jQuery Plugin For Selecting Multiple Elements - Multiple Select

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jQuery Plugin For Selecting Multiple Elements - Multiple Select

Multiple Select is a useful jQuery plugin that allows you to select multiple elements by clicking the checkboxes in a select drop down list.

More features:

  • Live filtering.
  • Supports the native select element.
  • Supports both single and multiple selection.
  • Supports both static and dynamic data.
  • Multiple languages.
  • Bootstrap 3/4 themes.
  • Useful options, methods, and events.

See also:

How to use it:

1. Include jQuery library and jQuery Multiple Select on your web page

<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.multiple.select.js"></script>

2. Include jQuery Multiple Select CSS to style the select box

<link href="multiple-select.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

3. Create a stardard html select box.

<select id="demo">
  <option value="1">1</option>
  <option value="2">2</option>
  <option value="3">3</option>

4. Call the plugin on the select element and done.

$(function() { 
    // options here

5. You're also allowed to define the options in the JavaScript:

$(function() { 
    data: [
        text: 'January',
        value: 1
        text: 'February',
        value: 2
        text: 'March',
        value: 3

$(function() { 
    data: [
        type: 'optgroup',
        label: 'Group 1',
        children: [
            text: 'January',
            value: 1
            text: 'February',
            value: 2
            text: 'March',
            value: 3
        type: 'optgroup',
        label: 'Group 2',
        children: [
            text: 'July',
            value: 7
            text: 'August',
            value: 8
            text: 'September',
            value: 9

6. All possible options to customize the plugin.


  // placeholder text
  placeholder: '',

  // an array of data
  data: [],

  // e.g. 'en-us'
  locale: undefined,

  // displays the Select All checkbox
  selectAll: true,

  // allows to select a single option
  single: false,

  // shows a radio button when single is set to true
  singleRadio: false,

  // allows multiple selection
  multiple: false,

  // hides checkboxes for Optgroup
  hideOptgroupCheckboxes: false,

  // width of the item
  multipleWidth: 80,

  // width
  width: undefined,

  // dropdown width
  dropWidth: undefined,

  // max height
  maxHeight: 250,
  maxHeightUnit: 'px',

  // or 'top'
  position: 'bottom',

  displayHtml: false,

  // displays selected values
  displayValues: false,

  // displays titles
  displayTitle: false,

  // custom delimiter
  displayDelimiter: ', ',

  // used to display how many items are selected
  minimumCountSelected: 3,

  // add ... after selected options
  ellipsis: false,

  // is opened on init
  isOpen: false,

  // keeps the select always be opened
  keepOpen: false,

  // opens the select on hover
  openOnHover: false,

  // container element
  container: null,

  // displays a search box to filter through the options
  filter: false,

  // allows to search through optgroups
  filterGroup: false,

  // placeholder text
  filterPlaceholder: '',

  // selects the option on enter
  filterAcceptOnEnter: false,

  // filter by data length
  filterByDataLength: undefined,

  // shows clear icon
  showClear: false,
  // animation type
  animate: 'none',

  // custom filter function
  customFilter: function customFilter(label, text) {
    // originalLabel, originalText
    return label.includes(text);

  formatSelectAll: function () {
    return '[Select all]';

  formatAllSelected: function () {
    return 'All selected';

  formatCountSelected: function () {
    return '# of % selected';

  formatNoMatchesFound: function () {
    return 'No matches found';

  styler: function () {
    return false;

  textTemplate: function ($elm) {
    return $elm.html();

  labelTemplate: function ($elm) {
    return $elm.attr('label');


7. Available callback functions.


  onOpen: function () {
      return false;
  onClose: function () {
      return false;
  onCheckAll: function () {
      return false;
  onUncheckAll: function () {
      return false;
  onFocus: function () {
      return false;
  onBlur: function () {
      return false;
  onOptgroupClick: function (view) {
      return false;
  onClick: function (view) {
      return false;
  onFilter: function () {
      return false;
  onAfterCreate: function () {
      return false;


8 Events.

  • onOpen: Fires when the dropdown list is open.
  • onClose: Fires when the dropdown list is close.
  • onCheckAll: Fires when all the options are checked by either clicking the “Select all” checkbox, or when the “checkall” method is programatically called.
  • onUncheckAll: 
  • onFocus: Bind an event handler to the “focus”.
  • onBlur: Bind an event handler to the “blur”
  • onOptgroupClick: Fires when a an optgroup label is clicked on.
  • onBeforeClick: Fires before a checkbox is clicked
  • onClick: Fires when a checkbox is checked or unchecked.
  onEventName: function (arg1, arg2, ...) {
    // ...

