Free jQuery video Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'video' are listed here.
10 Best Custom HTML5 Video Player Plugins In JavaScript (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 21917 Views10 best jQuery and/or Vanilla JavaScript custom HTML5 video player plugins to enhance the video playback experience.
jQuery Based Youtube/Vimeo/HTML5 Video Controller - Video.js
- Other - 6724 ViewsA jQuery video plugin that provides useful methods and events to control Youtube, Vimeo, and HTML5 videos from JavaScript.
Awesome Video Background Plugin with HTML5 and Youtube API - YTPlayer
- Other - 110184 ViewsYTPlayer is a jQuery plugin that allows you to use a youtube video as the background of your web page using html5 data-* attributes and youtube API.
Play Youtube Videos In A Fullscreen Popup - Youtube Overlay
- LightBox - 12755 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows the visitor by clicking/tapping a trigger element to open and play a Youtube video in a fully responsive fullscreen popup.
Advanced HTML5 Video Player - jQuery aksVideoPlayer.js
- Other - 5133 ViewsA full-featured, highly customizable HTML5 video player with support for ads, context menu, captions, custom controls, and much more.
HTML5 Background Player For Vimeo Videos - mb.vimeoPlayer
- Other - 14621 Viewsmb.vimeoPlayer is a jQuery HTML5 video background plugin which allows you to insert a fully controllable Vimeo video player as the background of any container element.
Put HTML5 Video As A Background In HTML - jQuery Tape.js
- Other - 3440 ViewsAn HTML5 video builder that allows you to put an HTML5 video as a covering background in any container element.
jQuery Plugin To Lazy Load Youtube Videos Until Needed - LazyTube
- Loading - 4352 ViewsYet another jQuery Youtube video lazy load plugin that displays the thumbnail images of Youtube videos on the webpage and then plays them when clicked.
Easy Youtube & Vimeo Video Embeds With jQuery - VideoBox
- Other - 6912 ViewsVideoBox is a lightweight jQuery plugin that makes it easier to embed Youtube, Vimeo, or Kaltura videos with custom player parameters into the webpage.
jQuery Plugin For Fluid Youtube & Vimeo Videos - tinaciousFluidVid.js
- Other - 2580 ViewstinaciousFluidVid.js is an extremely light jQuery plugin that automatically resizes Youtube & Vimeo iframe players to fit your responsive web layout.
Easy HTML5 & Youtube Video Background Plugin - container.player
- Other - 6096 Viewscontainer.player is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to set any HTML5 or Youtube video as a responsive background for a specified container or the whole page.
Lightweight Youtube Video Gallery with jQuery - SpidocheTube
- Gallery - 21383 ViewsSpidocheTube is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin which displays your Youtube videos and playlists as a gallery on the web page.
Custom HTML5 Video Player With Lazy Load - RTOP
- Other - 10512 ViewsRTOP is a jQuery based HTML5 video player plugin with a focus on performance and customization.
Play Only A Specific Part Of An HTML5 Video - jQuery rangePlayer
- Other - 2553 ViewsrangePlayer is a small jQuery plugin which enables your visitor to play only a specific part of an HTML5 video embedded in your page.
Embed Multiple Youtube Videos Into The Page With A Single Call - ytmultiple
- Other - 5856 Viewsytmultiple is a jQuery plugin which helps you embed multiple Youtube video players into your HTML page with just a single JS call.
Responsive HTML5 Video Popup Plugin With jQuery - videopopup.js
- LightBox - 85663 Viewsvideopopup.js is a lightweight video lightbox plugin which displays and plays your HTML5 video in a responsive, configurable modal popup.
Open And Play Youtube Videos In A Modal - jQuery GRT Youtube Popup
- LightBox - 30364 ViewsYet another jQuery Youtube popup plugin which allows you to place the YouTube video inside a responsive modal window with autoplay support.
Create Interactive Chapters For Long HTML5 Videos - vidcha.js
- Other - 6085 ViewsThe vidcha.js jQuery plugin makes it easier to create an interactive chapter menu for long HTML5 videos so that the users are able to navigate to the desired point in the video.
Auto Stretch Youtube/HTML5 Video To Full Screen - VideoHero.js
- Other - 3344 ViewsVideoHero.js is a lightweight and configurable jQuery Video plugin for creating 'Hero' video on the webpage. Supports both Youtube and HTML5 videos.
Auto Play & Pause HTML5 Video On Hover - hoverPlay
- Other - 19298 ViewshoverPlay is a small and user-friendly jQuery plugin that automatically plays HTML5 video when hovering and automatically pauses when the mouse leaves.
