Versatile & Customizable jQuery Context Menu Plugin - Jeegoocontext

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License: MIT
Versatile & Customizable jQuery Context Menu Plugin - Jeegoocontext

Jeegoocontext is a jQuery menu plugin that turns an unordered list into a versatile, customizable, skinnable and multi-level context menu with custom fade-in animations.


  • Open a popup menu by right-click.
  • 2 built-in skins (blue and default).
  • Easily stylable via CSS and javascript.
  • Multiple context menu on one page.
  • Customizable behavior via callbacks.
  • Allows to open a menu by button instead of right clicking.
  • Allows to configure the context menu as a drop down menu.
  • Allows to Use the onShow callback to create a truly context-sensitive menu.

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Basic Usage:

1. Choose and include a skin CSS in your document.

<link href="skins/cm_blue/style.css" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" />

2. Create a container where you want to append the context menu to.

<p class="context">
Right-click this area to open a basic contextmenu.

3. Using standard Html unordered list to create a basic context menu.

<ul id="menu" class="jeegoocontext cm_blue">
<li>Option A</li>
<li>Option B</li>
<li>Option C</li>
<li>Option D</li> 

4. Using standard Html unordered list to create a basic context menu.

<ul id="menu" class="jeegoocontext cm_blue">
<li>Option A</li>
<li>Option B</li>
<li>Option C</li>
<li>Option D</li> 

5. Call the plugin. That's it.

<script type="text/javascript">

6. All the default options.

hoverClass: 'hover',
submenuClass: 'submenu',
separatorClass: 'separator',
operaEvent: 'ctrl+click',
fadeIn: 200,
delay: 300,
keyDelay: 100,
widthOverflowOffset: 0,
heightOverflowOffset: 0,
submenuLeftOffset: 0,
submenuTopOffset: 0,
autoAddSubmenuArrows: true,
startLeftOffset: 0,
startTopOffset: 0,
keyboard: true

Change log:

v2.0.2 (2013-11-19)

  • Fix version error with script. 

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by tweego. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.