Free jQuery magnifying glass Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'magnifying glass' are listed here.
Advanced Zoom On Hover Plugin - jQuery Extended Magnify
- Zoom - 8365 ViewsA simple yet fully customizable jQuery image zoom plugin that provides a smooth Zoom On Hover and Inner Zoom experience on your images.
Zoom Image On Hover Using jQuery
- Zoom - 10694 ViewsA tiny jQuery image zoom script that provides a nice magnifying glass effect when hovering over an image.
Add Magnifying Glass Style Zoom Functionality To Images - mooZoom
- Zoom - 4666 ViewsA lightweight yet customizable image zoom jQuery plugin for magnifying images on the page.
Magnify Images On Hover Or Touch & Hold - jQuery izoomify
- Zoom - 6313 ViewsA lightweight, smooth, and mobile-friendly image zoom plugin for magnifying and panning images using mouseover, mousemovement, and touch-hold events.
Customizable Magnifying Glass Image Zoom Plugin - blowup.js
- Zoom - 12356 ViewsJust another jQuery magnifying glass zoom plugin which allows you to zoom in on a specified image with a customizable magnifying lens.
Magnify Images On Mouse Hover - jqZoom
- Zoom - 35424 ViewsA fast and small jQuery image zoom plugin that applies a mouse-over magnifying glass to any image within the document.
Responsive Image Magnifier & Inner Zoom Plugin - magnificent.js
- Zoom - 54938 Viewsmagnificent.js is a simple, smooth, responsive jQuery image zoom plugin that provides two modes to magnify or zoom in on an image.
Simple jQuery Magnifying Glass Image Zoom Plugin - magnify.js
- Zoom - 43642 Viewsmagnify.js is a tiny and simple-to-use jQuery plugin for creating a nice magnifying glass effect to magnify product images on your E-commerce websites.
Stylish Magnifying Glass Plugin - SergeLand Image Zoomer
- Zoom - 28342 ViewsSergeLand Image Zoomer is a jQuery zoom on hover plugin for zooming images with stylish and smooth magnifying glass effects.
Simple Yet Versatile jQuery Image Magnifying Plugin - Zoomple
- Zoom - 15519 ViewsZoomple is a simple yet powerful jQuery plugin that allows you to apply an image magnifying effect on your image.
Show Full Size Image On Hover - jQuery Image Magnifier
- Zoom - 21976 ViewsA simple, cross-browser Image Magnifier jQuery plugin that enables the user to show the full-size image on hover and view details with mouse move.
mlens - Compact Magnifying Glass Plugin
- Zoom - 3775 Viewsmlens is a lightweight (~1kb minified and gzipped), responsive and retina-ready image zoom Plugin written by for making a magnifier glass inside an image.
eBay Inspired Magnify Image On Hover Plugin - jQuery Magnifier
- Zoom - 5324 ViewsMagnifier is a lightweight jQuery image zoom plugin inspired by that applies a smooth, hover-triggered Magnifying Glass Effect to multiple images.
Tiny Fast jQuery Image Hover Zoom Plugin - Light Zoom
- Zoom - 11935 ViewsLight Zoom is a super simple and fast jQuery plugin that makes use of pure CSS to provide a magnifying glass-style hover zoom effect on your images.
Touch-friendly Image Zoom Plugin For jQuery - Enlarge.js
- Zoom - 14704 ViewsEnlarge.js is a responsive, mobile-friendly image zoom jQuery plugin that supports both mouse and touch events.
Image Magnify Glass Effect With jQuery And jQuery UI - jfMagnify
- Zoom - 5065 ViewsjfMagnify is a very small jQuery plugin for creating a magnify glass effect to enlarge your images through drag and drop based on jQuery UI.
Easy Product Image Magnification Plugin - jQuery EasyZoom
- Zoom - 10069 ViewsA lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for product image magnification that creates a magnifier overlay on top of your image and displays the enlarged region of the image on mouse hover and move.
Mobile-friendly jQuery Image Magnifier Plugin - imagezoom
- Zoom - 11943 ViewsYet another jQuery image zoom plugin which creates a magnifying glass effect to magnify your image on mouse hover.
Lightweight jQuery Magnifying Glass Zoom Plugin - Retina Zoomer
- Zoom - 4487 ViewsRetina Zoomer is a tiny jQuery image zoom plugin which applies a magnifying glass effect to your image when mouse hovers over.
Performant Image Magnifying Glass Effect With jQuery - jZoom
- Zoom - 22054 ViewsjZoom is a simple fast jQuery plugin which provides a customizable magnifying glass effect for image zoom.