Performant Youtube Video Embed Plugin - jquery.youtubevideo.js
- Other - 3168 ViewsThe jQuery YoutubeVideo.js plugin enables you to embed Youtube videos into the webpage in a simple and efficient way.
Basic HTML5 Video Lightbox Plugin - jQuery VideoPopup.js
- LightBox - 16648 ViewsThe VideoPopup.js jQuery plugin enables your visitors to open and play an HTML5 video in a customizable modal popup.
Custom Youtube Playlist Player Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 6613 ViewsA jQuery based custom Youtube video player that enables you to create your own playlist from any Youtube videos you specify.
jQuery Plugin For lazy Loading Youtube Videos - youCover
- Other - 8029 ViewsA Youtube lazy loader plugin with jQuery that replaces the default Youtube player with its cover image and loads actual YouTube videos ONLY when needed (click the thumbnail).
Customizable Video Background Plugin - jQuery backgroundVideo
- Slider - 2060 ViewsYet another jQuery video background plugin to make your webpage more gorgeous and attractive.
Facebook Inspired Sticky Video Player On Scroll
- Other - 4133 ViewsA small yet useful jQuery script that minimizes your video being played on scroll and sticks it to the bottom of the webpage as you seen on Facebook and Tumblr.
jQuery Plugin To 'Turn Off The Light' When Playing Videos - LightsOff
- Other - 2860 ViewsLightsOff is a very small jQuery plugin that brings the 'Turn Off The Lights' experience to your webpage when watching HTML5 videos and/or Youtube/Vimeo videos.
Dynamic Video Carousel Plugin For Video.js - Video Wall
- Slider - 7716 ViewsVideo Wall is a fancy jQuery plugin for the familiar Video.js library that lets you create a dynamic HTML5 video carousel with thumbnail and playlist support.
Force Downloading Videos On Page Load - jQuery Blobber
- Loading - 2838 ViewsBlobber is a lightweight and useful jQuery plugin that forces the browser to load and download the HTML5 videos via XMLHttpRequest for optimizing the video playback experience.
Add Customizable Layer To HTML5 Videos - jqVideoLayer
- Other - 6858 ViewsThe jQuery Video Layer plugin adds dynamic, customizable layers to your HTML5 video player as you seen in the Youtube videos.
Simple Responsive Youtube Video Modal Plugin With jQuery - YU2FVL
- Other - 14640 ViewsYU2FVL is a lightweight jQuery Plugin that plays any Youtube video in a responsive, fullscreen modal window while keeping the aspect ratio.
jQuery Lightbox Plugin For Youtube Videos - Video Lightning
- LightBox - 70496 ViewsVideo Lightning is a highly customizable jQuery lightbox plugin that allows you to play youtube / vimeo videos in a stylish lightbox interface.
Load And Play Youtube/Vimeo Videos When Needed - embedvideos
- Other - 5509 Viewsembedvideos is a jQuery plugin that gets/displays thumbnails(posters) for Youtube/Vimeo/Kaltura videos and then fetches the heavy iFrame video players only when the thumbnails are clicked.
Lightweight Video Popup Plugin For jQuery - popVideo.js
- LightBox - 7874 ViewspopVideo.js is a customizable jQuery video popup plugin which opens and plays your HTML5 video in a responsive fullscreen lightbox popup.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Youtube Video Controler
- Other - 1783 ViewsYouTube_Controller.js is a jQuery wrapper around the latest Youtube Data API which makes it easier to control the Youtube video player embedded in the document.
Lightweight Vimeo/Youtube Video Popup Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 16723 ViewsYet another jQuery based video popup plugin used to place your embedded Youtube & Vimeo videos in a customizable overlay that covers the entire webpage.
Smart Youtube Video Link Parser - jQuery yt-links-parser
- Other - 1886 Viewsyt-links-parser is a jQuery plugin that parses the Youtube links within your web content and embeds the corresponding video player in your document.
Custom HTML5 Video Player With Resolution Selector - jQuery Videre
- Other - 29297 ViewsVidere is a jQuery plugin that lets you embed a mobile-friendly HTML5 video player into the document, with support for quality selector for different screen resolutions.
jQuery Plugin To Track User Activity On Videos - Videolog
- Other - 1856 ViewsVideolog.js is a jQuery plugin for video tracking that allows you to track the user activities (play, pause, etc) on your Youtube/Vimeo/HTML5 videos.
jQuery Plugin To Extend Html5 Video Player - Video Extend
- Other - 7540 ViewsVideo Extend is a flexible and robust jQuery plugin to extend the default Html5 video player.
