Free jQuery tabs Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'tabs' are listed here.
Flexible jQuery Tabbed Interface Plugin - SmartTab
- Slider - 15899 ViewsSmartTab is a powerful and highly customizable jQuery plugin for creating tabbed interface with cool animation effects.
Simple jQuery Responsive Tabs Interface Plugin - jQueryTab
- Layout - 37102 ViewsYet another jQuery tabs plugin for creating responsive tabbed panels with many options and transition animations support.
jQuery Plugin For Extended Bootstrap Tabs - bootstrap-tabs-x
- Other - 6339 ViewsA jQuery plugin that extends the default Bootstrap tabs component with custom opening/tab directions, border styles, tab content alignments, AJAX loading and much more.
Chrome Style Auto Resizing jQuery UI Tabs - stretchy-tabs
- Other - 3378 ViewsA collection of jQuery extensions for jQuery UI tabs that allows you to add, close, and drag'n'drop re-order tab buttons just like the Chrome tabs.
jQuery Plugin To Create Responsive Scrolling Bootstrap Tabs
- Other - 59595 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin for responsive Bootstrap tabs component that makes your Bootstrap tab navigation scrollable when there's no enough screen space to display all tabs.
Accessible Responsive jQuery Tabs Plugin - Skeletabs
- Other - 8744 ViewsSkeletabs is a full-featured jQuery tabs plugin for creating a responsive, accessible, customizable tab structure to switch between different sections of content.
Dynamic Responsive Tabs / Accordion Plugin For jQuery
- Accordion - 10724 ViewsJust another responsive jQuery tabs plugin which automatically converts between a tabs interface and an accordion interface based on the screen size.
Lightweight jQuery Responsive Tabs & Accordion Plugin - Responsive Tabs
- Layout - 47247 ViewsResponsive Tabs is a lightweight and simple jQuery plugin for responsive tabbed interface that will transform to an accordion on window size change.
Awesome Scrolling For Wide Tab-Interface Applications - ScrollTabs
- Layout - 21309 ViewsScrollTabs is a jQuery plugin to create customizable, dynamic, smart and responsive tabs for wide tab-interface applications that automatic adjust to detect whether scrolling is needed.
Responsive Multipurpose Tabs & Accordion Plugin With jQuery
- Accordion - 20004 ViewsA responsive, multipurpose, ajax-enabled and mobile-friendly jQuery tabbed content plugin which automatically switches between tabs and accordion interfaces depending on the screen size.
Create Responsive Collapsible Bootstrap Tabs Using jQuery
- Other - 10341 ViewsA jQuery plugin that makes your Bootstrap tabs component fully responsive and mobile friendly by collapsing overflowed tabs into a toggleable dropdown list on small screens.
Minimal Themeable jQuery Tabs Plugin - CardTabs
- Other - 2778 ViewsCardTabs is an ultra-light, cross-browser jQuery tabs plugin that automatically creates tabs to switch between tabbed content on click.
Responsive Accessible Tabs Plugin For jQuery - aria-tabs
- Other - 2685 Viewsaria-tabs is a lightweight jQuery plugin which helps you create a responsive, accessible tabs interface from plain HTML, with support for Aria attributes/roles and keyboard interactions.
Responsive & Accessible jQuery Tabbed Interface Plugin
- Layout - 4841 ViewsA jQuery tabs plugin used to create a fully responsive, customizable, accessible tabbed interface component with ARIA & keyboard support.
Stylish Sliding Tabs With jQuery And CSS3 - Toggle Tabs
- Other - 9728 ViewsThe Toggle Tabs script allows the users to switch between tabbed content with sliding, toggle button-style navigation tabs.
Flexible jQuery Tabbed Content Plugin - Herotabs
- Slider - 5868 ViewsHerotabs is a lightweight jQuery plugin that makes it easy to switch html content between tabs, which supports keyboard navigation, touch event, switching delay and vertical & horizontal layouts.
Simple Tabbed Content Slider Plugin For jQuery - tabbedcontent
- Slider - 11174 Viewstabbedcontent is a jQuery based tabs plugin that provides a simple way to quickly create your own tabbed content slider with a bit codes.
Lightweight jQuery Tabbed Content & Pagination Plugin - TabPager
- Layout - 10292 ViewsTabPager is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin that generates dynamic pagination links for your long tabbed content.
Responsive Metro Style Tabs Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 2943 ViewsA very small jQuery script used to create a responsive, Windows Metro-style tabbed interface with tiled tab navigation links.
