jQuery Offcanvas Plugin Demos


The mode of the off-canvas effect.

Default: 'overlay'
Options: 'overlay', 'push', 'underlay', 'shrink' (comming soon)

'overlay' (default)

This is the off-canvas element
This is the main canvas


This is the off-canvas element
This is the main canvas


This is the off-canvas element
This is the main canvas

'shrink' (comming soon)

This is the off-canvas element
This is the main canvas


The position of the off-canvas element, relative to the main canvas.

Default: 'left'
Options: 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'

'left' (default)

This is the off-canvas element
This is the main canvas


This is the off-canvas element
This is the main canvas


This is the off-canvas element
This is the main canvas


This is the off-canvas element
This is the main canvas