
JqTree is a tree widget.


The project is hosted on github, has a test suite.

var data = [
        label: 'node1',
        children: [
            { label: 'child1' },
            { label: 'child2' }
        label: 'node2',
        children: [
            { label: 'child3' }
    data: data,
    autoOpen: true,
    dragAndDrop: true






0.15 (march 16 2013)
0.14 (december 2 2012)
Api changes
0.13 (october 10 2012)
0.12 (august 14 2012)
0.11 (july 8 2012)
0.10 (june 10 2012)
0.9 (may 9 2012)
0.8 (april 18 2012)

Tree options


Define the contents of the tree. The data is a nested array of objects. This option is required.
It looks like this:

var data = [
        label: 'node1',
        children: [
            { label: 'child1' },
            { label: 'child2' }
        label: 'node2',
        children: [
            { label: 'child3' }
$('#tree1').tree({data: data});

You can also include other data in the objects. You can later access this data.
For example, to add an id:

    label: 'node1',
    id: 1

Load the node data from this url.

   dataUrl: '/example_data.json' 

You can also set the data-url attribute on the dom element:

<div id="tree1" data-url="/example_data.json"></div>

Open nodes initially.

Open all nodes initially:

    data: data,
    autoOpen: true

Open first level nodes:

    data: data,
    autoOpen: 0

Save and restore the state of the tree automatically. Saves in a cookie which nodes are opened and selected.
The state is saved in localstorage. In browsers that do not support localstorage, the state is saved in a cookie. For this to work, please include jquery-cookie.

For this to work, you should give each node in the tree data an id field:

    label: 'node1',
    id: 123,
    childen: [
        label: 'child1',
        id: 124

    data: data,
    saveState: true

Example: save state in key 'tree1':

    data: data,
    saveState: 'tree1'

Turn on dragging and dropping of nodes.

Example: turn on drag and drop.

    data: data,
    dragAndDrop: true

Turn on selection of nodes.

Example: turn on selection of nodes.

    data: data,
    selectable: true

You can set a function to override if a node can be selected. The function gets a node as parameter, and must return true or false.
For this to work, the option 'selectable' must be 'true'.

// Example: nodes with children cannot be selected
    data: data,
    selectable: true
    onCanSelectNode: function(node) {
        if (node.children.length == 0) {
            // Nodes without children can be selected
            return true;
        else {
            // Nodes with children cannot be selected
            return false;

The function is called for each created node. You can use this to define extra html.

    data: data,
    onCreateLi: function(node, $li) {
        // Add 'icon' span before title
        $li.find('.jqtree-title').before('<span class="icon"></span>');

You can override this function to determine if a dom element can be used to move a node.

    data: data,
    onIsMoveHandle: function($element) {
        // Only dom elements with 'jqtree-title' class can be used
        // as move handle.
        return ($element.is('.jqtree-title'));

You can override this function to determine if a node can be moved.

    data: data,
    dragAndDrop: true,
    onCanMove: function(node) {
        if (! node.parent.parent) {
            // Example: Cannot move root node
            return false;
        else {
            return true;

You can override this function to determine if a node can be moved to a certain position.

    data: data,
    dragAndDrop: true,
    onCanMoveTo: function(moved_node, target_node, position) {
        if (target_node.is_menu) {
            // Example: can move inside menu, not before or after
            return (position == 'inside');
        else {
            return true;

Determine if text is autoescaped. The default is true.


Turn slide animation on or off. Default is true.

    slide: false



function loadData(data);
function loadData(data, parent_node);

Load data in the tree. The data is array of nodes.
You can replace the whole tree or you can load a subtree.

// Assuming the tree exists
var new_data = [
        label: 'node1',
        children: [
            { label: 'child1' },
            { label: 'child2' }
        label: 'node2',
        children: [
            { label: 'child3' }
$('#tree1').tree('loadData', new_data);

Load a subtree:

// Get node by id (this assumes that the nodes have an id)
var node = $('#tree1').tree('getNodeById', 100);

// Add new nodes
var data = [
    { label: 'new node' },
    { label: 'another new node' }
$('#tree1').tree('loadData', data, node);

function loadDataFromUrl(url);
function loadDataFromUrl(url, parent_node);
function loadDataFromUrl(parent_node);

Load data in the tree from an url using ajax. You can replace the whole tree or you can load a subtree.

$('#tree1').tree('loadDataFromUrl', '/category/tree/');

Load a subtree:

var node = $('#tree1').getNodeById(123);
$('#tree1').tree('loadDataFromUrl', '/category/tree/123', node);

You can also omit the url. In this case jqTree will generate a url for you. This is very useful if you use the load-on-demand feature:

var $tree = $('#tree1');

    dataUrl: '/my_data/'

var node = $tree.tree('getNodeById', 456);

// jqTree will load data from /my_data/?node=456
$tree.tree('loadDataFromUrl', node);

You can also add an on_finished callback parameter that will be called when the data is loaded:

function loadDataFromUrl(url, parent_node, on_finished);
function loadDataFromUrl(parent_node, on_finished);

    function() {
        alert('data is loaded');

function toJson();
Get the tree data as json.

