Free jQuery syntax highlighter Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'syntax highlighter' are listed here.
Simple jQuery Based Syntax Highlighter - Highlight
- Text - 6252 ViewsHighlight is a simple syntax highlighter built in jQuery that makes your Html, CSS, PHP, Javascript and SQL snippets look pretty and clean.
Syntax Highlighter For JavaScript Stack Traces - jsStack.js
- Other - 1191 ViewsjsStack.js is a jQuery based syntax highlighter for JavaScript stack traces that enable you to highlight the column, line number and file name with your own styles.
Prism - Awesome new syntax highlighter
- Text - 2981 ViewsPrism is an Awesome new syntax highlighter built with modern web standards in mind.
Notepad++ Style Syntax Highligting Plugin with jQuery - Code Highlighter
- Text - 3664 ViewsCode Highlighter is a jQuery plugin that offers syntax highlighting of source code (Html, PHP, CSS and JavaScript) in the webpage, as you seen in Notepad++.
Lightweight jQuery Syntax Highlighting Plugin - Litelighter
- Text - 1798 ViewsLitelighter is a extremely lightweight yet elegant and powerful syntax highlighting plugin for jQuery.
Lightweight Code Syntax Highlighting Script - Rainbow
- Zoom - 1640 ViewsRainbow is a lightweight (~1.4 KB gzip),easy to use, and extendable Javascript code syntax highlighting library that allows you to style your code exactly how you want via CSS.