Powerful Data Table Plugin Example

A JavaScript plugin that generates a feature-rich data table that supports any data type such as static HTML table, JS arrays, JS objects, and Ajax JSON data.

Firstname Lastname
Linus Torvalds Computer Science
Brian Kernighan Computer Science
Blaise Pascal Mathematics
Larry Page Computer Science
Richard Hamming Mathematics
Grace Hopper Computer Science
Pierre Bezier Mathematics
Shigeru Miyamoto Computer Science
Leslie Lamport Computer Science
Rasmus Lerdorf Computer Science
Xavier Leroy Computer Science
Albert Einstein Physics
Bill Gates Computer Science
Leonard De Vinci Mathematics
Pierre De Fermat Mathematics
René Descartes Mathematics
Alan Turing Computer Science
Ada Lovelace Computer Science
Isaac Newton Physics
Carl Friedrich Gauss Mathematics
John Von Neumann Computer Science
Claude Shannon Mathematics
Tim Berners-Lee Computer Science
Richard Stallman Computer Science
Dennis Ritchie Computer Science
Bjarne Stroustrup Computer Science
Steve Jobs Computer Science
Steve Wozniak Computer Science
Mario Molina Chemistry