Lightweight Youtube Popup Player With jQuery - SimpleYouTubePlayer
- LightBox - 9492 ViewsA simple Youtube player plugin for jQuery that enables you to display/play Youtube videos in a modal-like popup box.
Autoplay Youtube Videos In Bootstrap Modal - jQuery YoutubeModal
- Other - 7379 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin which enables you to open and autoplay Youtube videos in a popup window using Bootstrap modal component.
Fully Configurable HTML5 Video Background Plugin With jQuery
- Other - 2530 ViewsJust another jQuery video background plugin that makes your HTML5 video full window and scales to the regular aspect ratio just like the CSS background-size: cover property.
Responsive Youtube & Vimeo Video Lightbox Plugin - YouTubePopUp
- LightBox - 40673 ViewsYouTubePopUp is a jQuery plugin that displays Youtube and Vimeo videos in a responsive, fullscreen, retina-ready modal window with or without autoplay.
Responsive & Flexible jQuery Lightbox Plugin - Nivo Lightbox
- LightBox - 38847 ViewsNivo Lightbox is a simple yet robust and featured jQuery lightbox plugin that automatically detects the type of your content and display it in a responsive modal window with amazing animations.
Flat Responsive HTML5 Video Player With jQuery And CSS3
- Other - 9859 ViewsThis is a pretty nice, flat style, fully responsive, mobile-friendly HTML5 video player built using jQuery, HTML5, CSS/CSS3 and a little JavaScript.
Responsive Background Video Plugin With Parallax Effect - backgroundVideo
- Other - 14349 ViewsbackgroundVideo is a jQuery plugin that allows to set any html5 video as a background for a specific container, with an optional parallax effect on vertical page scrolling.
Simple jQuery Youtube Video Gallery Plugin
- Gallery - 29903 ViewsYoutube video gallery is a simple jQuery plugin that allows to tunr a group of youtube videos into a video gallery with thumbnails preview.
jQuery Based Youtube Video Lazy Loader With HD Thumbnail
- Other - 4882 ViewsA jQuery plugin that displays the high quality thumbnail of your Youtube video, and then fetches and loads the Youtube iframe player only when the thumbnail is clicked.
Responsive iFrame Video Embed Plugin With jQuery - Video Embedder
- Layout - 2485 ViewsVideo Embedder is a responsive video embed jQuery plugin which auto resizes iframe embedded videos while preserving the original aspect ratios.
Custom HTML5 Video Player Plugin For jQuery - VPlayer
- Other - 4956 ViewsVPlayer is a simple-to-use, customizable HTML5 video player which can be implemented on the html page via both jQuery and vanilla JavaScript.
Youtubebackground.js - A Wrapper For The Youtube API
- Other - 3273 ViewsjQuery Youtubebackground.js is a wrapper for the Youtube API, great for fullscreen background videos or just regular videos. 360° Videos are supported as well.
jQuery Plugin To Play / Stop Youtube Videos On Page Scroll
- Other - 47216 ViewsYouTube Inview Autoplay is a jQuery plugin which automatically plays / stops Youtube videos when they become visible and disappear on vertical page scrolling.
jQuery Plugin To Create Pointers In A Video - Video Pointer
- Other - 1302 ViewsVideo Pointer is a jQuery plugin to create pointers to specific locations and times in a video from target points.
Responsive Interactive HTML5 Video Player With jQuery / CSS3
- Other - 17872 ViewsA jQuery based responsive, interactive HTML5 video player with custom controls and transcript support.
jQuery Plugin To Sync Html5 Video With Content - VideoSync
- Other - 4145 ViewsVideoSync is a jQuery plugin used to synchronize web content with your HTML5 video base on the timeline.
Youtube Video Background With Custom Controls - jQuery Zero-TV
- Other - 2538 ViewsZero-TV is a jQuery plugin that allows you to use Youtube videos as a background for your webpage, with support for custom video controls and playlist.
Minimal Responsive Video Lightbox Plugin For jQuery - Video Modal
- LightBox - 6104 ViewsVideo Modal is an easy jQuery video lightbox plugin that allows you to play an html5 video in a fullscreen, responsive modal popup with custom controls.
Fluid Width Video Embeds with jQuery - FitVids
- Layout - 9459 ViewsFitVids is a lightweight jQuery Plugin that automates the Intrinsic Ratio Method by Thierry Koblentz to achieve fluid width videos in your responsive web design.
