7 Newest Free jQuery Plugins For This Week #40 (2017)

by jQueryScript,

Here's our #200 hand-picked collection of 7 New Free jQuery Plugins with examples we found around the web from last week (Sep 29th, 2017 ~ Oct 5th, 2017). These jQuery plugins haven't been featured on our website yet I think you might find useful. Have fun with it and remember to spread the word!

jQuery ivis

IVIS is a chart editor for interactive visualisation, based on jQuery and HighCharts. Chart types include dot/scatter, 2D scatter, line, bar/column, pie, and heat map. It's powerful when analysing large data sets.

jQuery ivis

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery IfBreakpoint

ifbreakpoint.js : if Bootstrap 4 breakpoint (media query) is X do something.

jQuery IfBreakpoint

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery row-eq-height

This code provides a jQuery multi browser solution for the boostrap class .row-eq-height. Compatible with Chrome, FireFox, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer. No FlexBox.

jQuery row-eq-height

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery bashfill

Bashfill is a folly to let you draw pretty 40x23 seven color pictures for your terminal.

jQuery bashfill

[Demo] [Download]


3D Transform Image with Snow built using jQuery/CSS/HTML.


[Demo] [Download]


A tiny jQuery plugin for building single page application (SPA) with the possibility of nested views.


[Demo] [Download]

Dynamic content Modal

Load html content dynamically to the div modal with blured background.

Dynamic content Modal

[Demo] [Download]