
Input with the 'msk' Mask


Example form with defined masks

meioMask paste feature demo

Example form for the paste feature

copy: 1234567890 and paste at the input

copy: (12) 3456-7890 and paste at the input

copy: 12abcdef34567890 and paste at the input

with metadata plugin

Example form with masks using metadata plugin metadata overwrote the '(99) 666' mask set at alt attribute metadata overwrote the 'phone' mask set at alt attribute

change mask on-the-fly

Example form with the change-on-the-fly feature

mask string example

Example that shows the $.mask.string() function

read-only inputs

Example that shows a readonly input working as it should (some plugins breaks this!)

callbacks example

Example with a input and defined callbacks

signed masks example

Example with signed masks ('-' and '+' keys will change they're signal)

repeat mask type example

Example with the repeat mask type