jQuery Animation Plugins
Download Free jQuery Scrolling, Parallax Scrolling, Text Animation, CSS3 based Animation and other animation plugins at jQueryScript.Net. Page 1 .
Mask Entry Animation: Stunning Image Reveals with jQuery
- Animation - 149 ViewsAdd dynamic clip-path animations to your images with Mask Entry Animation. Perfect for hero sections, portfolios, and interactive visuals.
jQuery Plugin For Scrolling Text - oyomarquee.js
- Animation - 1007 ViewsA lightweight yet customizable jQuery plugin for creating scrolling text programmatically using CSS3 animations.
Add Smooth Fade & Slide Effects To Elements With FadeScroll.js
- Animation - 1312 ViewsA lightweight JavaScript plugin that adds subtle fade and slide effects to elements as they scroll into view.
Create Animated Clouds Using Canvas And WebGl - klouds.js
- Animation - 5149 Viewsklouds.js is a jQuery & Vanilla JavaScript plugin to generate animated, customizable clouds using HTML5 canvas and WebGL API.
Seamless Content Scrolling With jQuery Marquee.js
- Animation - 722 ViewsUse the jQuery Marquee plugin for smooth & endless content scrolling. Perfect for news tickers and image carousels.
Animated Gauge Plugin In JavaScript - JustGage
- Animation - 27104 ViewsJustGage is a JavaScript plugin for generating and animating nice & clean gauges. It is based on Raphaël library for vector drawing, so it’s completely resolution independent and self-adjusting.
Image Parallax Scroll Effect JavaScript Library - SimpleParallax
- Animation - 13972 ViewsA simple, lightweight JavaScript parallax solution applies a subtle Parallax Scroll Effect to any images in your React or Vanilla JavaScript applications.
Beautiful HTML Presentation Library - reveal.js
- Animation - 15729 Viewsreveal.js is a poweful JavaScript library for creating beautiful, touch-enable, full-features, powerpoint-like HTML5 presentation on the webpage.
Subtle Parallax Effect For Background Images - jQuery js-parallax
- Animation - 399 ViewsA minimalist jQuery plugin that adds an interactive parallax scrolling effect to background images.
Smooth Horizontal Text Scroller - jQuery eocjsNewsticker
- Animation - 18848 ViewsAn easy yet configurable jQuery news ticker plugin which smoothly, horizontally, and infinitely scrolls through text blocks at a given speed.
Smooth Page Scrolling with Fancy Effects - anchorScroll.js
- Animation - 4199 ViewsanchorScroll is a JavaScript plugin that allows your anchor link to smoothly scroll to an specified section / position within the document.
Create Captivating Blur Motion Effects with jQuery blurMotion.js
- Animation - 718 ViewsAn easy-to-use jQuery plugin to generate customizable blur motion effects, a technique where multiple blurred shapes are animated within a specified container.
Customizable Snow Falling Effect With jQuery And CSS3 - Flurry
- Animation - 15499 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin used for displaying a highly customizable, CSS3 animated snow falling effect with rotating snowflakes on the webpage.
Add Festive Snowfall To Webpage With The letItSnow jQuery Plugin
- Animation - 665 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that helps create a wintery atmosphere by adding a customizable, festive snowfall effect to web pages.
Background Parallax Effect On Scroll Or Mousemove - parallaxBackground
- Animation - 16092 ViewsYet another jQuery background parallax plugin which applies subtle animations (rotate, shift and zoom) to background images as you scroll the webpage (or triggered by mouse move).
SVG Path Animation Plugin with JavaScript - Lazy Line Painter
- Animation - 8204 ViewsLazy Line Painter is a jQuery plugin for creating SVG Path Animation using the Raphaël Library, which uses the SVG W3C Recommendation and VML as a base for creating graphics.
Add Rollover Effects to Image Galleries - jQuery Cycle Image On Hover
- Animation - 538 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin lets you create engaging interactive image galleries that transition on hover.
Customizable Back To Top Button Plugin For jQuery - backToTop
- Animation - 9093 ViewsJust another jQuery scroll to top plugin which generates a highly customizable, CSS3 animated back to top button on the long webpage for better readability.
Material Design's Ripple Effect Made Easy - PaperRipple.js
- Animation - 624 ViewsA lightweight JavaScript library that allows web developers to easily add the Material Design ripple effect to any UI elements.
jQuery Smooth Content Scrolling Plugin - Smooth Scroll
- Animation - 8779 ViewsSmooth Scroll is a jQuery plugin that allows you to scroll any element of you page with smooth animation effect.