Minimal jQuery Autocomplete Plugin For Input Fields - mv-autocomplete

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Minimal jQuery Autocomplete Plugin For Input Fields - mv-autocomplete

mv-autocomplete is a minimalist jQuery autocomplete plugin which attaches a dropdown list populated with predefined suggestions to the input field while typing. Supports both JS object and external data sources.

Basic usage:

1. Include jQuery library before loading the jQuery mv-autocomplete plugin.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="mv-autocomplete.js"></script>

2. Just call the function on the input field and we're ready to go.


3. Load predefined suggestions for the autocomplete list from JS data object.

var countries = ["Afghanistan","Albania","Algeria"];

  data: countries,

4. Load predefined suggestions for the autocomplete list from API call.

  url: '/api/'

5. Apply you own CSS styles to the autocomplete dropdown list.

.results {

.result {
}, {

6. All configuration options.

// an array of predefined data for autocomplete
data: [],

// CSS class for autocomplete list
container_class: 'results',

// CSS class for each individual result
result_class: 'result',

// url to send a post request at, which, will, return the results.
url: '',

// loading html
loading_html: 'Loading...',

//  Pass an object that will be passed along with the value inputted into the text box.
post_data: {
  class: 'tasks',
  action: 'searchTasks',
  options: {
    id: 10,
    name: 'Bob'

// callback function
callback: function(el, selected) {
  console.log('Click Back!');

Change log:


  • Added Keypress navigation

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by michaelrvano. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.