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(function() {

var $ = jQuery; // Handle namespaced jQuery

DocumentCloud workspace hotkeys. To tell if a key is currently being pressed, just ask VS.app.hotkeys.[key] on keypress, or ask VS.app.hotkeys.key(e) on keydown.

For the most headache-free way to use this utility, check modifier keys, like shift and command, with VS.app.hotkeys.shift, and check every other key with VS.app.hotkeys.key(e) == 'key_name'.

VS.app.hotkeys = {

Keys that will be mapped to the hotkeys namespace.

  KEYS: {
    '16':  'shift',
    '17':  'command',
    '91':  'command',
    '93':  'command',
    '224': 'command',
    '13':  'enter',
    '37':  'left',
    '38':  'upArrow',
    '39':  'right',
    '40':  'downArrow',
    '46':  'delete',
    '8':   'backspace',
    '35':  'end',
    '36':  'home',
    '9':   'tab',
    '188': 'comma'

Binds global keydown and keyup events to listen for keys that match this.KEYS.

  initialize : function() {
    _.bindAll(this, 'down', 'up', 'blur');
    $(document).bind('keydown', this.down);
    $(document).bind('keyup', this.up);
    $(window).bind('blur', this.blur);

On keydown, turn on all keys that match.

  down : function(e) {
    var key = this.KEYS[e.which];
    if (key) this[key] = true;

On keyup, turn off all keys that match.

  up : function(e) {
    var key = this.KEYS[e.which];
    if (key) this[key] = false;

If an input is blurred, all keys need to be turned off, since they are no longer able to modify the document.

  blur : function(e) {
    for (var key in this.KEYS) this[this.KEYS[key]] = false;

Check a key from an event and return the common english name.

  key : function(e) {
    return this.KEYS[e.which];

Colon is special, since the value is different between browsers.

  colon : function(e) {
    var charCode = e.which;
    return charCode && String.fromCharCode(charCode) == ":";

Check a key from an event and match it against any known characters. The keyCode is different depending on the event type: keydown vs. keypress.

These were determined by looping through every keyCode and charCode that resulted from keydown and keypress events and counting what was printable.

  printable : function(e) {
    var code = e.which;
    if (e.type == 'keydown') {
      if (code == 32 ||                      // space
          (code >= 48 && code <= 90) ||      // 0-1a-z
          (code >= 96 && code <= 111) ||     // 0-9+-/*.
          (code >= 186 && code <= 192) ||    // ;=,-./^
          (code >= 219 && code <= 222)) {    // (\)'
        return true;
    } else {

[space]!"#$%&'()*+,-.0-9:;<=>?@A-Z[]^_`a-z{|} and unicode characters

      if ((code >= 32 && code <= 126)  ||
          (code >= 160 && code <= 500) ||
          (String.fromCharCode(code) == ":")) {
        return true;
    return false;

