Free jQuery pure css Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'pure css' are listed here.
Responsive & Mobile-Friendly Image Accordion with Pure CSS3
- Accordion - 5425 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly, skinnable, customzable and pure CSS Image Accordion with beautiful CSS aniamtions
Responsive Icon Grid Layout with Only CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 12645 ViewsAn awesome grid of icons and text built only with CSS3 that adjusts its number of columns depending on the screen size as shown in some media queries.
Responsive Multi Level Navigation with CSS3 Transitions - BootM
- Menu - 23901 ViewsBootM is a pure-CSS menu system for creating responsive and cross-browser multi-level navigation menus with CSS3 transitions.
Animated Icon Hover Over Effect with CSS3 Transitions
- CSS3 & Html5 - 36128 ViewsWith this tutorial, you can add a variety of different hover over effects to the icon font, only using CSS3 transitions and animations.
Simple Content Slider with Pure CSS - Gallery CSS
- Slider - 36238 ViewsGallery CSS is a simple and lightweight content slider built only with Html and CSS that supports all the html elements.
Responsive Full Width Grid Layout with Pure CSS
- Layout - 7356 ViewsIn this tutorial we're going to create a responsive full width grid layout with PURE CSS. It will detect the window's size and auto adjust the items shown per row.
Pure CSS Vertical Icon Menu With Hover Effect
- CSS3 & Html5 - 12948 ViewsIn this tutorial we're going to create a simple vertical menu with hover tradition effect, using icon font created by IcoMoon and Matthew Skiles.
Pinterest Like Glowing Input Fields with CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 3128 ViewsIn this tutorial, we will create a Pinterest Like login form that adds a glowing effect to the boder of input field on focus.
Sticky Top Menu Bar with CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 17953 ViewsIn this tutorial, we will create a sticky top menu bar which is built only with CSS position property, without jQuery or any other script.
Neat and modern Dropdown Nav Menu with Pure CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 5539 ViewsA Neat and modern Dropdown Menu built only with CSS3 that helps you create a nice dropdownn Navigation menu with animation effects for your website header section.
Elements Stack Effect with Pure CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 5479 ViewsBy using CSS3 Pseudo-Elements, we can create the Illusion of Stacked Elements.
Clean & Simple Nav Menu with CSS3 and HTML5
- CSS3 & Html5 - 3148 ViewsA Clean & Simple Grey Navigation Menu built only with CSS3 and HTML5. No images were used, just CSS. It is cross-browser compatible and was optimized for IE7 and above.
Pure CSS3 Navigation Menu with Animated Effect
- CSS3 & Html5 - 6457 ViewsA simple navigation menu with pure CSS that make it easy to create your own Animated navigation menu for your website.
Pure CSS3 Drop Down Menu with Icons
- CSS3 & Html5 - 8764 ViewsA nice and sleek Drop Down Menu with Icons, built only with CSS3. Feel free to download and use it now.
Pure CSS3 Tooltip
- CSS3 & Html5 - 2446 ViewsIn this post we're going to create a beautiful tooltip only using CSS3 and Html. Tooltips are a useful way to show the important infomations about the link/images to improve the user experence of your website.
jQuery Progress Bar Plugin with CSS3
- Loading - 4189 ViewsA Progress Bar implemented entirely using CSS 3 gradients, shadows, and border-radius, with a touch of animation. This progress bar will work in the latest version of all major browsers to provide full compatibility with animation, gradients
Pure CSS3 Animation Effects
- CSS3 & Html5 - 2242 ViewsA collection of CSS3 Animation created by daneden, animate.css is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness.
Beautiful Pure CSS3 Buttons
- CSS3 & Html5 - 2459 ViewsIn this article we’ll show you how to create Beautiful Buttons only with CSS3.
Beautiful Table Plugin with Pure CSS3
- Table - 6174 ViewsWith some CSS3 properties, we can create beautiful table style without adding classes to the markup.
Hoverbox - Pure CSS Image Gallery
- Gallery - 12328 ViewsHoverbox is a Image Gallery built only with CSS and HTML.