Add Touch-Friendly Rotation Effects with Propeller jQuery Plugin

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Add Touch-Friendly Rotation Effects with Propeller jQuery Plugin

Propeller is a lightweight jQuery plugin that enables rotation of elements using mouse drag or touch gestures. It provides a smooth and high-performance rotation experience for any elements & UI components in your web projects.

The plugin supports inertial rotation, which adds a natural feel to the element rotation. Once a user stops dragging, the element continues to rotate for a brief period, simulating the effect of inertia. It also comes with a stepwise rotation feature that allows you to control rotation increments, which ensures precision and consistency when rotating elements.

How to use it:

1. To get started, include the minified version of the Propeller plugin after jQuery.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/dist/propeller.min.js"></script>

2. Apply Propeller to any HTML element as follows:

<img id="rotatable" src="wheel.png" />
... any element ...
    // options here

3. Set the initial angle of the rotatable element. Default: 0

    angle: 30,

4. Config the inertia feature. 1 means infinite rotation.

    inertia: 0.98

5. Set the speed at which the element rotates.

    speed: 0,
    minimalSpeed: 0.001,

6. Config the stepwise mode.

    step: 0,
    stepTransitionTime: 0,
    stepTransitionEasing: 'linear', // easing function

7. Callback functions.

    onRotate: function(){
    onDragStart: function(){
      // do something
    onDragStop: function(){
      // do something
    onStop: function(){
      // do something

8. API method.


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by PixelsCommander. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.