jQuery Mobile Plugins
Download jQuery Mobile Device, Swipe and Touch Plugins at jQueryScript jQuery Mobile section. Page 1 .
Responsive and Flexible Mobile Touch Slider - Swiper
- Slider - 287607 ViewsSwiper is a powerful javascript library to implement responsive, accessible, flexible, touch-enabled carouses/sliders on your mobile websites and apps.
Image Gallery For Mobile Devices - PhotoSwipe
- Mobile - 35783 ViewsPhotoSwipe is an Image Gallery For Mobile and Touch Devices. It supports iPhone, iPad, Blackberry 6 , Android and desktop.
Stacking Tables On Small Screens with jQuery - stacktable
- Table - 13165 Viewsstacktable.js is a jQuery Plugin for equalizing the height or width of elements. With this plugin, the wide tables will be converted to a format that works better on small screens.
Multi Range Slider Plugin For jQuery Mobile - multiSlider
- Form - 7664 ViewsmultiSlider is an extension to the jQuery mobile slider widget that allows you to merge several range inputs into a multi range slider widget.
jQuery Plugin For Additional Touch Events On Mobile Devices
- Mobile - 5966 ViewsTouch Events is a jQuery plugin which provides additional touch events & callback functions on mobile devices.
Vibrate Your Mobile Phone Using jQuery Navigator Vibrate
- Mobile - 2834 ViewsA jQuery wrapper for the Navigator.vibrate() web API that allows you to trigger the device's vibration hardware directly from the web application.
Detect Touch Swipe Events In jQuery - Event Swipe
- Mobile - 3897 ViewsEvent Swipe is a small touch event detection plugin for jQuery that attaches event handler functions for swipe events to a specific element.
jQuery Plugin To Enhance Mobile Tap Event - jTap
- Mobile - 1513 ViewsjTap is a jQuery plugin for mobile that makes click/tap events faster by removing the default 300ms delay on touch devices.
Stylish jQuery Date and Time Picker For Mobile Devices - mobiscroll
- Time & Clock - 35862 Viewsmobiscroll is a stylish and highly customizable jQuery based time & data picker for mobile devices that you can easily pick date or time via touch events.
Detecting Swipes and Pinches On Touch Devices with touchSwipe Plugin
- Mobile - 21505 ViewstouchSwipe is a jQuery plugin designed for mobile touch devices that will detect when a visitor swipes or pinches a touch input device and then trigger an event/handler based on the swipe direction and distance.
Stroll.js - Cool Scroll effects with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 7215 ViewsThe Stroll is a collection of 12+ CSS3 powered scroll effects for long html lists: grow, cards (CSS 3D), curl (CSS 3D), wave, flip (CSS 3D), fly (CSS 3D), simplified fly (CSS 3D), reverse fly (CSS 3D), skew, helix (CSS 3D), fan, tilt, paperc
A Simple RGB Color Picker For jQuery Mobile
- Mobile - 2220 ViewsThis is a simple jQuery plugin which enables you to create a mobile-first RGB color picker component using jQuery mobile's popup widget.
jQuery Plugin For Swipeable List View - List Swipe
- Mobile - 10806 ViewsList Swipe is a mobile-first jQuery plugin for creating a swipeable list view that allows to reveal an action button when you swipe the row left or right on touch devices.
jQuery Plugin For Touch & Drag Events - touch.js
- Mobile - 8672 Viewstouch.js is a small (9kb minified) JavaScript library that provides additional touch gesture and drag/drop events for your cross-platform jQuery project.
Create A Minimal Mobile Keypad With jQuery - keypad.js
- Mobile - 5456 Viewskeypad.js is a minimal, mobile-first jQuery plugin which helps create a virtual numeric keypad for input field on your mobile web applications.
iScroll - Mobile Device Content Scrolling Plugin
- Mobile - 4472 ViewsiScroll4 is a overflow:scroll for mobile webkit,whicn is a complete rewrite of the original iScroll code, providing a native way to scroll content inside a fixed width/height element on Mobile device like iPhone, iPad, Android.
Fullscreen HTML5 Slider Plugin For Mobile Pages - yummySlide
- Slider - 3330 ViewsyummySlide is a jQuery/Zepto plugin that provides an easier way to create a fullscreen horizontal/vertical slider for your mobile web applications.
Momentum Panning and Zooming Effect With jQuery - zoom3d
- Mobile - 1944 Viewszoom3d is a simple jQuery plugin that enables momentum panning and zooming effects on your html content in mobile browsers.
Mobile-friendly Drag & Drop Sorting Plugin For jQuery - Sorter
- Mobile - 1528 ViewsSorter is a lightweight, cross-browser and cross-platform jQuery plugin which allows drag and drop to resort a hierarchical html list.
jQuery Plugin For Handling Double Tap Event - doubleTap
- Mobile - 5479 ViewsdoubleTap is a jQuery plugin to determine double tap event on touch device that binds an event handler to a "double tap" JavaScript event.