Versatile Responsive Tabs Plugin For jQuery - jtabs.js
- Other - 1884 Viewsjtabs.js is a lightweight, responsive, highly customizable jQuery tabs plugin that features deep links, cookies/local storage, nested tabs, callback functions and much more.
Tabs And Accordions Made Easy - jQuery jpix Plugin
- Accordion - 4323 Viewsjpix is a simple yet multifunctional jQuery plugin that makes it easier to create tabs and multi-level accordion interfaces with just one JS call.
Handy Animated Tab Plugins With jQuery - tabs.js
- Other - 2861 ViewsA lightweight, flexible jQuery tabs plugin that automatically creates tabs from an HTML unordered list, which link to block elements on the webpage.
Add Navigation Buttons To jQuery UI Tabs Widget - Tabs.Neighbors
- Other - 5920 ViewsTabs.Neighbors is a JQuery plugin that allows the visitor to switch between tabbed panels by click on the next / prev arrows.
Basic jQuery Tabs Plugin With Hashtag Support - tabscroll.js
- Other - 1623 Viewstabscroll.js is a simple, plain, lightweight jQuery tabs plugin which allows the user to open specific tab with hash links.
jQuery Plugin To Switch Tabs On Hover Or Button Click - rTabs
- Other - 5863 ViewsA lightweight, CSS-less jQuery tabs plugin which allows to switch between tab panels by hovering over the tabs or on click.
Flat Animated Tabs Plugin For jQuery - PWS Tabs
- Layout - 7429 ViewsPWS Tabs is a lightweight jQuery tabs plugin to create flat style tabbed content panels with some cool transition effects.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Bootstrap Tabs and Pills
- Other - 5567 ViewsA jQuery plugin for Responsive Bootstrap tabs/pills that automatically collapses your overflowing items into a dropdown when the screen size gets smaller.
Responsive Expanding Grid / Tab Layout Plugin For jQuery - Gridtab
- Layout - 5411 ViewsGridtab is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating responsive grid or tab layouts which allow the user to expand / hide web content by clicking on their corresponding grid/tab items.
Lightweight jQuery Tabs Plugin With Animation and Rotation - Tabslet
- Layout - 11917 ViewsTabslet is a lightweight (~2kb minified) jQuery plugin that allows you to create tabbed content with support for animation effect, tabs rotation and trigger events.
Minimal Handy jQuery Tabs Plugin - AddTabs
- Other - 3230 ViewsAddTabs is a dead simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to create a Material Design style tabs interface from plain HTML.
Smart Customizable jQuery Tabs Plugin - Pretty Tabs
- Other - 1349 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin which lets you create a customizable, hashtag-enabled tabs component for sectioned web content.
Simple Accessible jQuery Tabs Plugin - tabs.js
- Other - 2161 ViewsUse this tabs.js jQuery plugin to create a simple, accessible tabs component that supports ARIA attributes, content preloader and keyboard interactions.
Versatile Content Toggle Plugin For jQuery - contentToggle
- Accordion - 4122 ViewsAn accessible, cross-browser and multi-functional jQuery content toggle plugin which allows to show or hide or toggle some HTML content with custom trigger elements.
Multi-purpose jQuery Tabs Interface Plugin - Tabs.js
- Other - 1968 ViewsTabs.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin which helps you to present sectioned content in a horizontal/vertical or accordion-style tabbed interface.
Multifunctional Content Slider Plugin For jQuery - Switchable
- Slider - 4040 ViewsSwitchable is a multi-purpose jQuery slider plugin which enables the visitor to switch between any elements just like a slideshow, carousel, gallery or tabs component.
Minimal Click- Or Hover-Triggered Tabs Plugin With jQuery - tab.js
- Other - 5840 ViewsA super small (<1kb) and easy-to-use jQuery tabs plugin which allows the user to switch between tabbed panels by clicking or hovering tab headers.
Elegant Animated Tabs Plugin For jQuery - colorfulTab
- Other - 5049 ViewscolorfulTab is a simple jQuery plugin that organizes your long content in an elegant, animated, themeable tabbed interface.
Tiny Adaptive Tabbed Interface Plugin With jQuery - Organic Tabs
- Other - 1605 ViewsOrganic Tabs is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create an adaptive tabs interface where the tabbed panel will auto expand / collapse according to the height of its inner content.
Animated jQuery & CSS3 Hash-sensitive Tabs Plugin
- Layout - 4709 ViewsHash Tabs is a robust jQuery tabs plugin for creating tabbed interfaces that supports hash-friendly URLs and comes with tons of CSS3 powered animations.