Custom Vimeo Video Background Plugin with jQuery - Vimeofy
- Other - 2155 ViewsVimeofy is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin which uses a Vimeo video as the background of any container element.
Lightweight jQuery Plugin To Render Modal Videos - ModalVideo
- LightBox - 7385 ViewsModalVideo is a super tiny jQuery plugin for playing videos in a modal popup that currently handles Youtube videos and MP4 videos using html5 native controls.
jQuery Plugin To Embed Youtube Video In Modal Popup - ShowYtVideo
- LightBox - 31610 ViewsShowYtVideo is a lightweight jQuery plugin that makes it easy to embed/display/play a specific Youtube video in a fullscreen modal popup.
jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen YouTube Video Backgrounds - tubular
- Other - 11378 Viewstubular is a simpe jQuery plugin that allows you to use a youTube video as a full-screen dynamic background on your website.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Vimeo Cover Placeholder - vimeo-cover.js
- Other - 1299 Viewsvimeo-cover.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps embed a Vimeo video with custom cover image into your webpage.
jQuery Plugin For Easy Vimeo Video Controller - Vimeo.API.js
- Other - 7573 ViewsVimeo.API.js is a lightweight jQuery wrapper around the Vimoe video API which allows you to control Vimeo videos embedded in your webpage with custom jQuery methods and events.
Youtube Video Modal with jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - YTModal
- Other - 14945 ViewsYTModal helps you play Youtube videos in a popup window based jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap modal component.
Tiny Clean jQuery & Html5 Video Player - zd-video.js
- Other - 3697 Viewszd-video.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create a custom and easy to style Html5 video player for your MP4 and WebM files.
jQuery Plugin For Fluid Width Youtube Videos - ModernTube
- Other - 1292 ViewsModernTube is a really simple jQuery plugin for dynamically resizing YouTube iframes to make your embedded Youtube videos responsive across all browsers and devices.
jQuery Plugin For Youtube & Vimeo Video Previews - PreVideoLoad
- Other - 4084 ViewsPreVideoLoad is a super tiny jQuery plugin that gets and displays thumbnail previews of the Youtube or Vimeo videos on the web page.
Lightweight jQuery Youtube Video Player - simplePlayer.js
- Other - 27447 ViewssimplePlayer.js is a jQuery plugin to embed Youtube Videos in your webpage, with custom Play button, screenshot and player controls.
Fullscreen Background Video Plugin For jQuery - BigVideo
- Layout - 24972 ViewsBigVideo is an awesome jQuery plugin for adding fit-to-fill background video to websites.
jQuery Plugin for Showing Complete Youtube Channel - Youmax
- Other - 11545 ViewsYoumax is a jQuery plugin shows your actual complete youtube channel on your website just like its shown on youtube.
Lightweight jQuery Youtube Video Lazy Load Plugin - LazyYT.js
- Loading - 7235 ViewsLazyYT.js is a small and fast jQuery plugin for delaying loading of Youtube videos in your website for reducing the page loading time to improve user experiences.
Cross Platform HTML5 Audio & Video Player For jQuery - jPlayer
- Other - 9394 ViewsjPlayer is a popularjQuery plugin which has been widely used in many online music or video websites.
Responsive and Fluid YouTube Videos - fluidvids.js
- Other - 3788 Viewsfluidvids.js is a jQuery plugin for Responsive and Fluid YouTube/Vimeo iframe embeds.
Responsive jQuery LightBox Plugin - ClassyBox
- LightBox - 8952 ViewsClassyBox is a fancy jQuery Lightbox Plugin that supports for video, gallery, Social Media, AJAX content and more.
Tiny jQuery Youtube/Vimeo Video Lightbox Plugin - Lightbox Video
- LightBox - 27493 ViewsLightbox Video is a super tiny jQuery plugin to display Youtube or Vimeo videos in a nice-looking lightbox interface.
jQuery Plugin To Play Vine Videos/Audios In A Loop - vineVideoPlayer
- Social Media - 1757 ViewsvineVideoPlayer is a jQuery plugin to create an Vine video player on the webpage to play a list of Vine videos or audios in a loop.
Big Background Video Plugin - Bigvideo.js
- Other - 3700 ViewsBigvideo.js is a jQuery Plugin that makes it easy to add fullscreen background video to your website.
jQuery Plugin To Fade The Background To Dark When Playing A Video - Allofthelights.js
- Other - 2568 ViewsAllofthelights.js is a simple jQuery plugin that provides a switch button to fade the entire page to dark when the visitor watches a video on your web page.