9. API methods.

// Gets the selected values.
alert('Selected values: ' + $('select').multipleSelect('getSelects'));
alert('Selected texts: ' + $('select').multipleSelect('getSelects', 'text'));

// Sets the selected values.
$('select').multipleSelect('setSelects', [1, 3]);

// Enables Select.

// Disables Select. During this mode the user is not allowed to manipulate the selection.

// Check all checkboxes.

// Uncheck all checkboxes.

// Focus the multiple select.

// Blurs the multiple select.

// Reloads the Multiple Select.

// Returns options object.

// Updates options
$('select').multipleSelect('refreshOptions', Options);

// Destroys the multiple select


v1.7.0 (2023-11-23)

  • New: Added onBeforeClick event.
  • New: Added $.fn.multipleSelect.Constructor to support extension.
  • New: Added keyboard actions.
  • New: Added ja-JP locale.
  • Update: Updated onFilter event parameter to original search.

v1.6.0 (2023-05-31)

  • Added setSelects by text support.
  • Added divider option support.
  • Added classes, classPrefix and size options.
  • Added dropdown support for bootstrap theme.
  • Added class for ms-parent when open the select.
  • Added getData method.
  • Added fr-FR, vi-VN, ru-RU, hu-HU, da-DK, pt-BR and cz-CS locales.
  • Added index.d.ts to support TypeScript.
  • Fixed one item of group selected bug.
  • Fixed not check group with no children bug.
  • Fixed clear button display error.
  • Fixed init multiple times bug in vue component.
  • Updated font-size to use percent instead.
  • Updated the default parameter of customFilter option.
  • Updated the BLOCK_ROWS to 500.

v1.5.2 (2019-11-13)

  • Update: Fixed virtual scroll bottom select bug.
  • Update: Fixed element not destroyed bug using v-if.

v1.5.1 (2019-11-05)

  • New: Added watch slot change supported.
  • Update: Fixed v-model not check all bug.
  • Update: Fixed document event trigger multiple times bug.

v1.5.0 (2019-10-28)

  • New: Rewrote display and data logic code.
  • New: Added auto single or multiple support.
  • New: Added virtual scroll for large data.
  • New: Added object value support.
  • New: Added object for v-model.
  • New: Added data attributes for optgroup and option.
  • New: Added tabindex attribute.
  • New: Added showClear option and onClear event.
  • New: Added maxHeightUnit option.
  • New: Added it-IT locale.
  • Update: Improved events trigger logic.
  • Update: Updated the single group style.
  • Update: Updated parameters of onOptgroupClick and onClick events.
  • Update: Fixed vue warning when data is Object.
  • Update: Removed displayHtml option and display html by default.

v1.4.3 (2019-10-22)

  • New: Added object support for data option.
  • Update: Updated vue-es build filename.
  • Update: Updated event name to lowercase hyphen format of vue component.
  • Update: Fixed defaultValue error without v-model.
  • Update: Fixed uncheck all cannot trigger change bug.
  • Update: Fixed v-model not work bug when props changed.
  • Update: Fixed min version throw cannot convert object to primitive value error.
  • Update: Removed label spaces of customFilter params.
  • Update: Removed text spaces of the option label.

v1.4.2 (2019-10-10)

  • New: Added string/number array support for data option.
  • New: Added required attribute support.
  • New: Added bootstrap(v3, v4) themes support.
  • Update: Improved onAfterCreate event.
  • Update: Fixed destroyed bug of vue component.
  • Update: Fixed display bug of only one member of group.
  • Update: Fixed single group filter bug.

v1.4.1 (2019-09-24)

  • Added data support.

v1.4.0 (2019-09-01)

  • Added data support.
  • Added vue component.
  • Added locale support.
  • Added getOptions method.
  • Added singleRadio option to support hide radio buttons.
  • Added new website.
  • Added bower.json.
  • Added vue-starter example.
  • Improved the label element for select.
  • Improved text display only one option.
  • Fixed IE build error with core-js devDependencies.
  • Fixed onCheckAll/onUncheckAll trigger bug.
  • Fixed disabled options cannot show after filtering.
  • Fixed single filter bug.

v1.3.1 (2019-08-21)

  • Fixed optgroup selected item display bug
  • Fixed filter li display blank space bug
  • Fixed container outer width bug
  • Updated addTitle option to displayTitle option
  • Fixed filter with no select options display bug
  • Fixed openOnHover bug
  • Updated onOptgroupClick and onClick parameters
  • Updated formatCountSelected parameters
  • Added locale support

v1.3.0 (2019-05-15)