Tiny Reusable jQuery Tabs Plugin - Ublue Tabs
- Other - 1201 ViewsUblue is an reusable, ultra-small and easy-to-customize jQuery tabs plugin that works both with mouse hover and mouse click events.
Responsive Accessible jQuery Tabs Plugin - PIGNOSE Tab
- Other - 1860 ViewsPIGNOSE Tab is a very small (~4kb) jQuery tabs plugin which lets you create animated, responsive, accessible, nested tabbed interface for your long content.
Material Design Inspired Tabbed Navigation Plugin - mdtabs
- Menu - 3588 Viewsmdtabs is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you create Material Design inspired customizable tabbed navigation with an animated indicator for your webpage.
Basic HTML List Based jQuery Tabs Plugin - Tabifier
- Other - 2592 ViewsTabifier is a lightweight and CSS-less jQuery plugin for converting an html list into a tabbed interface. Supports nested html ordered or unordered lists.
Mobile Friendly Responsive Bootstrap Tabs Plugin with jQuery
- Other - 3137 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin for responsive Bootstrap tabs component that stacks tab navigation items into a dropdown menu when they overflow in mobile view.
Minimal Tabbed Navigation Plugin with jQuery - Simple Tabs
- Other - 3046 ViewsSimple Tabs is a jQuery plugin for generating a good-looking tabbed navigation which allows the visitor to switch between panes of local content.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Bootstrap Tabs - responsive-tab
- Other - 4524 ViewsA jQuery plugin that make your Bootstrap tabs responsive by collapsing overflowed items into a dropdown list when there's not enough space available (e.g. in mobile view).
Responsive Sliding Tabs Plugin with jQuery - Tabs.js
- Other - 11628 ViewsA responsive and SEO-friendly jQuery tabs plugin which allows the visitor to slide between different sections of content using jQuery animate() method.
jQuery Plugin For Simple Nice Tab Slider - TabIt
- Slider - 8137 ViewsTabIt is a jQuery plugin for transforming selected elements into a nice tab slider which allows you to navigate between content slides with tabs.
Stylish Ajax-enabled jQuery Tabs Plugin - jTab
- Other - 3841 ViewsjTab is a lightweight jQuery tabs plugin used to create an animated & nice looking tabbed interface.
Lightweight Accessible Tabs Plugin For jQuery - Suntabs
- Other - 1317 ViewsSuntabs is a super tiny (~2kb minified) jQuery plugin that generate an efficient and accessible tabs component from plain html.
Simple Responsive jQuery Tabbed Interface Plugin - Tabs
- Other - 1669 ViewsA jQuery plugin used to create a fully responsive, mobile-friendly tabbed interface where the tabs automatically become a select dropdown menu on small screen devices.
Material Design Inspired Tabs Modal with jQuery and CSS3
- Other - 5504 ViewsA modern, Material Design inspried jQuery tabs UI component which allows to switch between different sections of content with a smooth CSS3 based animation.
jQuery Plugin For Dynamic Bootstrap Tabs Component
- Other - 9399 ViewsA jQuery plugin to extend the Bootstrap's tabs component that dynamically adds draggable and closable Bootstrap tabbed navigation just like the tabs in Chrome browser.
Easy Accessible jQuery Tabs Plugin - accTabs
- Other - 1096 ViewsA jQuery plugin for rendering a fully accessible tabs component that uses WAI-ARIA roles and state markups to provide an universal experience on various devices.
Responsive Tabbing with Accordion In Mobile View - mTab
- Accordion - 7039 ViewsmTab is a jQuery plugin to create a responsive tabbed interface that automatically switch between tabs view and accordion view according to a specified breakpoint.
Tabs-style Responsive Content Slider Plugin For jQuery - jqSlide
- Slider - 8742 ViewsjqSlide is a lightweight, responsive jQuery content slider plugin which automatically switches between select-like slider and tabs-like slider based on the screen width.
Select Based Responsive Tabs Plugin For jQuery - responsiveTabs
- Other - 1742 ViewsJust another jQuery responsive tabbed system which converts horizontal tabs into a select dropdown list on small screen devices.
Basic Responsive Tabbed Content Plugin with jQuery - BasicTabs
- Layout - 3945 ViewsBasicTabs is an ultra-light jQuery tabs plugin for creating responsive tabbed content panels that are fully customizable via CSS styles.
