Free jQuery Cookies Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Cookies' are listed here.
Super Tiny Cookies Management Library - js-cookie
- Other - 5149 ViewsA tiny (less than 1kb), cross-browser, and zero-dependency Cookies Management library that makes it easier to read, write and delete cookies in the web app.
Super Tiny Cookie Handling Plugin with jQuery - Zebra_Cookie
- Other - 593 ViewsZebra_Cookie is a super tiny plugin that allows you easily and quickly to set, write, read and remove cookies in jQuery.
jQuery Remember Plugin to Set and Read Cookies and localStorage
- Other - 1146 ViewsjQuery Remember Plugin is a fork and enhancement of jQuery Cookie plugin that provides you with a simple way to create, read, and remove cookies and localStorage.
jQuery Plugin for Cookie Handling - jCookie
- Other - 1122 ViewsjCookie is a jQuery plugin for creating , updating, deleting, and reading cookies using an convenient API.