Lightweight jQuery Youtube Video Lazy Load Plugin - LazyYT.js
- Loading - 7245 ViewsLazyYT.js is a small and fast jQuery plugin for delaying loading of Youtube videos in your website for reducing the page loading time to improve user experiences.
You can find and download all of our recommeded jQuery Plugins on this page.
LazyYT.js is a small and fast jQuery plugin for delaying loading of Youtube videos in your website for reducing the page loading time to improve user experiences.
handsontable is a powerful, flexible, feature-rich, Excel-like CRUD data grid/table library for JavaScript, Angular, React, and Vue.js.
A JavaScript plugin that works to provide you with a highly aesthetic animated content scroller similar to the traditional marquee scrolling effect.
A fast, convenient JavaScript JSON to HTML library that transforms JSON objects into HTML using JSON templates. Works with Vanilla JavaScript, jQuery and Node.js.
International Telephone Input is a useful JavaScript plugin that turns the standard input into an International Telephone Input with a national flag drop down list.
Zebra_Tooltips is a lightweight, highly customizable and cross-browser jQuery plugin for creating simple, but smart and visually attractive tooltips, featuring nice transitions and offering a lot of configuration options.
ripples is a fancy jQuery plugin that creates a water ripple animation following the mouse cursor on an Html element based on WebGL.
YTPlayer is a jQuery plugin that allows you to use a youtube video as the background of your web page using html5 data-* attributes and youtube API.
fullPage.js is yet another jQuery plugin for one page website that allows you to create vertical or horizontal scrolling web page with smooth animations and easing options.
A powerful and full-featued tags input JavaScript library designed to create animated, editable, sortable, high-performance tags/tokens input on your modern web apps.
Tabulator is a feature-rich jQuery plugin used for generating simple or complex data tables from any JSON data.
Gridstack.js is a vanilla JavaScript widget/grid layout plugin inspired by Gridster that allows you to dynamically and responsively rearrange grid items through drag and drop.
panzoom is a simple JavaScript plugin that allows you to drag, pan, zoom in/out any elements of your webpage using CSS3.
jqTree is a jQuery based Tree Widget that allows you to create folder tree from JSON data with some fancy animations.
A dead simple JavaScript library used to create a highly configurable and styleable countdown timer for your coming soon / under construction page.
A pretty cool 2D/3D content slider/carousel JavaScript library that can be used to showcase your content with more than 6 pretty cool transition effects:
Fancy Tree is a plugin for jQuery and jQuery UI that allows to create dynamic tree view controls with support for persistence, keyboard, checkboxes, drag and drop, and lazy loading.
Bootstrap Table is a responsive, dynamic, extendable, multifunctional, and highly-customizable jQuery data table plugin for Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 2.
This jQuery Plugin helps your company easily create a store locator using Google Maps API.
MediaElement.js is a beautiful jQuery Plugin that helps you add HTML5 audio and video players to your website.
A clean and simple jQuery stopwatch/timer plugin which allows you to count up from zero or a certain time with start, pause and resume controls.
OrgChart is a simple, flexible and highly customizable organization chart plugin for presenting the structure of your organization in an elegant way.
An Html5 file input enhancement built with jQuery, Bootstrap 5 (or Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 3) for creating a nice-looking file uploader that allows you to select multiple files with image & file preview.
linkify is a jQuery plugin used to automatically transform valid URLs and email addresses in text into clickable links.
lightGallery is a lightweight, elegant, responsive, mobile-friendly jQuery plugin for displaying an image/video gallery in a fullscreen lightbox with CSS3 transition effects.
Glide.js is a lightweight, flexible ES6 JavaScript slider/carousel library that helps you create responsive and touch-enabled sliders with fast and performant CSS3 transitions.
A jQuery plugin that turns a textarea into an online form builder for letting your users quickly build their own web forms via drag and drop.
SurveyJS is a robust, customizable, cross-platform Survey/Feedback/Questionnaire/Quiz JavaScript library designed for jQuery, Angular, React, VueJS, knockout, etc.
perfect-scrollbar is a lightweight JavaScript plugin that allows you to beautify the default scollbars without changing or adding any style on original elements.
Zebra_Dialog is a small (4KB minified), compact (one JS file, no dependencies other than jQuery 1.5.2+) and highly configurable dialog box plugin for jQuery.
Chocolat is a Vanilla JavaScript image lightbox plugin used to create a responsive, full-sized lightbox gallery/slider on your webpage or within a specific container.
autoNumeric is a useful JavaScript library for international currency formatting as well as numbers formatting.