Smooth Responsive Tabs Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - openTabby.js
- Other - 3799 ViewsopenTabby.js is a jQuery & CSS3 based tabs component that auto transforms into an accordion view on smaller devices and dynamically expands itself according to its content.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive jQuery UI Accordion & Tabs
- Accordion - 6175 ViewsA super simple jQuery plugin for transforming a standard jQuery UI tabs widget into an accordion widget when it reaches a CSS breakpoint
Simple Mobile-Friendly Responsive Tabs Plugin For jQuery
- Accordion - 3660 ViewsYet another jQuery responsive tabs plugin which turns the tabbed content into accordion-like toggleable panels on mobile devices.
Responsive Cross-Platform Tabs Plugin For jQuery - easyResponsiveTabs
- Accordion - 9274 ViewseasyResponsiveTabs is a jQuery plugin used to create fully responsive tabs system that works perfectly on most popular platforms: desktop, mobile and tablet.
Handy Tabs Component with jQuery and CSS - sea.tabs
- Other - 1955 Viewssea.tabs is a lightweight (less than 1kb) jQuery script used to show and hide a group of html content in a clean, compact tabs UI.
jQuery Plugin For Simple & Mobile-Friendly Toggle Tabs - Tabby
- Layout - 2697 ViewsTabby is a simple and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin that allows you to organize DIV contents into a vertical or horizontal tab interface.
Creating Vertical Bootstrap Tabs Components
- Other - 7335 ViewsWith a little additional CSS styles, you can create a vertical tabs component using jQuery and Bootstrap framework.
Simple and Clean jQuery Plugin For Tab Based Inferface - Matt Tabs
- Layout - 4902 ViewsMatt Tabs is a lightweight and simple jQuery plugin that turns a set of DIV containers into a tabbed interface.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Responsive Tabs - TabDancer
- Other - 1462 ViewsTabDancer is a jQuery responsive tabs plugin that makes lots of tabs fit on one line, hides the ones that don't fit, and reveals them on demand.
Responsive Adaptive Tabs Widget with jQuery and CSS3
- Other - 2113 ViewsA responsive, adaptive, sleek-looking jQuery & CSS3 tabs widget that animates to the height of its content when switched.
Semantic Re-useable jQuery Tabs Plugin - Tabs
- Other - 724 ViewsA tiny, easy-to-use jQuery tabs plugin which helps you implement multiple tabbed interfaces on your webpage.
jQuery Plugin To Create Sliding Tabbed Panels
- Other - 1661 ViewsA jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to create smooth sliding panels with tabbed navigation just like the tabs interface.
Creating A Vertical Tabs System with jQuery and CSS3
- Other - 28472 ViewsA simple tabs system with vertical tabbed navigation, using CSS3 transitions and a little bit of jQuery script to toggle CSS classes.
Creating Chrome-style Tabs with jQuery and jQuery UI - Chrome Tabs
- Other - 6284 ViewsChrome Tabs is a jQuery plugin for creating draggable, sortable, closeable and themeable tabs as you seen in Google Chrome.
jQuery Plugin To Create Vertical Tabs - Tabs.js
- Other - 6558 ViewsTabs.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create a simple tabbed interface that arranges tabs in a vertical rather than horizontal fashion.
Responsive Tab Control Plugin with jQuery and CSS
- Other - 3263 ViewsA responsive jQuery tabbed interface plugin that automatically converts the tabs into a toggleable dropdown menu on mobile devices.
Basic jQuery Tabbed Interface Plugin - Tabify
- Other - 2137 ViewsTabify is a really simple jQuery plugin that helps you generate a basic tabbed interface from plain Html markup.
Simple Responsive jQuery Tabs/Accordion Plugin
- Accordion - 4095 ViewsA simple, responsive tabbed interface plugin that acts as an accordion in mobile views and becomes a tabbed interface as the available viewport width increases.
Easy & Animated jQuery Tabbed Content Plugin - Tabulous
- Layout - 13552 ViewsTabulous is a simple and clean jQuery plugin that enables you to organize DIV contents into an animated tab interface with awesome CSS3 animations.
Accessible High Performance Tabs Plugin with jQuery and Velocity.js
- Layout - 4432 Viewstabtab.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating accessible, high performance tabbed content panels with some cool transition effects powered by Velocity.js.
Simple Toggle Tabs Plugin with jQuery/HTML5 - Tabby
- Layout - 5986 ViewsTabby is a super tiny jQuery plugin used to create a stylish tabs control with support for Ajax loaded content.
Easy Responsive Tab/Accordion Control Plugin For jQuery
- Accordion - 85524 ViewsA responsive jQuery tabs plugin that acts like a vertical accordion list when the screen size reaches a CSS3 media query breakpoint.
