jQuery Graph.js Examples


Multiple Data-Sets (Yes, animations/interactivity is optional. Actually, so is everything else.)

Single Data-Set (And different options)

Big example without plugin and different options:

Documentation (someone needs to make this page look pretty but it's not me...):

Method 1: Using Class -

	//(Note: Pie/donut graphs can only be created with one dataset, and combo graphs only with multiple)
	var bar = new GraphBar({ //options
		attachTo: '#wrapper',
		height: 375,
		width: 775,
		xDist: 90,
		legend: true,
		design: { //css styling
			gridColor: 'grey',
			tooltipBoxColor: 'white',
	bar.init(); //actually create it

Method 1: Using jQuery Plugin -

	//creates same graph as previous method, but with change buttons
		start: 'bar', //show bar graph first
		obj: { //graph options
			height: 375,
			width: 775,
			xDist: 90,
			legend: true,
			design: { //css styling
				gridColor: 'grey',
				tooltipBoxColor: 'white',

To change graph type with class:

barGraph.to('linear'); //changing the type of a graph

Getting all graph information:


An update function exists but will change dramatically in like a day so skipping that.

Graph Options (Note: Anything not specified is defaulted; Some options will be migrated to the design object soon)