“Smart Alert 1.2” Documentation by “Lukáš Prvý”

Smart Alert 1.2

Created: 11/03/2013
Code: Lukáš Prvý
Design: Pierre Borodin

Thank you for purchasing this plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thanks so much!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Preface
    2. Features
    3. Included files
    4. Getting started
  2. Usage
    1. Arguments
    2. Basic usage
    3. Alert type
    4. Title
    5. Close icon
    6. Icon
    7. Width
    8. Content maximum height
    9. Content alignment
    10. Callback
    11. Buttons
    12. Drag&drop
    13. Container
  3. Setup
    1. Arguments
    2. Defaults
    3. Alert types
    4. Localization
    5. IE support
  4. Themes
    1. Theme files
    2. DOM structure
    3. Crossbrowser optimization

A) Introduction

1) Preface - top

Default JavaScript alert can't be configured at all - it's impossible to set own title, customize buttons and other things that one would expect to be configurable. Usually it doesn't fit into the overall site look, plus it looks different across all browsers. Frankly I think it's pretty useless and therefore I made this plugin.

2) Features - top

3) Included files - top

Included files description:

4) Getting started - top

Copy alert folder for example into your sites root folder:

jQuery and jQuery-UI are required. Put them into header together with plugin files:

<!-- JQUERY -->

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.1/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

<!-- ALERT -->

<link href="alert/css/alert.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="alert/themes/default/theme.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="alert/js/alert.js"></script>

When jQuery-UI is missing, then alert will be still fully functional, except of drag&drop functionality.

B) Usage

1) Arguments - top


$.alert.open([type], [title], content, [buttons], [callback]);




Property Type Description Values Default
container String, Object Container for alert placement Selector, DOM object 'body'
type String Alert type 'info', 'confirm', 'warning', 'error', 'prompt' or user-defined alert type 'info'
title String Alert title Default title for certain alert type
cancel Boolean Show close icon(alert can be then closed also with ESC) true, false true
icon String, Boolean Set one of icons defined in theme stylesheet or hide icon by setting false icon name, false 'info'
content String Alert content Empty string
width Number, String Alert width Number(in pixels) or any valid CSS value for width property 'auto'
maxHeight Number, String Content maximum height Number(in pixels) or any valid CSS value for max-height property 160
align String Content alignment 'left', 'center', 'right' 'left'
callback Function Function that will be called after button press. Value of callback parameter will be pressed button id or false in case of closing alert by click on close icon. Empty function
buttons Object Object with buttons {id: 'label', ...} Default buttons for certain alert type or {ok: 'Ok'} if default isn't defined
draggable Boolean Drag&drop(requires jQuery-UI) true, false true
pie String Determines whether to use PIE.htc directly or use its PHP wrapper 'htc', 'php' 'htc'

2) Basic usage - top

Basic usage is the same as the default alert. Content can be plain text or HTML code.


$.alert.open('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');


    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
Try it!


$.alert.open('<b>Lorem</b> <i>ipsum</i> <u>dolor</u><br /><a href="#">sit amet</a> consectetur.');


    content: '<b>Lorem</b> <i>ipsum</i> <u>dolor</u><br /><a href="#">sit amet</a> consectetur.'
Try it!

3) Alert type - top

Plugin contains four predefined alert types. Other types can be defined additionally(see chapter C3).


$.alert.open('info', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');


    type: 'info',
    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
Try it!


$.alert.open('confirm', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');


    type: 'confirm',
    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
Try it!


$.alert.open('warning', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');


    type: 'warning',
    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
Try it!


$.alert.open('error', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');


    type: 'error',
    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
Try it!


$.alert.open('prompt', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');


    type: 'prompt',
    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
Try it!

4) Title - top

$.alert.open('My title', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');


    title: 'My title',
    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
Try it!

5) Close icon - top

The 'cancel' property determines whether alert may be cancelable(show close icon and alert can be then closed also with ESC) or not.


    type: 'confirm',
    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    cancel: true
Try it!


    type: 'confirm',
    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    cancel: false
Try it!

6) Icon - top

Select icon

Select one of icons defined in theme stylesheet:

    title: 'Alert',
    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    icon: 'warning'
Try it!

