Tiny Responsive Modal Popup Plugin With jQuery - Mobilepopup

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Tiny Responsive Modal Popup Plugin With jQuery - Mobilepopup

Mobilepopup is a lightweight, responsive, ajax-enabled jQuery popup plugin used to handle static and dynamic modal windows on your cross-platform web applications.

How to use it:

1. Add jQuery library together with the Mobilepopup plugin's JavaScript and CSS files to the html page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/mobilepopup.min.css">
<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/mobilepopup.min.js"></script>

2. Create the modal popup that is hidden on page load.

<div class="myPopup" style="display: none;">
  <div class="header">Modal Title</div>
  <div class="content">
    Modal Content
  <div class="footer">
    Modal Footer

3. Show the modal popup on the webpage.


4. Or define your modal content directly in the JavaScript on init.

  html: 'Modal Content Here'

5. Change the default size of the modal popup.


6. Override the default close and loading template.

  closehtml: '<a href="" class="button-close close"></a>',
  loadinghtml: '<div class="loader-wrap"><div class="loader"><span></span><span></span><span></span></div></div>',

7. If you want to handle the modal popup via AJAX requests.

  ajax: ''

8. Add an extra CSS class to the modal popup.

  customclass: ''

9. More configs with default values.

  ajax: '',
  html: '',
  targetblock: '',
  content: {
    header: '',
    content: '',
    footer: ''

  type: 'standart', //'confirm'
  confirmcontent: {
    header: "Confirm your action",
    content: "Are you sure you want to continue?",
    buttonoktext: "Yes",
    buttonnotext: "Cancel"

  width: '',
  height: '',

  submitformbutton: '.submit-mobilepopup-form',
  popupform: '.mobilepopup-form',

  closeonoverflowclick: true,
  shakeonoverflowclick: true,
  fullscreeninmobile: true,

  closehtml: '<a href="" class="button-close close"></a>',
  loadinghtml: '<div class="loader-wrap"><div class="loader"><span></span><span></span><span></span></div></div>',
  customclass: '',

10. Callback functions.

  onloaded : function(el){
    return true;
  onclosed : function(el){
    return true;
  onconfirmed : function(el){
    return true;
  onformsubmited : function(data,el){ 
    return true;

Change log:

v1.6 (2018-02-26)

  • Bugfix.

v1.5 (2017-09-20)

  • Added window type "standart" or "confirm"
  • You can indicate form class and submit form button class
  • Added properties closeonoverflowclick, shakeonoverflowclick, fullscreeninmobile
  • Added folder with exapmles of use


  • set body overflow hidden


  • fix set max sizes

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by alexeydudka. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.