Herotable jQuery Plugin Example

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A jQuery plugin that transforms any HTML table into an interactive data table featuring sorting, searching, scrolling, resizing, show/hide columns, footer summation, pagination, and more.

Name Phone Email Balance Created At
Ray Swanson (775) 544-1273 [email protected] 1000 15/7/2024
Honorato Clarke 1-407-978-4675 [email protected] 120 9/8/2023
Shaine Compton 1-396-821-4510 [email protected] 147 3/12/2023
Zephania Hopkins (653) 952-4724 [email protected] 588 16/6/2023
Indira Mayer (865) 411-6188 [email protected] 480 17/4/2024
Eugenia Ellis (521) 133-9121 [email protected] 350 10/8/2024
Kelsey Townsend (939) 766-7611 [email protected] 1000 4/5/2024
Sylvester Frye (755) 435-8344 [email protected] 1000 15/9/2022
Cooper Waters (980) 847-6344 [email protected] 100 12/4/2023
Claire Webster 1-390-246-2996 [email protected] 467 2/4/2024
Kirsten Holmes 1-908-318-8862 [email protected] 258 15/2/2023
Brianna Brooks (341) 546-3349 [email protected] 157 25/10/2022
Lacy Donovan (762) 865-3192 [email protected] 1567 8/7/2024
Preston Higgins (384) 473-8944 [email protected] 1000 3/5/2023
Cullen Blanchard 1-884-844-4627 [email protected] 1000 27/1/2023
Marah Hogan 1-586-287-1132 [email protected] 785 15/7/2023
Candace Graves (512) 675-5971 [email protected] 3455 24/2/2023
Amal Burris (655) 260-7554 [email protected] 1000 9/4/2024
Merritt Newton (717) 933-9697 [email protected] 2500 26/7/2024
Zahir Robertson 1-976-781-7464 [email protected] 1000 29/9/2022
Hammett Nixon 1-278-495-1581 [email protected] 6000 22/8/2024
Tate Conway 1-827-474-5681 [email protected] 1500 6/7/2023
Rhona Hubbard 1-261-356-1133 [email protected] 700 22/7/2023
Zephr Conway (815) 297-6791 [email protected] 20 23/12/2022
Gary Miranda (755) 354-3353 [email protected] 10 3/3/2023
Teegan Wiley 1-644-249-3403 [email protected] 1000 16/7/2024
Sheila Stevens 1-276-246-7784 [email protected] 356 28/2/2023
Mannix Sexton (580) 547-1585 [email protected] 755 2/11/2022
Francesca Burris 1-767-343-1710 [email protected] 675 18/12/2022
Quentin Reilly 1-384-757-7468 [email protected] 5785 11/4/2024
Sage Perkins (857) 339-0213 [email protected] 100 7/9/2024
Ryder Maddox (441) 468-3586 [email protected] 668 11/6/2024
Rachel Snyder 1-967-646-1577 [email protected] 778 7/8/2023
Jeremy Buckner (875) 991-7325 [email protected] 111 22/12/2022
Flavia Roth (615) 473-2645 [email protected] 1465 28/1/2024
Clare Franco 1-264-500-5311 [email protected] 100 2/2/2023
Malcolm Stokes (923) 768-5776 [email protected] 457 28/8/2023
Brielle Collins 1-222-283-2587 [email protected] 456 6/3/2024
Aimee Carey (819) 874-3131 [email protected] 4501 1/1/2023
Holmes Blankenship 1-325-282-5130 [email protected] 4886 29/11/2022
Vivien Calderon 1-366-226-5798 [email protected] 153 6/9/2024
Yoshi Pierce (726) 782-1578 [email protected] 348 14/6/2024
Phoebe Pierce 1-520-249-8038 [email protected] 1000 23/12/2023
Avram Doyle 1-727-104-4629 [email protected] 3500 23/11/2022
Bryar Joseph 1-636-690-7562 [email protected] 250 20/3/2024
Justine Adkins 1-721-748-8041 [email protected] 40 17/12/2022
Melanie Maxwell (646) 512-1246 [email protected] 30 17/7/2023
Jarrod Carney 1-698-748-7343 [email protected] 100 27/3/2024
Shafira Becker 1-718-629-9377 [email protected] 50 27/6/2023
Cleo Montoya 1-114-256-5332 [email protected] 0 1/10/2023
Balance Sum