Free jQuery Rotate Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Rotate' are listed here.
Add Touch-Friendly Rotation Effects with Propeller jQuery Plugin
- Animation - 825 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that enables rotation of elements using mouse drag or touch gestures.
Resizable, Draggable, Rotatable jQuery Plugin - Box Modeling
- Other - 6234 ViewsA jQuery plugin that makes a DIV element resizable, rotatable, and moveable using jQuery UI and CSS3 transforms.
Create Rotatable Elements - jQuery UI Rotatable
- Other - 9600 ViewsThe library enables a DOM element to be rotatable with a handle and works perfectly with jQuery UI's resizable and draggable functions.
Advanced Touch-friendly Rotatable Plugin For jQuery UI - ui-rotatable
- Other - 4092 ViewsAn advanced and performant rotatable plugin for jQuery UI that makes use of CSS3 2D transforms to rotate an element with handle, mousewheel and touch events.
Interactive Element Rotate Animation - jQuery Elemental Dimensionizer
- Animation - 1112 ViewsThe Elemental Dimensionizer jQuery plugin applies a CSS Transform based interactive rotate/flip effect to any HTML object that reacts to mousemove and touchmove events.
Configurable CSS Rotate Animation Plugin - jQuery rotator
- Animation - 1105 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin which applies a fully configurable rotate animation to any DOM elements using CSS3 transforms.
Cross-browser jQuery Image Rotation Plugin - jqueryRotate
- Animation - 2088 ViewsjqueryRotate is a lightweight, cross-browser jQuery plugin used to rotate an image to any angle using CSS3 transforms.
jQuery Plugin To Rotate An Element with 3D Flip Effects - Flipper
- Animation - 13645 ViewsJust another jQuery & jQuery UI based flipper plugin which allows you to rotate an Html element using CSS3 3D transforms.
jQuery Plugin To Rotate Elements Based On Mouse Position - follow-cursor
- Animation - 4007 Viewsfollow-cursor is a tiny jQuery plugin which makes use of CSS3 transforms to rotate an element to follow the cursor position.
Minimalist jQuery & CSS3 Rotation Animation Plugin - Rotate.js
- Animation - 2009 ViewsRotate.js is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin that makes use of CSS3 transforms to rotate any element by a specific number of degrees.
jQuery Plugin To Create Simple CSS3 Animations - tween.js
- Animation - 2954 Viewstween.js is a jQuery based animation plugin which provides an easy way to create cross-browser CSS3 animations with support of easing effects.
jQuery Plugin To Animate Elements On Mouse Move - anm
- Animation - 10210 Viewsanm is a lightweight jQuery plugin to animate a group of elements using JavaScript and CSS3 transforms that react to viewer's cursor.
Create Custom Rotate Animations with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 4803 ViewsA super tiny JavaScript library which gives you the ability to apply a custom rotate animation on an Html element using jQuery and CSS3 2D transforms.
Simple jQuery Plugin To Animate Html Elements - jAnimator
- Animation - 1167 ViewsjAnimator is a simple and easy jQuery plugin to animate (shake or fade) Html elements with custom triggers by using CSS3 transforms.
Stylish 3D Rotating Slideshow Plugin with jQuery and CSS3
- Slideshow - 4847 ViewsA cool jQuery & CSS3 based slideshow plugin which allows to cycle through a list of images with subtle 3D rotating/flipping effects.
Google Style Text Flip & Rotate Effects with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 1402 ViewsA cool jQuery snippet to create text flip animation effect using CSS3 transitions and transforms, similar to the loading animation you see in some Google products/apps.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Element Rotation Animations
- Animation - 3233 ViewsRotation Animation is a cool jQuery plugin used to rotate any element with custom frame-by-frame rotation animations.
Animate Elements In When They Come Into View - jQuery CSS3 Animate It Plugin
- Animation - 99815 ViewsCSS3 Animate It is a jQuery plugin that makes use of CSS3 animations to animate Html elements in when they come into view.
jQuery Plugin For Simple Html Element Scrolling Effects - scrollme
- Animation - 7471 Viewsscrollme is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin which allows to scale, rotate, translate and change the opacity of Html elements as you scroll down/up the web page.
3D Rotating Content Slideshow with jQuery and CSS3
- Slideshow - 7172 ViewsA small and cool jQuery plugin for creating a responsive & fullscreen presentation that allows you to slide through a set of Html contents like an 3D rotating cube.
jQuery Accordion Plugin with Amazing CSS3 Animations - ChechuAccordion
- Layout - 761 ViewsChechuAccordion is a jQuery/Zepto accordion plugin that allows you to expand a content panel with amazing CSS3 @keyframes animations like rotate, slideUp or slideDown.
jQuery Plugin For Managing Hardware Accelerated CSS3 Animations - animo.js
- Animation - 4605 Viewsanimo.js is a stunning jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to manage hardware accelerated CSS3 animations with special effects such like stack animations, cross-browser blurring, rotate, bounce, callbacks on animation completion, etc.
jQuery CSS Rotate Property Using CSS3 Transforms - Rotate
- Animation - 11117 ViewsRotate is a tiny jQuery plugin that allows you to rotate html elements (like images) using CSS3 transformations.
jQuery Plugin To Transform DOM Elements On Web Page - Free Transform
- Other - 3522 ViewsFree Transform is a plugin for jQuery that allows you to rotate, move, scale a DOM element on your web page, similar to the transform tool in Adobe Photoshop and Flash.
Stunning CSS Framework For CSS3 Animations With jQuery
- Animation - 2511 ViewsMagic is a CSS3 framework worked with jQuery that aims to provide a number of different types of CSS3 animations with special effects such like bling, slide, rotate, Perspective, math, etc.
jQuery Plugin for Client Side Image Resizing - canvasResize
- Layout - 41142 ViewscanvasResize is a plugin works both with jQuery and Zepto that allows to auto resize/rotate client side images using HTML5 canvas tag.
jQuery Plugin For Rotating Elements Clockwise or Counterclockwise - Aperture
- Rotator - 3405 ViewsAperture is a jQuery and jQuery UI based plugin for rotating a group of html elements Clockwise or Counterclockwise.
jQuery Simple Controls Image Gallery Plugin
- Gallery - 2252 ViewsSimple Controls Gallery is a super simple jQuery gallery plugin that rotates and displays a group of images as an slidershow, with fading and overlay effects.
Swatch Book - Open and Rotate Swatches Plugin
- Slider - 2215 ViewsSwatch Book is a jquery plugin using CSS transforms and transitions that allows you to open and rotate the single swatches revealing some details.
jRumble - HTML Element Shaking Plugin
- Animation - 2201 ViewsjRumble is a jQuery plugin written by Jack Rugile that rumbles, vibrates, shakes, and rotates any HTML element on your website.
Baraja - Spreading items in a Card-like fashion
- Rotator - 7304 ViewsBaraja is a funny jquery plugin that permits you toSpread HTML Elements (images,contents ...) in a Card-like fashion.
Jquery Icon Rotate Effect
- Rotator - 2225 ViewsjQueryIcoRotate is a jquery plugin lets you display Icons (photos, images,) on the page with Rotating Effect.