Free jQuery popup Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'popup' are listed here.
Ajax-enabled jQuery Balloon Tooltip Plugin - mb.balloon
- Tooltip - 12530 Viewsmb.balloon is a brand new jQuery tooltip plugin which displays animated tooltips/popups/hints with an optional fullscreen overlay on any DOM elements.
jQuery Dialog Box Plugin for Bootstrap - Bootbox
- LightBox - 38579 ViewsBootbox is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating alert, confirm and flexible dialog boxes using Twitter's bootstrap framework.
Versatile jQuery Popup Window Plugin - jBox
- LightBox - 39685 ViewsjBox is a flexible, modular, robust jQuery plugin to implement a wide variety of popup windows on your web page & application.
Responsive & Accessible jQuery Modal Plugin - Popup Overlay
- LightBox - 64959 ViewsPopup Overlay is a responsive, mobile-friendly, accessible, highly configurable and cross-browser jQuery modal window solution.
jQuery Multi-Purpose Popup Modal Plugin - popModal
- LightBox - 45755 ViewspopModal is a powerful and versatile jQuery modal plugin which allows you to create popup windows for multiple purposes like hint modal, notify modal, dialog modal and much more.
Responsive jQuery Modal Window Plugin with CSS3 Transitions - Custombox
- LightBox - 53027 ViewsCustom Box is a powerful jQuery plugin that makes use of CSS3 transitions to create awesome modal window effects with lots of animations and options to fit your needs.
Simple jQuery Popup / Gallery Lightbox Plugin - Popup
- Gallery - 58358 ViewsA jQuery popup/gallery plugin which allows you to display multiple DOM elements with the same class and title attribute in a gallery lightbox.
Draggable & Skinnable jQuery Popup Windows Plugin - Msgbox
- LightBox - 12822 ViewsMsgbox is an versatile jQuery popup plugin for creating modals, dialogs, message boxes that are draggable, themable, resizable and fully customizable.
Lightweight Customizable Lightbox Plugin - ColorBox
- LightBox - 30429 ViewsColorBox is a Lightweight Customizable Lightbox Plugin built with jQuery that allows you to display elements with the lightbox effect on the page. It supports photos, grouping, slideshow, ajax, inline, and iframed content.
jQuery Popup Window Plugin with CSS3 Flipping Animation - Flip Popup
- LightBox - 12726 ViewsFlip Popup is a tiny, simple jQuery plugin used to pop up a modal window with a cool CSS3 flip animation.
Simple jQuery Plugin for Popup Window
- LightBox - 62244 ViewsA simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating popup window with smooth fade out effect.
Minimalist jQuery Modal Popup Box Plugin - Simple Popup
- LightBox - 21459 ViewsSimple Popup is a dead-simple jQuery modal plugin that popups a closable modal box with full-screen overlay and a smooth sliding animation effect.
Simple Flexible jQuery Dialog Popup Plugin - dialogBox
- LightBox - 26903 ViewsJust another jQuery dialog box plugin which provides a simple way to display popup / modal windows with a plenty of options for animations and custom styles.
Modal Boxes & Popups Plugin For jQuery - Avgrund Modal
- LightBox - 22114 ViewsAvgrund Modal is a jQuery Modal Plugin for adding beautiful Modal Boxes & Popups to your website.
Super Simple jQuery Based Modal Window - Overlay.js
- LightBox - 17887 ViewsOverlay.js is a minimalist jQuery plugin used to popup a responsive & CSS3 animated modal window with a fullscreen overlay.
Lightweight jQuery Lightbox Framework with API - jqFenster
- LightBox - 5220 ViewsjqFenster is a jQuery based Lightbox Framework that allows you to create various modal windows with API.
Simple jQuery Popup Menu Plugin - Pop Menu
- Menu - 22966 ViewsPop Menu is a simple yet customizable jQuery plugin that allows to popup a responsive menu panel while clicking the toggle button.
jQuery Plugin To Popup A Modal Window with Blurred Background - BlurBox
- LightBox - 17401 ViewsBlurBox is a small interesting jQuery plugin that blurs the background content while opening a modal/lightbox on your web page.
Responsive Modal Dialog Plugin with jQuery - Popelt
- LightBox - 2303 ViewsPopelt is a highly configurable jQuery popup plugin to create responsive modal windows & dialog boxes that support both dynamic and static html content.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Javascript Popup Box Replacement - lz-alert
- Other - 3964 Viewslz-alert is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to create custom alert / confirm / prompt dialog popups with multiple CSS3 animations.
jQuery Plugin For Multi-purpose Modal Popups - jPop
- LightBox - 3533 ViewsjPop is a simple, lightweight jQuery modal popup plugin that works on images and links as well as Youtube and Vimeo Players.
