jQuery Plugin For Managing Hardware Accelerated CSS3 Animations - animo.js
File Size: | 10.7 KB |
Views Total: | 4588 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
animo.js is a stunning jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to manage hardware accelerated CSS3 animations with special effects such like stack animations, cross-browser blurring, rotate, bounce, callbacks on animation completion, etc.
See also:
- jQuery Plugin For Hardware Accelerated CSS3 Animations - Minimit Anima
- Stunning CSS Framework For CSS3 Animations With jQuery
Basic Usage:
1. Include jQuery library 2.0+ and jQuery animo.js script on your web page
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.0.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="animo.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2. Include required jQuery animo.js stylesheet on your web page
<link href="animate+animo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
3. Create the html for the Tada and Bounce animations
<div id="demo" style="height:100px;width:100px;background:#34495e"></div> <button onclick="$('#demo2').animo({animation: ['tada', 'bounce'], duration: 2});">Tada and Bounce</button>
4. Settings
// Animations $(element).animo({ // [string]/[array] class name(s) of the css animation, animation: "name", // or ["name1", "name2", "name3"] // [float] time (in seconds) for the animation to last during 1 iteration duration: 0.8, // [int] number of times the animation shall repeat itself iterate: 1, // [string] how the animation should progress over the duration of each cycle timing: "linear", // [boolean] whether or not to "cleanse" the element after the animation has completed keep: false } [,function]); // Blur // Specifying options $(element).animo("blur", { // [int] radius of the blur amount: 3, // [float] time (in seconds) from focus to blur duration: 0.6, // [float] time (in seconds) to automatically focus after blur focusAfter: 3.5, } [,function]); // Using defaults $(element).animo("blur" [,function]); // Rotate // Specifying options $(element).animo("rotate", { // [int] degrees from origin to rotate element degrees: 15, // [float] time (in seconds) to complete rotation duration: 0.6 } [,function]); // Using defaults $(element).animo("rotate" [,function]); // Focus // Removes blur effect on an element immediately $(element).animo("focus"); // Cleanse // Removes all references to animo effects $(element).animo("cleanse");
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ThrivingKings. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.