Hide icon

Don't show any icon:

    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    icon: false
Try it!

Set custom icon

Define your icon in theme stylesheet(see chapter D1):

#smartAlert[data-icon="hand"] #smartAlertIcon {
    background-image: url(img/hand.png);

Set double-sized icon for retina display:

@media only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and (-moz-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1) {

    #smartAlert[data-icon="hand"] #smartAlertIcon {
        background-image: url(x2/hand.png);


Now you can simply use it:

    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    icon: 'hand'
Try it!

7) Width - top

Width can be set to number(in pixels) or any valid CSS value for width property.

    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    width: 400
Try it!

8) Content maximum height - top

Content maximum height can be set to number(in pixels) or any valid CSS value for max-height property.

    maxHeight: 160,
    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas ligula ut nunc porttitor dictum. Pellentesque sit amet massa sapien. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris risus lectus, facilisis luctus consectetur dictum, posuere a urna. Curabitur bibendum nisi sem. Nam at lectus at ipsum suscipit consectetur vel at ante. Mauris risus metus, commodo vel volutpat vitae, eleifend nec diam. Nullam tempor tortor ut mi porttitor adipiscing. Curabitur vitae diam sem, sed mattis odio. Pellentesque pretium interdum odio ac tristique. Nunc accumsan mauris et lorem adipiscing vel pulvinar lacus auctor. Fusce euismod, turpis quis elementum interdum, lacus risus porta dui, ac viverra diam augue eu mi. Praesent id lacus sem, eget dictum dui. In scelerisque euismod tellus a tincidunt. Sed sodales ullamcorper viverra. Praesent semper ipsum ac tellus euismod semper bibendum libero lobortis. Vivamus placerat auctor congue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi posuere mi vitae arcu aliquet pretium suscipit libero sollicitudin. Vivamus et ligula nisl. Fusce adipiscing porttitor lacus, et luctus dui ornare quis. Pellentesque luctus velit varius turpis egestas posuere. Phasellus et velit metus, at bibendum ante. Vivamus vel enim id est dapibus vestibulum. Nullam tincidunt risus non erat scelerisque cursus ac sed.'
Try it!

9) Content alignment - top

Content can be aligned to left, center or right.


    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    width: 400,
    align: 'left'
Try it!


    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    width: 400,
    align: 'center'
Try it!


    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    width: 400,
    align: 'right'
Try it!

10) Callback - top

Execute callback after closing alert:

$.alert.open('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', function() {
    $.alert.open('This alert was opened from callback!');


    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    callback: function() {
        $.alert.open('This alert was opened from callback!');
Try it!

Get prompt value:

$.alert.open('prompt', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', function(button, value) {
    if (button == 'ok')
        $.alert.open(value || 'No value has been entered');


    type: 'prompt',
    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    callback: function(button, value) {
        if (button == 'ok')
            $.alert.open(value || 'No value has been entered');
Try it!

11) Buttons - top

Define custom buttons

For defining custom buttons use object {id: 'label', ...}.

$.alert.open('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', {
    someId: 'Abc',
    otherId: 'Def'


    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    buttons: {
        someId: 'Abc',
        otherId: 'Def'
Try it!

Handle button click

For handling button click use callback function. Value of callback parameter will be pressed button id or false in case of closing alert by click on close icon. Ids of predefined buttons are 'ok', 'yes' and 'no'.

$.alert.open('confirm', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', function(button) {
    if (button == 'yes')
        $.alert.open('You pressed the "yes" button.');
    else if (button == 'no')
        $.alert.open('You pressed the "no" button.');
        $.alert.open('Alert was canceled.');


    type: 'confirm',
    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    callback: function(button) {
        if (button == 'yes')
            $.alert.open('You pressed the "yes" button.');
        else if (button == 'no')
            $.alert.open('You pressed the "no" button.');
            $.alert.open('Alert was canceled.');
Try it!

The same with custom buttons:

    'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
        A: 'A',
        B: 'B',
        C: 'C'
    function(button) {
        if (!button)
            $.alert.open('Alert was canceled.');
            $.alert.open('You pressed the "' + button + '" button.');


    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    buttons: {
        A: 'A',
        B: 'B',
        C: 'C'
    callback: function(button) {
        if (!button)
            $.alert.open('Alert was canceled.');
            $.alert.open('You pressed the "' + button + '" button.');
Try it!

