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(function() {

var $ = jQuery; // Handle namespaced jQuery

The model that holds individual search facets and their categories. Held in a collection by VS.app.searchQuery.

VS.model.SearchFacet = Backbone.Model.extend({

Extract the category and value and serialize it in preparation for turning the entire searchBox into a search query that can be sent to the server for parsing and searching.

  serialize : function() {
    var category = this.quoteCategory(this.get('category'));
    var value    = VS.utils.inflector.trim(this.get('value'));
    var remainder = this.get("app").options.remainder;

    if (!value) return '';

    if (!_.contains(this.get("app").options.unquotable || [], category) && category != remainder) {
      value = this.quoteValue(value);

    if (category != remainder) {
      category = category + ': ';
    } else {
      category = "";
    return category + value;

Wrap categories that have spaces or any kind of quote with opposite matching quotes to preserve the complex category during serialization.

  quoteCategory : function(category) {
    var hasDoubleQuote = (/"/).test(category);
    var hasSingleQuote = (/'/).test(category);
    var hasSpace       = (/\s/).test(category);
    if (hasDoubleQuote && !hasSingleQuote) {
      return "'" + category + "'";
    } else if (hasSpace || (hasSingleQuote && !hasDoubleQuote)) {
      return '"' + category + '"';
    } else {
      return category;

Wrap values that have quotes in opposite matching quotes. If a value has both single and double quotes, just use the double quotes.

  quoteValue : function(value) {
    var hasDoubleQuote = (/"/).test(value);
    var hasSingleQuote = (/'/).test(value);
    if (hasDoubleQuote && !hasSingleQuote) {
      return "'" + value + "'";
    } else {
      return '"' + value + '"';