Simple Themable Dialog Popup Plugin For jQuery - basicPopup
- LightBox - 4106 ViewsA basic jQuery popup plugin used to display a responsive, fullscreen, full styleable and ajax-enabled dialog/modal box on your web project.
jQuery Plugin To Pop To Another URL On Page Exit - Exitpop
- Other - 2953 ViewsExitpop is a jQuery plugin that popups a native confirm dialog on page exit (onbeforeunload) and jumps to another specific URL when you click 'stay on the current page'.
Android-style Simple jQuery Toast Plugin - eatoast
- Other - 2765 Viewseatoast is a tiny and simple to use jQuery plugin that creates Android-style toasts to display feedback messages in a small popup.
Lightweight Responsive jQuery Modal Popup Plugin - modality
- LightBox - 13047 ViewsA simple responsive and customizable modal plugin for jQuery that comes with 20 awesome popup transition effects.
Simple Pretty jQuery Message Box Plugin - messageBox
- Other - 16511 ViewsmessageBox is a simple and small jQuery plugin that creates pretty dialog popups to show alert messages on your webpage.
jQuery Plugin For Corner Popup While Scrolling - cornerSlider
- Other - 10154 ViewscornerSlider is a jQuery plugin for creating a corner popup window that slides out or in from the edge of the web page while scroll down or up.
CSS3 Animated Custom Alert Box Plugin For jQuery - WOW Alert
- Other - 12472 ViewsWOW Alert is a jQuery based alert() replacement used to create CSS3 animated, good-looking, modal-style dialog popup that can alert a user of anything you choose.
jQuery Plugin For Lightbox Style Confirm Interface - confirmOn
- LightBox - 9192 ViewsconfirmOn is an useful jQuery plugin for creating a modal box style confirmation popup when performing important actions on your web page.
Customizable Popup Notification Plugin with jQuery - pop.js
- Other - 5494 Viewspop.js is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to display modal-style, draggable notification popups on your webpage / web application.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Image Popup Lightbox - jdbpopup
- LightBox - 6402 Viewsjdbpopup is a jQuery plugin integrated with Transit.js that allows you to create responsive, CSS3 animated image lightbox popups
Basic Responsive Modal Popup Plugin with jQuery - simplePopup
- LightBox - 31225 ViewsAn extremely simple jQuery plugin to create a responsive modal popup for showcasing your featured content.
Stylish jQuery Alert Dialog Box Plugin - jAlerts
- Other - 4739 ViewsjAlerts is a jQuery plugin for creating animated, responsive and fully customizable alert popup to replace default JS alert() dialog.
Lightweight jQuery Modal Popup Plugin - bPopup
- LightBox - 13350 ViewsbPopup is a lightweight (~1.4 kb gzipped) jQuery plugin that provides you with all the logic like opening, closing, centering on resize & scroll, creating a modal overlay etc.
Basic Modal & Popup Plugin with jQuery - stepframemodal
- LightBox - 5106 Viewsstepframemodal is a jQuery plugin to create animated and heavily customizable modals & popups that cover the whole page with a fullscreen overlay.
SimpleModal - Beautiful Popup Window Plugin
- Other - 9432 ViewsSimpleModal is a Beautiful and easy-to-use Popup Window Plugin for creating modal windows used to generate alert or confirm messages.
Simple Custom Dialog Popup Plugin With jQuery
- Other - 16424 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin for creating draggable dialog windows to replace the default Javascript popup boxes (alert, confirm and prompt boxes).
Super Simple Modal Popups with jQuery and CSS3 Transitions
- LightBox - 267816 ViewsA jQuery/HTML5/CSS3 based modal script to create simple, responsive, animated, and reuseable modal popups on your website/application.
Animated Popup Tooltip Plugin with jQuery
- Tooltip - 5854 ViewsPopup Tooltip is a jQuery plugin that helps you create animated & closeable tooltips appending to the Html elements on page load.
Simple Adaptive Popup Window Plugin with jQuery - MiniPopup
- LightBox - 4810 ViewsA minimal jQuery plugin used to display any Html elements into a responsive modal-style popup window with various useful options.
jQuery Plugin To Create Fullscreen Popup Windows
- LightBox - 31451 ViewsA super simple jQuery plugin which allows you to display a fullscreen popup window as well as locking the document scroll.