Minimalist Image Magnifying Effect With jQuery - zmagnifier.js
- Zoom - 5413 Viewszmagnifier.js is a super tiny and easy-to-use jQuery plugin which creates a realistic magnifying glass effect for quick image zooming on mouse hover.
Tiny jQuery Image Zoom Magnifying Glass Effect - Image Projection
- Zoom - 7187 ViewsA simple, lightweight, unobtrusive jQuery image zoom plugin for creating a magnifying glass effect to enlarge part of an image.
Easy jQuery Image Inner Zoom Plugin - evenZoom
- Zoom - 16027 ViewsevenZoom is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin that creates a magnifying glass effect to provide inner zoom functionality on your image.
jQuery Plugin For Magnifying Glass Effect On Images - Image Magnifier
- Zoom - 3669 ViewsImage Magnifier is a simple jQuery plugin for creating a magnifying glass effect on your image to provide image inner zoom feature on mouse hover.
jQuery Plugin For Customizable Image Magnifying Effect - Classy Loupe
- Zoom - 6265 ViewsClassy Loupe is a jQuery plugin lets visitor view the details of a specific part of your image on mouse hover.
Lightweight Image Inner Zoom & Magnifier Plugin For jQuery - okzoom
- Zoom - 9798 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin which provides image inner zoom functionality by creating a magnifying glass effect on top of your images.
Easy Flexible jQuery Image Zoom Plugin - Sprite Zoom
- Zoom - 12177 ViewsSprite Zoom is an easy yet flexible jQuery image zoom plugin which provides a variety of magnifying glass effects on your images.
Minimal Circular Image Magnifier with jQuery and CSS3
- Zoom - 6709 ViewsA super tiny jQuery image zoom script to display the large version of your image in a circular magnifying glass that moves with the mouse.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Image Magnifying Effect For Touch Devices - Touch Zoom
- Zoom - 8084 ViewsTouch Zoom is a tiny and mobile-first jQuery image zoom plugin allows you to apply a magnifying glass effect on an image when you tap/click on it.
Draggable Magnifying Glass Plugin For jQuery - monocle
- Zoom - 2191 Viewsmonocle is a small jQuery & jQuery UI plugin which provides an inner zoom effect on an image by dragging the magnifying loupe.
Magnifying Glass Image Zoom Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - magnify.js
- Zoom - 3151 ViewsJust another jQuery image zoom plugin which allows you to enlarge part of an image with a CSS3 based magnifying glass effect.
Versatile jQuery Magnifying Glass Effect Plugin - Tikslus Zoom
- Zoom - 7229 ViewsTikslus Zoom is a jQuery plugin that creates fully customizable magnifying glass effects for image zoom.
Easy jQuery Image Zoom and Magnifier Plugin - Leroy Zoom
- Zoom - 3617 ViewsLeroy Zoom is a lightweight (~3kb minified) jQuery plugin that allows you to zoom and magnify an image in a lens-like frame to display the details of the large image.
Basic and lightweight jQuery Image Zoom Plugin - Easy Zoom
- Zoom - 10696 ViewsEasy Zoom is a small jQuery image zoom plugin that displays a preview of the magnified image near the original image when mouse rolls over it.
Stylish jQuery Image Zooming Plugin - Magnifying Glass
- Zoom - 3688 ViewsMagnifying Glass is a lightweight and easily customizable jQuery plugin for zooming images like a Magnifying Glass.
Simple and Clean Image Magnifying Glass Effect Plugin - simpleZoom
- Zoom - 7931 ViewssimpleZoom is a simple and clean jQuery plugin that adds a magnifying glass effect to an image while your user hovers mouse cursor over it.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Image Magnify Effect
- Zoom - 5308 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin which allows you to apply a full-scaled zoomed effect on your image thumbnail when hovers over it.
Simple Image Magnification Effect - Aui-core
- Zoom - 5602 ViewsA simple and easy-to-use Image Magnification Effect using Aui-core js library that displays high resolution images with a magnifying glass effect when mouse hovers over the original images.
Photo Inner Zoom and Magnifier Plugin - Loupe
- Zoom - 4631 ViewsLoupe is a jQuery Magnifier Plugin that allows you to add zoom on hover ability for your photos with single line of code.
GS Inner Zoom - Image Inner Zoom and Magnifier Plugin
- Zoom - 4693 ViewsGS Inner Zoom is a jQuery plugin that allow you to do an inner zoom or magnifier inside an image.