A simple yet customizable, extensible, interactive WYSIWYG rich text editor for the web.
Lightbox2 is a simple and useful script which can be used to overlay your images or photos on top of the current web page.
LC-Micro-Slider is a customizable slider plugin for jQuery that allows to slide through any web content with custom controls, animations and touch events support.
Select2 is a JavaScript based select box replacement to create dynamic, AJAX-enabled, customizable dropdown select on the web app.
Bootstrap Slider is a jQuery plugin that uses native Bootstrap styling to generate highly configurable, accessible, touch-friendly single value sliders or range sliders from normal range inputs.
A powerful, fully customizable and lightweight date/time picker for Vanilla JavaScript and jQuery. It is a zero dependency replacement for the native HTML5 date & time input type.
jsTree is a powerful jQuery plugin used to generate dynamic, interactive tree views (for example folder tree) with support for inline editing, drag'n'drop, checkboxes, keyboard navigation and more.
Vegas is a amazing jQuery Plugin for adding beautiful fullscreen backgrounds to your webpages.
csv.js is a jQuery based CSV parser that parses your CSV files and converts the CSV strings into JavaScript arrays and objects for further use.
jQuery Validation is a javascript based plugin that helps you implement a powerful client side validator to your form elements that validate the value ( name, email, address, etc..) your user input when submitting.
JustGage is a JavaScript plugin for generating and animating nice & clean gauges. It is based on Raphaël library for vector drawing, so it’s completely resolution independent and self-adjusting.
FullCalendar is a lightweight yet powerful and developer-friendly JavaScript library to create flexible, draggable event calendars on the modern web app.
A simple, lightweight JavaScript parallax solution applies a subtle Parallax Scroll Effect to any images in your React or Vanilla JavaScript applications.
bxslider is a fully responsive jQuery Slider Plugin that allows you to create a content slider which can contain images, video, or HTML content.
A minimal, mobile-first navigation plugin for jQuery that lets you create a responsive, fullscreen, sliding, drilldown menu-style navigation for your mobile webpage & webapp.
VenoBox is a responsive & mobile device-friendly jQuery lightbox plugin used to overlay any html elements (like images, iframes, videos, etc...) on your current page.
An easy, flexible JavaScript plugin that turns any DIV elements into a fully configurable star rating component
Just another jQuery plugin helps you create image lightbox and gallery lightbox on your desktop and mobile websites.
MagicSuggest is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin to create a combo list which enables you to select multiple items (tags, tokens, email addresses, etc) from a dropdown list with typeahead & autocomplete support.
Rateit.js is a simple, easy jQuery plugin that helps you generate a highly customizable star rating control from any elements using HTML5 data attributes.
An easy yet configurable jQuery news ticker plugin which smoothly, horizontally, and infinitely scrolls through text blocks at a given speed.
A customizable, multilingual digital clock jQuery plugin to display the current local or server time in an elegant way.
anchorScroll is a JavaScript plugin that allows your anchor link to smoothly scroll to an specified section / position within the document.
flipster is an amazing and touch-enabled jquery plugin that allows you to create an image Cover Flow effect with CSS3 3D transform and flipping effects.
Yet another jQuery plugin used for displaying a highly customizable, CSS3 animated snow falling effect with rotating snowflakes on the webpage.
Lazy Line Painter is a jQuery plugin for creating SVG Path Animation using the Raphaël Library, which uses the SVG W3C Recommendation and VML as a base for creating graphics.
Multiple Select is a useful jQuery plugin that allows you to select multiple elements by clicking the checkboxes in a select drop down list.
jQuery.Autocomplete is a jQuery based autocomplete plugin that attaches autocomplete/autosuggest drop down list with ajax lookup to text input fields when your users input.
Just another jQuery scroll to top plugin which generates a highly customizable, CSS3 animated back to top button on the long webpage for better readability.
timepicker is a lightweight (~2.5kb minified and gzipped) jQuery plugin inspired by Google Calendar that adds highly customizable time picker to your project.
Intro.js is a simple and fast js library that makes it easier to create Step By Step website tour guide with keyboard and mouse support.
cookieAlert.js is a JavaScript Cookie Consent Notice plugin which allows your web app to comply with the EU cookie law by alerting users that your site has cookies.