Minimal Modal Popup Plugin with jQuery - modal.js
- LightBox - 10516 Viewsmodal.js is a minimal jQuery plugin to show a highly customizable modal popup that is always centered in your screen.
jQuery Plugin For Popup Window with Morphing Button - Morph Button
- LightBox - 12917 ViewsMorph Button is a small jQuery modal plugin inspired by codrops that allows to reveal any Html content by morphing the action button using CSS3 animations.
jQuery Plugin To Create Definition Popups - Define
- Tooltip - 3191 ViewsDefine is a small jQuery plugin that adds underlines to the pre-defined terms with 'question mark' cursor and displays the definition popups when hovered over.
Versatile & Flexible jQuery Lightbox/Modal Plugin - Popup
- LightBox - 6867 ViewsasPopup is a jQuery plugin for creating a responsive lightbox & modal window to present any Html elements like images, iframe, photo gallery, Ajax content and inline element.
Basic Responsive jQuery Popup Winwos Plugin - maskui
- LightBox - 3772 Viewsmaskui is a lightweight yet powerful jQuery plugin which helps you create responsive clean dialog/alert/confirm boxes or modal windows with ease.
Simple jQuery Popup Plugin with Easing Effects - Infobox
- LightBox - 7563 ViewsInfobox is a really simple JQuery plugin that enables you to create modal-style popups with fullscreen overlay and easing effects (jQuery UI is required).
Nice Select Box Replacement with jQuery and CSS
- Form - 13124 ViewsA super simple jQuery plugin to replace the native select box that allows you to pick an option in a nice popup box.
Minimalist jQuery Dialog Popup Plugin - Poptuk
- LightBox - 4057 ViewsPoptuk is a jQuery plugin that allows you to embed any Html content in a nice clean dialog popup with few lines of Javascript code.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Opening A Popup Window On Page load
- LightBox - 298818 ViewsA tiny and easy jQuery plugin that automatically opens a dialog pop-up with cool transition effect when the web page loads.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Customizable Modal Popups - Flythat
- LightBox - 2843 ViewsFlythat is a robust jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create highly customizable modal boxes and popup windows through Html5 data-* attributes or explicit Javascript.
jQuery Plugin For Popup Windows In A Specific Area - Area Popup
- LightBox - 1931 ViewsArea Popup is a small jQuery plugin that that allows you to popup a modal window that is always positioned in the middle of its parent container.
Customizable Popup Browser Windows with jQuery Popup Window Plugin
- Other - 4582 ViewsPopup Window is a lightweight and easy to use jQuery plugin which allows you to open a new browser window with lots of customization options.
jQuery Mobile Popup Window with Blurred Background
- LightBox - 10737 ViewsA mobile-first jQuery & CSS3 popup widget for creating a modal window with blurred 'background' content, that will focus your users on your popup window.
Minimal jQuery Popup Notification Plugin - emergejs
- Other - 1327 Viewsemergejs is an ultra-light and easy jQuery plugin for creating simple animated notification popups on your website.
Create A Fullpage & Responsive Notification Box with jQuery and CSS3
- Other - 2958 ViewsNotification Popup is a jQuery plugin allows you to create a full page, fully responsive and flat style notification box with subtle CSS3 transition effects.
Lightweight & Easy jQuery Lightbox Plugin - WS Lightbox
- LightBox - 2520 ViewsA very simple and lightweight jQuery lightbox plugin which helps you create modals, dialog boxes, and popup windows with ease.
Ghost-Like jQuery Notification Plugin - goNotification
- Other - 1761 ViewsgoNotification is a jQuery notification plugin inspired by Ghost blogging platform that supports multiple notification types such as info, error, warning, success, and loading.
Minimalist jQuery Image Viewer Plugin - Fancy Zoom
- Zoom - 7052 ViewsFancy Zoom is a super light jQuery image viewer plugin that displays the large version of your image in a popup box with image loader support.
jQuery Plugin For Facebook Style Dialog Box - FBDialog
- Other - 2905 ViewsFBDialog is a very simple jQuery plugin to create a custom Facebook style dialog box that has popup animations and callback events support.
Clean Customizable jQuery Alert & Dialog Plugin - ClassyPopup
- Other - 2964 ViewsClassyPopup is a small yet highly configuration jQuery plugin that popups alert & dialog windows to display important messages for your website/app.