12) Drag&drop - top

Drag&drop(requires jQuery-UI) can be enabled or disabled with 'draggable' property.

Drag&drop enabled(default)

    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    draggable: true
Try it!

Drag&drop disabled

    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    draggable: false
Try it!

13) Container - top

It's possible to place alert elsewhere than page body. The container must have a relative or absolute position and, of course, be large enough.

    container: '#example',
    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
Try it!


C) Setup

1) Arguments - top

Get options


Set options



Property Description
defaults Global defaults
types Alert types

2) Defaults - top

Default values for every setting(see table in chapter B1) can be easily overriden:

    defaults: {
        type: 'warning',
        cancel: false

$.alert.open('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');
Try it!

3) Alert types - top

If predefined alert types doesn't fit your needs, then you can define your own. Suppose you want to define alert for showing tips:


Define the "tip" icon in theme stylesheet:

#smartAlert[data-icon="tip"] #smartAlertIcon {
    background-image: url(img/tip.png);

Set double-sized "tip" icon for retina display:

@media only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and (-moz-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1) {

    #smartAlert[data-icon="tip"] #smartAlertIcon {
        background-image: url(x2/tip.png);
        background-size: 48px, 48px;
        -webkit-background-size: 48px, 48px;
        -moz-background-size: 48px, 48px;
        -o-background-size: 48px, 48px;



Set the new type defaults:

    types: {
        tip: {
            title: 'Tip',
            icon: 'tip',
            buttons: {
                cancel: 'Close'


Now you can simply use the new type:

$.alert.open('tip', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');


    type: 'tip',
    content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
Try it!

When calling $.alert.open function, options are merged as follows: (global defaults <= alert type settings) <= passed options.

4) Localization - top

For localization into your language simply alter alert types settings. German localization for example:

    types: {
        error: {
            title: 'Fehler'
        warning: {
            title: 'Warnung'
        confirm: {
            title: 'Konfirmieren',
            buttons: {
                yes: 'Ja',
                no: 'Nein'

$.alert.open('confirm', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');
Try it!

5) IE support - top

CSS3 support in IE is provided by CSS3 PIE library(PIE.htc file). IE requires that HTC behaviors are served up with a content-type header of "text/x-component", otherwise it will simply ignore the behavior. Many web servers are preconfigured to serve the correct content-type, but others are not. If you have problems with the PIE behavior not being applied, check your server configuration and if possible update it to use the correct content-type. For Apache, you can do this in a .htaccess file:

AddType text/x-component .htc

If for some reason you are unable to modify the server configuration (e.g. if you are on a shared host which does not allow custom .htaccess files), then you may also use a wrapper script(PIE.php file). This script simply serves up the PIE.htc file using the correct content-type header. To use it, simply set the 'pie' property to value of 'php':

    defaults: {
        pie: 'php'

This issue is particularly a problem in IE9, which seems more strict about the content-type than some other IE versions.

D) Themes

1) Theme files - top

Theme consists of these files:

2) DOM structure - top

Alert elements are created dynamically. DOM structure looks as follows:

alert dom structure

3) Crossbrowser optimization - top

Targeting styles for specific browser or engine is very easy. #smartAlert wrapper has attribute for determining which browser and version is used.


Attribute Browser
data-mozilla Gecko-based browsers(Firefox, Camino, ...)
data-webkit Webkit-based browsers(Chrome, Chromium, Safari, ...)
data-chrome Chrome, Chromium
data-safari Safari
data-opera Opera
data-ie Internet explorer


Target title styles for IE8:

#smartAlert[data-ie="8"] #smartAlertTitle {



Target button styles for webkit-based browsers:

#smartAlert[data-webkit] .smartAlertButton {



CSS3 backgrounds

Due to the use of the CSS3 PIE library(see chapter C4) is required to add -pie- prefix to every CSS3 background for its proper rendering in IE:

background: linear-gradient(#bbb, #ccc);
-pie-background: linear-gradient(#bbb, #ccc);

Lukáš Prvý

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