// Assuming the tree exists

function getNodeById(id);
Get a tree node by node-id. This assumes that you have given the nodes in the data a unique id.

var $tree = $('#tree1');
var data = [
    { id: 10, name: 'n1' },
    { id: 11, name: 'n2' }

    data: data
var node = $tree.tree('getNodeById', 10);

function selectNode(node);

Select this node.

// create tree
var $tree = $('#tree1');
    data: data,
    selectable: true

var node = $tree.tree('getNodeById', 123);
$tree.tree('selectNode', node);

function openNode(node);
function openNode(node, slide);

Open this node. The node must have child nodes.
Parameter slide: open the node using a slide animation (default is true).

// create tree
var $tree = $('#tree1');
    data: data

var node = $tree.tree('getNodeById', 123);
$tree.tree('openNode', node);

To open the node without the slide animation, call with slide parameter is false.

$tree.tree('openNode', node, false);

function closeNode(node);
function closeNode(node, slide);

Close this node. The node must have child nodes.
Parameter slide: close the node using a slide animation (default is true).

var node = $tree.tree('getNodeById', 123);
$tree.tree('closeNode', node);

To close the node without the slide animation, call with slide parameter is false.

$tree.tree('closeNode', node, false);

Get the selected node. Returns the row data or false.

var node = $tree.tree('getSelectedNode');

function addNodeAfter(new_node_info, existing_node);

Add a new node after this existing node.

var node1 = $('#tree1', 'getNodeByName, 'node1');
        label: 'new_node',
        id: 456

function addNodeBefore(new_node_info, existing_node);

Add a new node before this existing node.


function addParentNode(new_node_info, existing_node);

Add a new node as parent of this existing node.

var node1 = $('#tree1', 'getNodeByName', 'node1');
        label: 'new_parent',
        id: 456

function removeNode(node);

Remove node from the tree.

$('#tree1').tree('removeNode', node);

function appendNode(new_node_info, parent_node);

Add a node to this parent node. If *parent_node* is empty, then the new node becomes a root node.

var parent_node = $tree.tree('getNodeById', 123);

        label: 'new_node',
        id: 456

To add a root node, leave *parent_node* empty:

        label: 'new_node',
        id: 456

function updateNode(node, label);
function updateNode(node, data);

Update the title of a node. You can also update the data.

Update the label:

var node = $tree.tree('getNodeById', 123);

$tree.tree('updateNode', node, 'new label');

Update the data (including the label)

var node = $tree.tree('getNodeById', 123);

        label: 'new label',
        other_property: 'abc'

function moveNode(node, target_node, position);

Move a node. Position can be 'before', 'after' or 'inside'.

var node = $tree.tree('getNodeBydId', 1);
var target_node = $tree.tree('getNodeBydId', 2);

$tree.tree('moveNode', node, target_node, 'after');

function toggle(node);
function toggle(node, slide);

Open or close a node.
Parameter slide: a slide animation (default is true).

var node = $tree.tree('getNodeBydId', 1);
$tree.tree('toggle', node);



Triggered when a tree node is clicked.

// create tree
    data: data

// bind 'tree.click' event
    function(event) {
        // The clicked node is 'event.node'
        var node = event.node;

Triggered when a tree node is selected.

    function(event) {
        var node = event.node;

Triggered when the user right-clicks a tree node. The event contains the following properties:

// bind 'tree.contextmenu' event
    function(event) {
        // The clicked node is 'event.node'
        var node = event.node;

Triggered when the user moves a node.

Event.move_info contains:

    data: data,
    dragAndDrop: true

    function(event) {
        console.log('moved_node', event.move_info.moved_node);
        console.log('target_node', event.move_info.target_node);
        console.log('position', event.move_info.position);
        console.log('previous_parent', event.move_info.previous_parent);

You can prevent the move by calling event.preventDefault()

    function(event) {

You can later call event.move_info.move_info.do_move() to move the node. This way you can ask the user before moving the node:

    function(event) {

        if (confirm('Really move?')) {

Note that if you want to serialise the tree, for example to POST back to a server, you need to let tree complete the move first:

        // do the move first, and _then_ POST back.
        $.post('your_url', {tree: $(this).tree('toJson')});

Called when the tree is initialized. This is particularly useful when the data is loaded from the server.

    function() {
        // initializing code

Called when a node is opened.

    function(e) {

Tree designed by Hernan D. Schlosman from The Noun Project