Simple Clean jQuery & CSS3 Based Tooltip Plugin - Pop
- Tooltip - 2973 ViewsPop is an easy and quick jQuery script that popups a simple clean tooltip box appending to any Html elements, with a basic CSS3 transition effect.
jQuery Plugin For Scrollable Modal Dialog - Long Dialog
- LightBox - 5453 ViewsLong Dialog is a super-light jQuery modal plugin designed for long content popup dialog.
jQuery Plugin To Popup A Modal Window with Blurred Background - BlurBox
- LightBox - 0 ViewsBlurBox is a small interesting jQuery plugin that blurs the background content while opening a modal/lightbox on your web page.
Animated jQuery Popup Dialog Plugin with CSS3 - animateDialog
- Animation - 3828 ViewsanimateDialog is a lightweight jQuery plugin that displays any html elements in a popup dialog box with CSS3 animations like fade, zoom, rotate, skew, and much more.
Minimal Responsive jQuery Modal Window Plugin - Pop Up Window
- LightBox - 15573 ViewsPop Up Window is a cross-browser and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating responsive flat popup windows and modal windows with custom buttons and callbacks support.
Easy jQuery Popdown Modal Dialog Plugin - popdown
- LightBox - 4364 Viewspopdown is an easy jQuery plugin used to load an Html page in a 'popdown' modal window that slides down from the top of your web page.
Smooth Animated Popup Message Box Plugin - wHumanMsg
- LightBox - 6348 ViewswHumanMsg is a jQuery plugin for displaying humanized popup boxes with animation effects on your page to show the important messages, alerts, warnings, etc.
jQuery Popup Menu Plugin With CSS3 Animations - Square Menu
- Menu - 4237 ViewsSquare Menu is a lightweight (~3kb) jQuery menu plugin that popups a menu panel with subtle CSS3 animations (transitions and transforms) in the center of the page.
Flexible & Draggable jQuery Popup Window Plugin - Dialog
- LightBox - 13805 ViewsDialog is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that allows to popups a draggable and closable modal dialog with amazing transitions on page load or on demand.
Customizable & Lightweight jQuery Popup Window Plugin - JeeGooPopup
- LightBox - 7958 ViewsJeeGooPopup is a fast and customizable jQuery plugin for creating a draggable, resizable, and closeable lightbox-like popup modal window on your website.
jQuery Plugin For Circular Popup Html Elements - Radiate Elements
- Animation - 6584 ViewsRadiate Elements is a lightweight and dead simple jQuery plugin to popup hidden html elements around the center element as a full circle.
Versatile & Customizable jQuery Context Menu Plugin - Jeegoocontext
- Menu - 1688 ViewsJeegoocontext is a jQuery menu plugin that turns an unordered list into a versatile, customizable, skinnable and multi-level context menu with custom fade-in animations.
Powerful and Multi-Functional jQuery Lightbox Plugin - Magnific Popup
- LightBox - 25030 ViewsMagnific Popup is a simple but powerful jQuery plugin that aims to create high performance and multi-functional lightboxs for your projects.
jQuery Based UI library For Data-Driven Web Applications - w2ui
- Other - 5721 Viewsw2ui is a powerful and versatile javascript library based on jQuery that contains 8 most common used UI widgets for building rich data-driven web applications.
Multi Functional Windows Like Context Menu Plugin - contextMenu.js
- Menu - 2518 ViewscontextMenu.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating windows like context menu with keyboard interaction, different type of inputs ,trigger events and much more.
Useful and Multi Functional jQuery Plugin - liga.js
- Other - 1711 Viewsliga.js is an Useful and Multi FunctionaljQuery Plugin that brings together a number of common features in web applications such as windows, messages, notification, form validation, AJAX history and more.
Minimal jQuery Popup Modal Window Plugin - NS Window
- LightBox - 3706 ViewsNS Window is yet another simple jQuery modal plugin for creating popup windows with support for animations, overlay, ajax content and some useful custom options.
Flexible jQuery Animated Modal Window Plugin - moaModal
- LightBox - 4040 ViewsmoaModal is a clean and neat jQuery plugin for creating flexible modal boxes with custom animation effects and positioning.
Easy jQuery Popup Window Dialog Box Plugin - Message Box
- LightBox - 22026 ViewsMessage Box is an easy and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to create customizable popup window message boxes with many implement options and callback events support.
Super Simple jQuery Modal Window Plugin - Simple Modal
- LightBox - 4176 ViewsSimple Modal is yet another simple and lightweight jQuery plugin for creating modal popup windows with full-screen overlay effect.
