Free jQuery responsive tabs Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'responsive tabs' are listed here.
Scrolling Bootstrap Tabs In Responsive Layout - scrollable-tabs.js
- Other - 11344 ViewsA JavaScript & jQuery plugin that makes Bootstrap tabs scroll horizontally when not enough space is available.
Responsive Vertical Bootstrap 5 Tabs/Pills With jQuery And CSS
- Other - 3482 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly, vertical tabs/pills component built with jQuery, CSS/CSS3, and Bootstrap 5 framework.
Smooth Responsive Tabs/Accordion UI With jQuery
- Accordion - 3237 ViewsUse the jQuery Responsive Tabs script to turn the tabs into an accordion interface on small screens like mobile devices.
Responsive Tabs & Accordion UI In jQuery - serialTabs
- Accordion - 1330 ViewsA lightweight, responsive tabs to accordion jQuery plugin that automatically switches between tabs and accordion layouts based on the screen size.
Simple jQuery Responsive Tabs Interface Plugin - jQueryTab
- Layout - 37063 ViewsYet another jQuery tabs plugin for creating responsive tabbed panels with many options and transition animations support.
Scrollable Bootstrap Tabs & Pills - BsNavPaginator
- Menu - 5219 ViewsA jQuery/Vanilla JS plugin that makes Bootstrap navs component (tabs & pills) scrollable when there is not enough screen space.
Accessible Responsive Tabs Plugin - jQuery Macaw Tabs
- Other - 1083 ViewsA tiny and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating responsive, accessible, animated, nice-looking tabs UI on the webpage.
jQuery Plugin To Create Responsive Scrolling Bootstrap Tabs
- Other - 59560 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin for responsive Bootstrap tabs component that makes your Bootstrap tab navigation scrollable when there's no enough screen space to display all tabs.
Accessible Responsive jQuery Tabs Plugin - Skeletabs
- Other - 8726 ViewsSkeletabs is a full-featured jQuery tabs plugin for creating a responsive, accessible, customizable tab structure to switch between different sections of content.
Transform Bootstrap Tabs Into A Dropdown On Mobile - Responsive Tabs
- Other - 4649 ViewsA super tiny responsive tabs solution for Bootstrap 4 that converts the horizontal tabs into a dropdown list on mobile devices (screen size < 768px).
Dynamic Responsive Tabs / Accordion Plugin For jQuery
- Accordion - 10716 ViewsJust another responsive jQuery tabs plugin which automatically converts between a tabs interface and an accordion interface based on the screen size.
Switch Tabs To Vertical Accordions On The Mobile - best-responsive.js
- Accordion - 3644 ViewsYet another jQuery based responsive tabs solution that automatically switches the horizontal tabs to a vertical accordion interface when the screen width reaches a responsive breakpoint you specify.
Lightweight jQuery Responsive Tabs & Accordion Plugin - Responsive Tabs
- Layout - 47235 ViewsResponsive Tabs is a lightweight and simple jQuery plugin for responsive tabbed interface that will transform to an accordion on window size change.
Dynamic Responsive Tabs Plugin jQuery - tabSwitcher.js
- Other - 1529 ViewstabSwitcher.js is a dynamic, responsive tabs plugin which automatically switches between tabs and dropdown select depending on the current screen size.
Adaptive Themeable Tabs Plugin - jQuery FlexTabs
- Other - 2419 ViewsA flexible, responsive, adaptive, customizable, themeable jQuery tabs plugin created for both desktop and mobile.
Responsive Multipurpose Tabs & Accordion Plugin With jQuery
- Accordion - 19992 ViewsA responsive, multipurpose, ajax-enabled and mobile-friendly jQuery tabbed content plugin which automatically switches between tabs and accordion interfaces depending on the screen size.
Create Responsive Collapsible Bootstrap Tabs Using jQuery
- Other - 10338 ViewsA jQuery plugin that makes your Bootstrap tabs component fully responsive and mobile friendly by collapsing overflowed tabs into a toggleable dropdown list on small screens.
Switch Between Tabs And Accordion On Resize - Bootstrap Tab Collapse
- Accordion - 12840 ViewsA jQuery plugin for mobile-friendly Bootstrap tabs component that automatically switches to a collapsible accordion interface in smaller devices like mobile and tablet.
Convert Bootstrap Tabs Into Accordions In Mobile View
- Accordion - 33693 ViewsA Responsive Bootstrap Tabs script that automatically converts the Bootstrap tabs component into an accordion interface in mobile view.
Responsive & Mobile-Aware jQuery Tabs Plugin For Bootstrap - droptabs
- Layout - 4247 Viewsdroptabs is a jQuery plugin that extends the Boostrap tabs component to display overflowed tabs in a dropdown list for small screen devices.
Responsive Scrolling jQuery UI Tabs - jQuery ScrollTabs
- Other - 12795 ViewsScrollTabs is a lightweight jQuery plugin which makes the regular jQuery UI tabs responsive and scrollable with navigation arrows on small screens.
Versatile Responsive Tabs Plugin For jQuery - jtabs.js
- Other - 1880 Viewsjtabs.js is a lightweight, responsive, highly customizable jQuery tabs plugin that features deep links, cookies/local storage, nested tabs, callback functions and much more.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Bootstrap Tabs and Pills
- Other - 5558 ViewsA jQuery plugin for Responsive Bootstrap tabs/pills that automatically collapses your overflowing items into a dropdown when the screen size gets smaller.
Mobile Friendly Responsive Bootstrap Tabs Plugin with jQuery
- Other - 3133 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin for responsive Bootstrap tabs component that stacks tab navigation items into a dropdown menu when they overflow in mobile view.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Bootstrap Tabs - responsive-tab
- Other - 4522 ViewsA jQuery plugin that make your Bootstrap tabs responsive by collapsing overflowed items into a dropdown list when there's not enough space available (e.g. in mobile view).
Responsive Sliding Tabs Plugin with jQuery - Tabs.js
- Other - 11627 ViewsA responsive and SEO-friendly jQuery tabs plugin which allows the visitor to slide between different sections of content using jQuery animate() method.
Simple Responsive jQuery Tabbed Interface Plugin - Tabs
- Other - 1665 ViewsA jQuery plugin used to create a fully responsive, mobile-friendly tabbed interface where the tabs automatically become a select dropdown menu on small screen devices.
Responsive Tabbing with Accordion In Mobile View - mTab
- Accordion - 7035 ViewsmTab is a jQuery plugin to create a responsive tabbed interface that automatically switch between tabs view and accordion view according to a specified breakpoint.