Free jQuery overlay menu Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'overlay menu' are listed here.
Morphing Hamburger Navigation With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 3535 ViewsAn awesome hamburger navigation concept that morphs the hamburger toggle button into a fullscreen overlay using JavaScript (jQuery) and CSS animations.
Modern Overlay Side Navigation With jQuery And CSS3 - Techie Menu
- Menu - 6730 ViewsA modern, translucent, semantic, multi-level, off-canvas navigation with a hamburger toggle button that covers part of the page when toggled.
Basic Responsive Overlay Menu With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 4117 ViewsA basic responsive menu jQuery plugin that converts the regular horizontal menu into a fullscreen overlay navigation on mobile devices.
Sliding Hamburger Navigation With jQuery - Slide Menu
- Menu - 5418 ViewsSlide Menu is a variant of the Swipe Menu plugin that reveals the off-canvas navigation overlaying the main content instead of pushing it to the right.
Off-canvas Push And Overlay Menus With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 8199 ViewsThis project provides 2 navigation patterns (push menu and overlay menu) to create mobile-friendly, off-canvas navigation menus using jQuery, HTML and CSS/CSS3.
Side Overlay Navigation With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 4079 ViewsA mobile-friendly off-canvas hamburger navigation that slides from the left of the webpage and covers a specific part of the main content.
Fullscreen Hamburger Menu Plugin With jQuery - Overlay Menu
- Menu - 8792 ViewsA very small jQuery plugin which makes uses of CSS transition and opacity properties to show & hide a fullscreen overlay navigation menu with a hamburger menu toggler.
Responsive Multi-purpose Navigation Plugin With jQuery - Pushy
- Menu - 5392 ViewsPushy is a mobile-friendly jQuery navigation plugin which lets you create responsive push and/or overlay sidebar menus using CSS transforms and transitions.
Interactive Off-canvas Overlay Menu With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 4644 ViewsAn interactive, mobile-friendly site navigation that allows to show/hide an off-canvas sidebar overlay menu / panel based on user actions.
Fullscreen Curtain Menu With jQuery And CSS3 Animations
- Menu - 6078 ViewsA fancy site navigation that displays a fullscreen, mobile-friendly overlay menu with curtain close / reveal effects using CSS3 animations and a little jQuery script.