Minimal jQuery Modal Windows Plugin - modalBox.js
- LightBox - 1900 ViewsmodalBox.js is a lightweight (~2.7kb minified) jQuery modal box plugin that aims to provide a simple way to create modal windows with only most used features.
Simple jQuery Overlay and Popup Box Plugin - overlayBox
- LightBox - 9510 ViewsjQuery overlayBox is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin that makes it easier to create overlay box or popup box on your web page.
Lightweight and Customisable jQuery Modal Window Plugin - jQuery Modal
- LightBox - 3007 ViewsjQuery Modal is a extremely lightweight jQuery plugin for creating neat, customizable, performant and easy-to-integrate modal windows on your website.
Stylish jQuery Notification & Alert Plugin - Smart Alert
- Other - 18914 ViewsSmart Alert is an alternative to the standard javascript alert box that makes it easy to create fully configurable and stylish lightbox-like notification & Alert box using jQuery and jQuery UI.
jQuery Enhanced Confirm Dialog Plugin - Confirm Action
- Other - 1902 ViewsConfirm Action is a simple but useful jQuery plugin that enhances the default confirm dialog that makes it has callback support and can be configured for each element through data attributes.
Stylish jQuery Modal Windows Plugin - Pop Easy
- LightBox - 14565 ViewsPop Easy is a super tiny (~2kb minified) but powerful jQuery plugin for easily and quickly creating Modal Windows on your website.
jQuery Plugin For Checking Form Has Been Changed - dontJustLeaveMe
- Form - 1695 ViewsdontJustLeaveMe is an useful jQuery plugin for checking the form values of the page have been changed, if yes, it will popup a alert window to make sure they want to leave when closing the current page.
Responsive and Touch-Enabled CSS Lightbox - CSS Modal
- LightBox - 11283 ViewsCSS Modal is a responsive and mobile-friendly modal box built only with CSS and a little bit javascript (optional, only for improving the experience).
Super Tiny jQuery Popup Modal Plugin - justPopup
- LightBox - 3450 ViewsjustPopup is an extremely simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to create a simple modal box with a close button.
Lightweight Modal Dialog Plugin - SimpleModal
- LightBox - 3380 ViewsSimpleModal is a lightweight jQuery plugin that provides a simple interface to create a modal dialog. The goal of SimpleModal is to provide developers with a cross-browser overlay and container that will be populated with content provided to
Super Simple jQuery Modal Plugin - Basic Modal
- LightBox - 1842 ViewsBasic Modal is a lightweight (~3kb) and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to create the most basic modal with fade or slideDown animation effects on the page.
Simple Popup Social Media Sharing Plugin with jQuery
- Social Media - 4218 ViewsA very simple jQuery social plugin that allows you to create social media sharing dialogs (facebook, twitter, google plus, etc ) in a popup window.
jQuery Plugin for Engaging Better Your Website Audience - Engage
- Layout - 1063 ViewsEngage is an useful and user-friendly jQuery plugin for website owner that displays a popup toolbar when your visiter finish reading an article containing engaging options (social sharing, commenting, and subscribe to newsletter).
Lightweigt Popup Window Plugin - jquery-wm
- Other - 1484 Viewsjquery-wm is a simple and lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to create popup child windows in your web browser.
An Easy-To-Use jQuery Modals Plugin - Reveal
- LightBox - 6039 ViewsReveal is a simple jQuery Modals Plugin that make it easy to create awesome lightbox effects on your website.
Lightweight jQuery Lightbox Plugin - SuperBox
- LightBox - 1634 ViewsSuperBox is a simple and lightweight jQuery Plugin that allows you to display your web elements in a window with the lightbox effect. Superbox can display pictures, pictures galleries, external pages, a page element or even AJAX loaded conte
Simple Pop-up Window Plugin - GreyBox
- LightBox - 7648 ViewsGreyBox is a simple jQuery plugin for creating fullscreen pop-up window or center window on your webpage. It's only 22 KB and very easy to use.
Modal Dialog Windows Plugin - leanModal
- Other - 9113 ViewsleanModal is a simple and useful jQuery plugin for adding Bare bones modal dialog windows to your website. It is great for login, sign up & alert panels, etc.
jQuery Interactive Popup Menu with CSS3
- Menu - 3493 ViewsOnce you click on one of the nicely arranged blocks, the block will start showing its hidden content starting at its current position.