jQuery plugin for custom <select> inputs in Zurb Foundation 5 using Foundation Dropdown plugin

jQuery foundation-select

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery bootstrap-dropselect

A simple jQuery plugin that extends bootstrap's dropdown menu into something like github's select menu.

jQuery bootstrap-dropselect

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery addressfield

Very simple and light-weight jQuery plugin to create HTML Presentations!

jQuery addressfield

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery swish-js

Easily apply CSS transitions to elements with JavaScript and jQuery. Never worry about animating the display property again.

jQuery swish-js

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery DarthPhader

Turns a <ul> into a very simple fading carousel.

jQuery multiselect

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery material design svg button animation

Just playing around with svg animations. Check out the hover and click animations!

jQuery material design svg button animation

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery readmore plugin

jQuery plug-in for 'read more' functionality

jQuery readmore plugin

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery floatLabels

A jQuery (and Zepto) form "float label" plugin.

jQuery floatLabels

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Typeahead

The jQuery Typeahead plugin provides autocomplete preview on search inputs similar to google search with builtin options and deep customization. It is a simple clientside library that will add a better user experience to your website search input!

jQuery Typeahead

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Title_Attr_Help.js

Beautiful HTML Attribute Title on JQuery and CSS

jQuery Title_Attr_Help.js

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery parallaxslider

Parallax Slider incorporates a parallax scrolling effect where each slide and its contents glide into view at different speeds, creating a captivating visual experience. The slider is responsive in nature, and supports other nifty features such as manual or automatic mode, stop rotating after x cycles, persistence of the last shown slide, and more.

jQuery parallaxslider

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Cascade-Lines

"Cascade Lines" are jQuery Plugin for change background color with cascading lines transition.

jQuery Cascade-Lines

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery popups.js

A css driven jquery plug-in for all your popup and dialog needs

jQuery popups.js

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery QueryBuilder

jQuery plugin offering an interface to create complex queries.

jQuery QueryBuilder

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Mulit-way Content Slideout

jQuery Mulit-way Content Slideout

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery CAvisor

CAvisor is small javascript library used to overlay images on top of the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers.

jQuery CAvisor

[Demo] [Download]