Free jQuery rollover image Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'rollover image' are listed here.
Add Rollover Effects to Image Galleries - jQuery Cycle Image On Hover
- Animation - 522 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin lets you create engaging interactive image galleries that transition on hover.
Minimal Image Slideshow With Rollover Effect - photoroller
- Slideshow - 2401 Viewsphotoroller is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that takes a list of images and converts them into a minimal gallery/slideshow with an interactive rollover effect.
Elegant Image Swap Effect In jQuery And CSS3 - swapImagesOnhover
- Other - 5306 ViewsYet another jQuery Swap Image On Hover plugin that swaps out image sources with smooth fadeIn / fadeOut effects based on CSS3 transitions.
Swap Images On Cursor Move - jQuery Swinger
- Other - 2703 ViewsSwinger is a small and simple-to-use jQuery plugin that switches between a group of overlapping images that follows mouse movement while hovering over them.
Rollover Image Effect On Hover - jQuery hovimg-z
- Animation - 1749 Viewshovimg-z is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin that swaps the src value for a given image on hover to simulate rollover and cross-fade effects.
Direction-aware Image Swap Effect On Hover - jQuery imageLife
- Other - 955 ViewsimageLife is a direction-aware image hover effect plugin that dynamically swaps the image paths depending on the direction your mouse enters/leaves the current image.
jQuery Plugin For Swapping Out Images On Hover - Hover.js
- Animation - 3567 ViewsJust another jQuery image rollover plugin which swap out image sources on mouse hover event.
Minimalist jQuery Rollover Image Effect Plugin - SwapImage
- Animation - 1001 ViewsSwapImage is a super tiny (~1kb minified) jQuery plugin for image rollover effect that allows you to swaps out images on mouse hover in or out.
Basic Image Rollover Effect with jQuery and HTML5 - Hover In / Out
- Animation - 7191 ViewsA basic jQuery based image rollover effect that allows to switch between two images inside a container as you hover in and out.
jQuery Plugin For Smooth Rollover Image Effects - imageChanger
- Animation - 4194 ViewsimageChanger is a jQuery plugin for rollover image effect that changes the image at same place with smooth cross fade animation when mouse over.
Create A Rollover Image Effect using jQuery - Image Switcher
- Animation - 896 ViewsA super tiny jQuery rollover image effect script that automatically switches between a group of images with a crossfade effect on mouse hover.
Smooth Image Rollover Effect with jQuery and CSS3 - imghover
- Animation - 2605 ViewsimgHover is a super tiny jQuery plugin which allows you to apply smooth 'rollover' effects on images as you mouse hover.