  • New: Rewrote code to ES6.
  • New: Added filterGroup option.
  • New: Added babel and refined the code.
  • New: Used dist to output the build files.
  • New: Added full examples.
  • Update: Fixed css escape bug

v1.2.3 (2019-04-27)

  • New: Added onAfterCreate event
  • New: Made option labels appear clickable
  • New: Allowed placeholder from html
  • Update: Fixed groups don't get checked by default
  • Update: Fixed getSelects bug with single option
  • Update: Removed duplicate destroy method
  • Update: Fixed outdated CSS syntax in linear-gradient
  • Update: Removed selectAll whitespace
  • Update: Fixed selectAllText/allSelected doesn't work
  • Update: Fixed IE 11 crashing bug
  • Update: Fixed radio style bug

v1.2.2 (2018-12-23)

  • Updated the default of textTemplate to .html().
  • Added wrap span to label text.
  • Added destroy method.
  • Added openOnHover option.
  • Rebuild docs and use gh-pages.
  • Update multiple-select.css.
  • Make setSelects Change Event Trigger Optional

v1.2.1 (2016-01-03)

  • Fix: single select with Optgroups bug.
  • Fix: special character problem.
  • Fix: Added onFilter event.
  • Fix: added animate option to support fade and slide animates.
  • Fix: element detection.
  • Fix jQuery dependency.
  • Fixed disable issue.
  • Add selected class to 'select all' option.
  • Added logic to perform accent insensitive compare when filtering values.
  • Added dropWidth option.
  • Added open and close methods.

v1.2.0 (2015-11-24)

  • [enh] Update jquery.multiple.select.js to multiple-select.js.
  • [enh] Trigger change for select after set of new value.
  • [bug] Prevents updateSelectAll() from calling options.onCheckAll() on init.
  • [enh] Added labelTemplate option.
  • [bug] Fix Automatically set Group when all child was selected.
  • [bug] Fixed filter functionality with 'no-results' label behavior.
  • [bug] Fix #184: prevented the dropdown handle error.
  • [enh] INPUT tags should be nameless.
  • [bug] Fix auto hide when the single option is set to true.
  • [bug] Fix show selectAll and hide noResults when open.
  • [bug] Fix update width option to support a percentage setting.
  • [bug] Trigger the checkbox on the entire line.
  • [bug] Added noMatchesFound option.
  • [bug] Update seperator to separator.
  • [enh] Allow object of options along with initial method.
  • [enh] Add a filterAcceptOnEnter option.
  • [enh] Put class on ms-parent div instead of ul.
  • [bug] Fixed connect select back to its label.
  • [enh] Added hideOptgroupCheckboxes option to hide optgroup checkboxes.
  • [enh] Added displayValues and delimiter options.
  • [enh] Added textTemplate option to custom the text.
  • [enh] Added selectAllDelimiter option.
  • [enh] Added ellipsis option.
  • [enh] Get percentage width, if used.
  • [bug] Fix spelling error.
  • [bug] Fixed the error when element id's contain colons.
  • [bug] Fix current selected element not displayed in newer jquery versions.
  • [bug] Fix plain text stored to HTML.
  • [bug] Update multiple-select.png.
  • [enh] Added 'close' to allowedMethods.
  • [bug] Prevent dropdown from closing occasionally when clicking on checkbox.
  • [bug] Fixed dropdown not closing when focus was lost.
  • [enh] Support for add title (tooltip) on the select list.


  • correct typo


  • update width option to support a percentage setting, and add responsive layout.


  • Fixed: show selectAll and hide noResults when open.


  • Fixed: auto hide when the single option is set to true.


  • Add keepOpen option.
  • Fix isOpen and filter options are both true bug.
  • Fire onCheckAll event when literally select.
  • Add data attributes for support.
  • Add name option.


  • Fixed: fire onCheckAll when literally select each element till all are selected.
  • Fixed: call open function after init when isOpen and filter options are set to true.

v1.0.9 (2014-04-15)

  • add onFocus and onBlur events.
  • Fix countSelected display error when select has disabled options.

v1.0.8 (2014-03-12)

  • add 'No matches found' message when there are no results found.

v1.0.7 (2014-03-06)

  • add position option.

v1.0.6 (2014-03-06)

  • fixed the filters not working bugs.

v1.0.6 (2014-03-05)

  • add an to allow only single select.

v1.0.5 (2013-11-27)

  • update the optgroups select text.
  • fixed image is not shown in Firefox 25.0.1

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by wenzhixin. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.