Free jQuery spinner Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'spinner' are listed here.
spin.js - Animated CSS3 Loading Spinner
- Loading - 28338 Viewsspin.js is a high configurable js Loading Spinner library that works in all major browsers with No images, no external CSS and no dependencies (jQuery is supported, but not required).
Touch-enabled Spinner Plugin For jQuery - irspinner
- Other - 1163 Viewsirspinner is a jQuery plugin which enables the user to highlight/select items in a dynamic horizontal or vertical spinner with mouse drag and touch swipe support.
Input Number Spinner with jQuery and Bootstrap - Spinner
- Form - 89392 ViewsSpinner is a jQuery spinner plugin worked with Bootstrap 3 (OPTIONAL) that allows you to create input spinner components using number inputs.
Buttons with Built-in Loading Indicators For Bootstrap 3 - Ladda Bootstrap
- Loading - 57349 ViewsLadda Bootstrap is a javascript loading library inspired by Ladda.js that helps you create Built-in Loading Indicators (spinner, loading bar, etc...) with New twitter's bootstrap 3.
Simple Number Spinner Input Plugin For jQuery - DP Number Picker
- Form - 16225 ViewsDP Number Picker is a jQuery plugin for converting a DIV element into a spinner input that allows to pick a number by clicking the '+' or '-' buttons.
jQuery Ajax Loading Overlay with Loading Text and Spinner Plugin
- Loading - 120769 ViewsLoading Overlay is a jQuery plugin for AJAX loading that adds a loading overlay with loading text and loading spinner to a given element when loading something.
iOS Style jQuery Overlays & Notifications Plugin - iosOverlay.js
- Other - 13151 ViewsiosOverlay.js is a responsive and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin for creating Apple iOS style loading spinner, overlay and notification for your website.
jQuery Plugin For Selecting Numbers By Typing Or Clicking - spinner
- Form - 7150 Viewsspinner is a simple and fast jQuery plugin for creating a number selector widget that allows you to select numbers by clicking the up/down button or entering a custom number.
Easy jQuery Loading Bar Generator - Nimble Loader
- Loading - 2810 ViewsNimble Loader is a jQuery based loading bar generator that helps you quickly and simply create loading effects with animated loading spinner for your projects like ajax content loading, content fetching/refreshing, time counting etc.
jQuery Plugin For Loading Animations - Waiting
- Loading - 5208 ViewsWaiting is a jQuery plugin that allows you to easily add loading/waiting animations to your projects.