Top 10 New jQuery Plugins In July 2014

by jQuery Script,

Here is a collection of Top 10 New & Free jQuery plugins published on for the month of July 2014. I think you might find useful for your next design project. Have fun with it and don't forget spread the world.

Responsive & Auto-Centering Modal Window Plugin with jQuery - egrModal

egrModal is a very small jQuery plugin for creating a responsive modal window that will be auto centered as you resize the browser window.

[Demo] [Download]

Lightweight jQuery Accordion Plugin To Show and Hide Elements - BeefUp

BeefUp is a lightweight, responsive jQuery accordion plugin which allows you to toggle the visibility of Html elements with following features:

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Plugin To Create Sliding Tabbed Panels - slidingTab

Yet another small jQuery tabs plugin which allows you to switch between tabbed panels with a smooth sliding animation.

[Demo] [Download]

Lightweight Off-Canvas Menu with jQuery and CSS3

A lightweight mobile App-style off-canvas navigation menu using jQuery toggleClass() function, CSS flexible box layout and CSS3 transitions & transforms.

[Demo] [Download]

Simple Off-canvas Sidebar Navigation Plugin with jQuery

Simple Sidebar is a lightweight and highly customizable jQuery plugin for creating an off-canvas sidebar navigation sliding out from the left/right side of your browser window.

[Demo] [Download]

Tiny Responsive jQuery Navigation Menu Plugin - PgwMenu

PgwMenu is a lightweight, easily stylable, responsive jQuery menu plugin which has the ability to convert a horizontal navigation into a dropdown menu if its container is not large enough.

[Demo] [Download]

Android Style Side Drawer Navigation Plugin with jQuery - Hamburger

Hamburger is a jQuery plugin for creating an Android App-style sliding menu that displays a fly-out navigation on the left edge of the screen.

[Demo] [Download]

Lightweight Responsive jQuery Dropdown Menu Plugin

A lightweight jQuery navigation plugin for creating a responsive, mobile-friendly and multi-level dropdown menu with ease.

[Demo] [Download]

Creating A One Page Parallax Scrolling Website Using jQuery

In this post we're going to create a background image parallax effect on your one page scrolling website with the help of jQuery and a little javascript magic.

[Demo] [Download]

Flexible & Responsive jQuery Carousel Plugin

A flexible and responsive jQuery carousel plugin which allows you to cycle through a set of slide items as many as possible based on the container's width.

[Demo] [Download]