Simple Responsive Tabs Plugin For jQuery - SimpleTabs
- Layout - 2912 ViewsSimpleTabs is a simple, flexible and responsive jQuery & CSS3 tabs plugin which allows the visitor to swap between tabbed content with a slide effect.
Responsive & Scalable Bootstrap Tabs Enhancement Plugin with jQuery
- Layout - 16004 ViewsA jQuery plugin extends the Bootstrap Tabs component to create a Safari-style responsive & scalable tabs interface.
Accordion Like Content Tabs Plugin with jQuery - Easy Responsive Tabs
- Accordion - 21531 ViewsEasy Responsive Tabs is a simple jQuery plugin for quickly creating content Tabs which allow you organize larger groups of content into a tab interface.
Super Simple jQuery Tabs Plugin - jptab
- Layout - 1343 ViewsA dead simple jQuery plugin which allows you to organize DIV contents into a tab interface with minimal effort.
Lightweight jQuery Responsive Tabs To Accordion Plugin - smartTabs
- Accordion - 6711 ViewsResponsive tabs/accordion jQuery Plugin that helps you present content sections like accordion on mobile/tablet devices and like tabs on desktop.
Responsive & Accessible jQuery Tabs/Accordion Plugin - tabacc
- Accordion - 8031 Viewstabacc is a jQuery plugin allows for presenting content sections like tabs on larger devices or like accordion on smaller devices.
Responsive jQuery Vertical & Horizontal Tabs Plugin - Tab Module
- Layout - 35775 ViewsTab Module is a simple tiny jQuery tabs plugin to create a responsive, flexible tabs interface with support for vertical or horizontal layouts.
Stylish Tabbed Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Layout - 5928 ViewsA stylish, semantic, jQuery based tabbed navigation which allows you swap between content panels with smooth CSS3 powered transitions.
Building An Vertical Tabs Widget using jQuery and Bootstrap 3
- Layout - 37459 ViewsA stylish jQuery extension for the default Bootstrap tabs component that allows you to swap between tabbed panes with vertical side tabs.
Mobile Friendly Bootstrap Tabs Enhancement with jQuery
- Layout - 34578 ViewsA jQuery plugin extends the Bootstrap's tabs component to make it more responsive on small screen devices.
Responsive jQuery Tabbed Panels Plugin - Tabber
- Layout - 7124 ViewsTabber is a jQuery plugin to create a responsive tabs/tabbed interface that will be converted into a mobile-friendly list when the window's size has reached the breakpoint.
jQuery Plugin For Side Tabs Scrolling - Scrolltab
- Animation - 2793 ViewsScrolltab is a fancy jQuery plugin which enables you attach floating tabs to the scrollbar of the browser that will scroll the page to the position indicated by the tab.
Animated Semantic Tab Control with jQuery and CSS3
- Layout - 2005 ViewsA little jQuery script to create vertical or horizontal tabbed panels with fancy CSS3 animations and semantic markup.
jQuery Plugin To Create Sliding Tabbed Panels - slidingTab
- Layout - 4917 ViewsYet another small jQuery tabs plugin which allows you to switch between tabbed panels with a smooth sliding animation.
jQuery Plugin For Chrome-Like Draggable Tabbed Content - Chrome Tabs
- Layout - 4673 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a Google Chrome-like tabs interface which allows you to rearrange tabs by clicking and dragging.
Simple Responsive jQuery Tabs Plugin With Fade Effects
- Layout - 18300 ViewsJust another simple clean, responsive and cross-browser jQuery tabs plugin that allows you to switch content sections in a tabbed interface, with a subtle fade-in effect.
Create A 3D Foldable Tab Bar with jQuery and CSS3
- Layout - 0 ViewsA jQuery and CSS3 based tabs widget that allows to reveal the tabbed content with a 3D transform transition effect when you mouse hover. How to use it: 1. Include the necessary Prefix-free CSS library in the head section of the web page. Pr
Android-Like jQuery Tab Navigation Plugin - ShiftyNav
- Menu - 3783 ViewsShiftyNav is a jQuery plugin inspired by the Android apps that make it easy to create tabbed navigation/slider with simple animation effects.
jQuery Based Responsive Tabbed Panels Plugin - Yeotabs
- Layout - 1578 ViewsYeotabs is a simple jQuery plugin that creates responsive tabbed panels and turns them into an accordion interface for small screen devices.
Responsive Flat jQuery Tabs Plugin - Form5 Tabs
- Layout - 3820 ViewsForm5 Tabs is a lightweight, easy jQuery tabs plugin that allows you to navigate through different sections in a responsive & flat tabbed interface.