Koottam Social jQuery Plugin

Part 1: Setup
Koottam uses the jQuery framework. Load jQuery and the Koottam plugin file in the proper order.
<script type="text/javascript" src="koottam/js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="koottam/js/jquery.koottam.js"></script>

Include Koottam css file.
<link href="koottam/css/koottam.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

Part 2: Activate
Let me explain how to do it with an example. We are going to create a facebook button. On click of button, the user is taken to my facebook page. For that first place an anchor tag.
<a href="http://facebook.com/jobysblog" class="fb">Facebook</a>

Next call the plugin with needed options.
<script type="text/javascript">
            'id'            : 'jobysblog',
            'method'        : 'api',
            'count_style'   : 'animate',
            'theme'         : 'facebook-blue',
            'icon_url'      : 'koottam/img/facebook.png'

Here is the output for above code:


More details on demo page.

Browser Support