Free jQuery todo list Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'todo list' are listed here.
Multifunctional Todo List Plugin With jQuery - LobiList
- Other - 10363 ViewsLobiList is a simple, powerful, ajax-enabled jQuery todo list management plugin that uses jQuery UI for drag and drop support and Bootstrap for list styles & action icons.
Minimal To-do List And Task Manager App Using jQuery And Local Storage
- Other - 10801 ViewsA minimal, lightweight, jQuery based to-do list and task manager web application that allows to store data locally within the user's browser using HTML5 local storage.
Cookies-enabled jQuery Todo List Web App - To-Do List
- Other - 3474 ViewsJust another jQuery based todo list web app used to manage your task list that all the items will automatically be saved onto cookies in your browser.
Basic Todo List App using jQuery, Bootstrap and localStorage
- Other - 9670 ViewsA very simple todo list web app built with jQuery and Bootstrap 3 that has the ability to persist the tasks with Html5 local storage.
Easy Editable List View Plugin For jQuery Mobile - Editable Listview
- Mobile - 9752 ViewsEditable Listview is a jQuery & jQuery mobile plugin which allows you add, remove and edit items from a collapsible list view.
Simple Todo List Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI - Todolist
- Other - 6928 ViewsTodolist is a really simple jQuery plugin to create a responsive & animated todo list component on your web page, styling with jQuery UI.
Stylish Task Manager App with jQuery and Local Storage - Tasks Manager
- Other - 5914 ViewsJust another task manager (todo list) web application built on top of jQuery, CSS3, Html5 and Bootstrap 3.
Beautiful Html5 Todo App using jQuery and Bootstrap - listo
- Other - 6698 ViewsA stylish jQuery, Html5, and Bootstrap based todo list app which allows you to add, remove, delete tasks in 3 states (New, In Progress and Archived).
Stylish Card-Style To-do List Plugin For jQuery - listrr
- Other - 7501 Viewslistrr is a minimal jQuery & jQuery UI based plugin to create a stylish responsive card-style task manager for Todo List/Wish List/Shopping List web apps.
Flat Animated To-do List with jQuery and Animate.css
- Other - 4748 ViewsAn animated and flat designed to-do list app built on top of jQuery, animate.css and CSS3 transitions
jQuery Based Simple Responsive To-do List Manager
- Other - 3510 ViewsA simple responsive to-do list manager built with jQuery that allows you to add, check, delete tasks with ease.
jQuery & jQuery UI Based Task Management Plugin - Task-List
- Other - 8678 ViewsTask-List is a task management plugin that makes it easy to manage your task lists or To-do lists with Html5 localStorage support.
Creating A Simple Shopping List Using jQuery
- Other - 9188 ViewsA super lightweight jQuery widget to create a shopping list on your web page that you can add, remove, and checked the items.
jQuery To-Do List Manager with localStorage Support - Todo List
- Other - 5981 ViewsYet another To-Do list manager powered by jQuery and jQuery UI that supports drag and drop, datepicker and has the ability to save the list data to client side using Html5 localStorage.
Simple To-Do List App with jQuery and Bootstrap 3
- Other - 25782 ViewsYet another simple To-Do list web app built on top of jQuery and Bootstrap 3 that helps you keep track of the things you have to do.
Creating A Minimal Todo List Web App With jQuery Todo Plugin
- Other - 15900 ViewsA simple, lightweight plugin for creating a To-do list (task manager) widget that allows your visitors to keep track of the things they have to do on your website.