Responsive Accessible jQuery Tabs Plugin - PIGNOSE Tab

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License: MIT
Responsive Accessible jQuery Tabs Plugin - PIGNOSE Tab

PIGNOSE Tab is a very small (~4kb) jQuery tabs plugin which lets you create animated, responsive, accessible, nested tabbed interface for your long content.


  • Supports unlimited sub tabs.
  • Build using plain html unordered lists.
  • Custom On/off animations.
  • onClick callback.
  • Supports web accessibility.
  • Cross browser and cross platform.

Basic usage:

1. To use this plugin, you need to load jQuery library together with the stylesheet and JavaScript in the webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/">
<script src="//"></script> 
<script src="dist/js/"></script> 

2. Create the tab navigation and content.

<div class="tab">
    <li> <a href="#">TAB-1</a>
      <div> Content 1 </div>
    <li> <a href="#">TAB-2</a>
      <div> Content 2 </div>
    <li> <a href="#">TAB-3</a>
      <div> Content 3 </div>

3. Just call the plugin on the top element and done.


4. To create a multi-level tabbed interface, just add your content into nested html lists as follows:

<div class="tab">
    <li> <a href="#">TAB-1</a>
        <div class="tab">
            <li> <a href="#">SUBTAB 1-1</a>
              <div> Content 1-1 </div>
            <li> <a href="#">SUBTAB 1-2</a>
              <div> Content 1-2 </div>
            <li> <a href="#">SUBTAB 1-3</a>
              <div> Content 1-3 </div>
    <li> <a href="#">TAB-2</a>
        <div class="tab">
            <li> <a href="#">SUBTAB 2-1</a>
              <div> Content 2-1 </div>
            <li> <a href="#">SUBTAB 2-2</a>
              <div> Content 2-2 </div>
            <li> <a href="#">SUBTAB 2-3</a>
              <div> Content 2-3 </div>
    <li> <a href="#">TAB-3</a>
        <div class="tab">
            <li> <a href="#">SUBTAB 3-1</a>
              <div> Content 3-1 </div>
            <li> <a href="#">SUBTAB 3-2</a>
              <div> Content 3-2 </div>
            <li> <a href="#">SUBTAB 3-3</a>
              <div> Content 3-3 </div>

5. Config the plugin with the following options.


  // fired when a tab is clicked
  'callback'        : null,

  // true = enable the animation
  'animation'       : 'static',
  'animationTime'   : 300,
  'animationEasing' : 'easeInOutCubic',

  // CSS selector for sub tabs
  'children'        : '.sub-tab'

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by KennethanCeyer. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.