Easy jQuery Video Controller Plugin
- Other - 4299 ViewsVideo Controller is a jQuery plugin that allows you to control video players and providers (like youtube, HTML5 video, etc) via external methods.
jQuery Plugin To Embed Vimeo Videos with Thumbnails - Smart Vimeo Embed
- Other - 5099 ViewsSmart Vimeo Embed is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to embed the Vimeo videos with thumbnails on your website, just by adding their id to the data-vimeo-id attribute.
Slick and Customizable jQuery Youtube Player Widget - Youtube TV
- Social Media - 14685 ViewsYoutube TV is a slick, lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating a customizable Youtube Player widget on your website.
jQuery Plugin To Embed Videos with Lightbox Effects - Video Lightbox
- Other - 6745 ViewsjQuery Video Lightbox plugin allows you to add flv, mp4, 3gp videos from popular 3rd services (Youtube, Facebook, Google Video, Vimeo, MySpace) with cool popup lightbox effects and a lot of gorgeous gallery themes.
jQuery Plugin For Embedded Youtube or HTML5 Videos - PragmaticPlayerJs
- Other - 7454 ViewsPragmaticPlayerJs is a customizable jQuery video plugin that make it easy to embed Youtube or HTML5 Videos into your website or blog.
HTML5 Video and Audio Elements Management Plugin - jQuery Media
- Other - 1509 ViewsjQuery media is a jQuery based plugin that allows you to simply manage HTML5 Video and Audio Elements, properties, events, etc
Smart jQuery Brightcove Video Plugin
- Other - 5424 ViewsA smart jQuery plugin helps you create custom dynamic solutions that work with the Brightcove Video platform.
Customizable Bootstrap Video Player Plugin for jQuery - Video UI
- Other - 23110 ViewsVideo UI is a bootstrap UI based jquery plugin for creating Customizable HTML5 video player on your web page.
jQuery Plugin for Controlling and Customizing HTML5 Video/Audio - html5video
- Other - 0 Viewshtml5video is a jQuery plugin for easily controlling and customizing your HTML5 video/audio player using HTML Audio/Video DOM.
jQuery Plugin for Controlling and Customizing HTML5 Video/Audio - html5video
- Other - 0 Viewshtml5video is a jQuery plugin for easily controlling and customizing your HTML5 video/audio player using HTML Audio/Video DOM.
jQuery Plugin for Controlling and Customizing HTML5 Video/Audio - html5video
- Other - 0 Viewshtml5video is a jQuery plugin for easily controlling and customizing your HTML5 video/audio player using HTML Audio/Video DOM.
jQuery Plugin for Controlling and Customizing HTML5 Video/Audio - html5video
- Other - 1 Viewshtml5video is a jQuery plugin for easily controlling and customizing your HTML5 video/audio player using HTML Audio/Video DOM.
jQuery Plugin for Controlling and Customizing HTML5 Video/Audio - html5video
- Other - 0 Viewshtml5video is a jQuery plugin for easily controlling and customizing your HTML5 video/audio player using HTML Audio/Video DOM.
jQuery Plugin for Controlling and Customizing HTML5 Video/Audio - html5video
- Other - 0 Viewshtml5video is a jQuery plugin for easily controlling and customizing your HTML5 video/audio player using HTML Audio/Video DOM.
jQuery Plugin for Controlling and Customizing HTML5 Video/Audio - html5video
- Other - 0 Viewshtml5video is a jQuery plugin for easily controlling and customizing your HTML5 video/audio player using HTML Audio/Video DOM.
jQuery Plugin for Controlling and Customizing HTML5 Video/Audio - html5video
- Other - 1821 Viewshtml5video is a jQuery plugin for easily controlling and customizing your HTML5 video/audio player using HTML Audio/Video DOM.
HTML5 & Flash Video Player - FlareVideo
- Other - 4946 ViewsFlareVideo is a jQuery plugin for creating HTML5 based Video Player with Flash call back.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying YouTube Video Feed - Yunero
- Social Media - 3800 ViewsYunero is a jQuery plugin that creates a widget on your website to display a video feed for YouTube channel uploads or custom playlist with subscription box.
HTML5 Video Player with jQuery and CSS3 - video-js
- CSS3 & Html5 - 5133 ViewsHTML5 Video Player using Video.js is a JavaScript and CSS library that makes it easier to work with and build on HTML5 video.
HTML5 Video Player Plugin With Jquery
- Other - 2614 ViewsHTML5 Video player jQuery plugin that give you all necessary possibilities to make own interface to control your videos.