Advanced HTML5 Video Player - jQuery aksVideoPlayer.js

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License: MIT
Advanced HTML5 Video Player - jQuery aksVideoPlayer.js

aksVideoPlayer.js is a full-featured, highly customizable HTML5 video player built on top of jQuery.


  • Easy to implement.
  • Custom video poster.
  • Allows the user to choose the video quality.
  • Allows the user to adjust the playback speed.
  • Picture in picture.
  • Fullscreen mode.
  • Forward and Rewind buttons.
  • Video captions and subtitles.
  • Custom context menu.
  • Allows you to insert your own ads to the video.

How to use it:

1. Load the aksVideoPlayer.js jQuery plugin's files in the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/dist/aksVideoPlayer.min.css" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/dist/aksVideoPlayer.min.js"></script>

2. Load the Google IMA3 SDK if you'd like to integrate ads into your HTML5 videos.

<script src=""></script>

3. Create a container to hold the video player.

<div id="video"></div>

4. Initialize the plugin and specify the path to your HTML5 video.

  file: [
      file: "1080.mp4",
      label: "1080p"
      file: "720.mp4",
      label: "720p"
      file: "540.mp4",
      label: "540p"
      file: "360.mp4",
      label: "360p"
      file: "240.mp4",
      label: "240p"

5. Set the width and height the video player.

  width: 640,
  height: 360,

6. Specify the path to the video poster.

  poster: "poster.webp"

7. Add captions and subtitles to the video.

  captions: [
      file: "subtitle.en.vtt",
      label: "English",
      kind: "captions",
      srclang: "en"
      file: "",
      label: "Français",
      kind: "captions",
      srclang: "fr"

8. Insert custom links to the context menu.

  contextMenu: [
      type: "urlCopy",
      label: "Copy Video Url",
      url: "https://www."
      type: "socialmedia",
      label: "Share on Social Media",
      socials: [
          label: "Facebook",
          url: "",
          colorBg: "#0066ff",
          color: "white",
            '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 10 20"><defs/><path d="M8.174 3.32H10V.14A23.66 23.66 0 007.34 0C4.709 0 2.906 1.656 2.906 4.7v2.8H0v3.555h2.905V20h3.56v-8.945h2.789L9.697 7.5H6.466V5.05c0-1.027.276-1.73 1.708-1.73z" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>'
          label: "Twitter",
          url: "",
          colorBg: "#0089ff",
          color: "white",
            '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 16"><defs/><path d="M17.944 3.987c. 9.85 13.833 16 6.294 16c-2.322 0-4.48-.662-6.294-1.813.33.038.647.05.99.05 1.916 0 3.68-.637 5.089-1.725-1.802-.037-3.313-1.2-3.833- 0 .736-.05 1.079-.137-1.878-.376-3.287-2-3.287-3.963v-.05c.546.3 1.18.488 1.853.512A4.02 4.02 0 01.838 2.775c0-.75.203-1.438.558-2.038a11.71 11.71 0 008.452 4.225 4.493 4.493 0 01-.102-.924c0-2.226 1.828-4.038 4.1-4.038 1.18 0 2.245.487 2.994 1.275A8.145 8.145 0 0019.442.3a4.038 4.038 0 01-1.802 2.225A8.316 8.316 0 0020 1.9a8.74 8.74 0 01-2.056 2.087z" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>'
      type: "iframe",
      label: "Copy Iframe Code",
      iframe: "&lt;iframe&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;"

9. Insert custom ads to the video.

  ads: [
      type: "google",
      url: '' +
      'env=vp&output=vast&unviewed_position_start=1&cust_params=' +
      type: "image",
      src: "ads.png",
      width: 320,
      height: 50,
      link: "",
      time: "00:20"
      type: "video",
      src: "videoads.mp4",
      link: "",
      time: "00:35",
      adstimer: "6"

10. Customize the video controls.

  rewind: true,
  rewindValue: 10,
  forward: false,
  forwardValue: 10,
  preview: true,
  previewWidth: 140,
  previewHeight: 95,
  controller: true,
  autoplay: false,
  muted: true,
  volume: 1,
  loop: false,
  playbackRate: ["0.25", "0.5", "0.75", "1", "1.25", "1.5", "1.75", "2"],
  pictureinpicture: true,

11. Customize & localize the labels.

  playbackRateLabel: "Playing Speed",
  captionsLabel: "Subtitles",
  sourcesLabel: "Quality",
  playLabel: "Play",
  pauseLabel: "Pause",
  rewindLabel: "Rewind %s Seconds",
  forwardLabel: "Forward %s Seconds",
  settingsLabel: "Settings",
  fullScreenLabel: "Fullscreen",
  exitFullScreenLabel: "Exit Fullscreen",
  adsSkipLabel: "Skip Ad",
  closeLabel: "Close",
  pictureinpictureLabel: "Picture in Picture",

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Ahmetaksungur. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.