A powerful jQuery and Vanilla JavaScript plugin which lets you dynamically generate a spreadsheet like CRUD data grid (table) from local JS data or even JSON, CSV, XSLX files.
A jQuery/Bootstrap plugin that lets you create multi-language, highly customizable date picker, date range picker, inline calendar for your Bootstrap powered web project.
A fancy jQuery timepicker plugin which lets you create an interactive, Android inspired, Analog Clock-style time picker for your input field.
Bootbox is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating alert, confirm and flexible dialog boxes using Twitter's bootstrap framework.
Pagination.js is a robust, highly customizable & styleable, jQuery based pagination system for your long content to improve webpage readability.
floatThead is a jQuery sticky table header plugin that freezes your table thead element at top of the page/container when scrolling.
progresspieSVG is a simple yet robust jQuery plugin which renders pie or ring chart style progress bars or countdown timers using SVG element.
Color Thief is a JavaScript library for extracts and gets the dominant color from an image and build a color palette from primary colors.
The jQuery OverlayScrollbars plugin provides a simple way to create customizable, themeable overlay scrollbars on any scrollable element while preserving the native scroll functionality.
A professional JavaScript plugin that allows you to display a group of mixed content in a responsive and touch compatible slider.
A breakpoint detector that detects breakpoint changes and creates a debug bar to display the current media/device type and viewport size after window resize.
Mmenu is a super simple jQuery plugin for creating slick and app-like sliding menus for your mobile website,all with an unlimited amount of submenus.
selectize.js is a useful and lightweight plugin for creating solid and user-friendly tags input field and select list with clean and powerful APIs & Codes.
Zabuto Calendar is a jQuery calendar plugin working with twitter's bootstrap that allows you to create a monthly calendar with ajax data events support on your web page.
A Vanilla JavaScrip off-canvas navigation plugin which simplifies the task of creating a multi-level, cross-browser, sidebar push menu for your responsive website or cross-platform webapp.
appendGrid is a powerful jQuery table plugin that turns the standard html table into adynamic and editable data grid. You can add, remove, edit, move up, move down records
The jQuery Card.js plugin makes it easier to create an interactive credit card form for the payout page of your e-commerce or shopping websites.
Slick is a fresh new jQuery plugin for creating fully customizable, responsive and mobile friendly carousels/sliders that work with any html elements.
A robust, highly customizable QR code generator which helps you dynamically generate QR codes with custom images (for logos) and labels (for call-to-action text).
A jQuery plugin for creating marker animations that progressively highlight specified text when they become visible within the viewport.
A jQuery Navigation Menu plugin for creating responsive and cross-platform multi-level dropdown menus for your site navigation.
Tag-It is a jQuery plugin for converting a normal HTML list into a tags manager that allows to communicate with any input field and supports auto complete/suggest.
Donutty is a JavaScript/jQuery charting library which lets you generate smoothly animated, fully scalable Donut/Pie/Ring Charts or Circular/Radial progressbars using SVG and CSS3 animations.
A jQuery table of contents plugin that automatically generates a floating, drawer-style, in-page navigation menu from headings.
A minimal sortable tree jQuery plugin that enables the user to reorder items in a list tree via drag and drop. Based on jQuery UI's sortable function.
Autocompleter is a simple, easy, customizable, cache-enabled jQuery plugin which allows you to select an item from a dropdown list populated with suggestions.
Smart Wizard is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap that lets you split long content into a step-by-step interactive wizard interface.
A tiny yet feature-rich jQuery slug generator for generating readable and SEO-friendly URL slugs from any strings.
Yet another jQuery-powered form validator used to validate form fields using custom validation rules.
Barcode is a tiny and lightweight jQuery plugin that has the ability to generates 8 types of Barcode and outputs as CSS, BMP, SVG or Canvas for your work.
Lettering.js is a powerful jQuery web type plugin for kerning type, editorial design and complete down-to-the-letter control.
An amazing Presentation framework for modern bowsers. Based on CSS3 transforms and transitions
SmartTab is a powerful and highly customizable jQuery plugin for creating tabbed interface with cool animation effects.
Adding a smooth parallax scrolling effect to images, background images, Youtube/Vimeo/HTML5 videos and any HTML elements using CSS3 3D transforms (translate3d).
imagesLoaded is a useful jQuery & Vanilla JavaScript plugin for detecting and checking if images within the container have been loaded and then triggering events for further actions.
A progressively enhanced jQuery plugin that adds smooth and configurable transitions to your site when navigating between pages.