jQuery TimeBar Examples



Option Description Values Default

strTimeStart time the bar should start "HH:MM" "9:00"
strTimeStop time the bar should end "HH:MM" "18:00"
intTimeSteps pixels used to step into the next period 0 .. 60 10
intOffset offsset on begin & end in pixels 0 .. x 10
strDirection Direction the bar is drawn "horizontal", "vertical" "vertical"
strTimeSelectTitle Textual string to announce "Selection of time" in tooltip "Select your time:" "Select time:"
strFrom Textual string to announce "from" (start time) "Start Time from" "from"
strTill Textual string to announce "till" (end time) "End at time" "till"
strHour Textual string to announce "h" (shorthand for hour) "h" "h"
intReadOnly boolean value to toggle readonly On / Off (readonly means no- editing) 1 / 0 0
intZoomFactor Zoomfacor to enlarge / shrink the drawing of the bar < 1 || > 1 1
strEnabledClassName Name of an additional class to use when drawing a period "my_fitness_class_name" ""


Name Description Get / Set return value argument 1 argument 2

Load Load a period onto the TimeBar Set void "HH:MM" "HH:MM"
Clear Clear the drawing on a TimeBar Set void
strEnabledClassName Name of an additional class to use when drawing a period Set void "fitness"
strEnabledClassName What is the last Name of an additional class used drawing a period? Get the classname