jQuery NewHeights Plugin Demos

jQuery plugin, for responsive pages, to set tags to same height. Happens during/after browser resize.


$(selector).newHeights(refresh = 500)

selector = any jQuery selector or elements you want to be the same height

refresh = number (ms) for timer to continually resize - looks better
        OR 'resize' only after browser resize
        OR 'once' to resize only once

What it does:

1) Selects set of all elements that match `selector`
2) Calculates max_height of all elements in set
3) Sets height of all elements in set to max_height
4) Refreshes based on `refresh` parameter.

Example syntax:


# Set all h3's in list to same height.  Refresh every 500ms
$('#home .fancyBoxes .list .item h3').newHeights()


// Set all .preface tags in list to same height on browser resize
$('#home .fancyBoxes .list .item .preface').newHeights('resize')

See below or example.html for examples.

Inline examples:

Resize your browser to see the plugin resize the examples below. View source to see the code and examples.

$('#default span').newHeights(500): Update every 500ms

Long content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi facilisis nibh lacus, et convallis sem blandit commodo.Medium Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.Short content.

$('#resize span').newHeights('resize'): Update after browser resize is complete

Long content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi facilisis nibh lacus, et convallis sem blandit commodo.Medium Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.Short content.

$('#once span').newHeights('once'): Update just once.

Refresh to resize on ready() or 

Long content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi facilisis nibh lacus, et convallis sem blandit commodo.Medium Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.Short content.