Powerful jQuery Plugin For Cover Flow Effect - Vanderlee Coverflow

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License: MIT
Powerful jQuery Plugin For Cover Flow Effect - Vanderlee Coverflow

Vanderlee Coverflow is a jQuery and jQuery based plugin for creating Apple cover flow effects with optional mousewheel, CSS3 interpolation, keyboard interaction, transformations, touch swipe, reflections and more.

See also:

How to use it:

1. Include jQuery library and jQuery UI library on your web page

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

2. Include jQuery Vanderlee Coverflow and optional javascript libraries on your web page

<script src="jquery.coverflow.js"></script>
<!-- Optional. CSS style interpolation. -->
<script src="jquery.interpolate.js"></script>
<!-- Optional. Mouse wheel. -->
<script src="jquery.mousewheel.js"></script>
<!-- Optional. Touch swipe. -->
<script src="jquery.touchSwipe.min.js"></script>
<!-- Optional. Reflection. -->
<script src="reflection.js"></script>

3. The html

<div id="demo-coverflow">
<img class="cover" src="demo/1.jpg"/>
<img class="cover" src="demo/2.jpg"/>
<img class="cover" src="demo/3.jpg"/>
<img class="cover" src="demo/4.jpg"/>
<img class="cover" src="demo/5.jpg"/>
<img class="cover" src="demo/6.jpg"/>

4. The javascript

$(function() {
if ($.fn.reflect) {
$('#demo-coverflow .cover').reflect();// only possible in very specific situations

animateStep:function(event, cover, offset, isVisible, isMiddle, sin, cos) {
if (isVisible) {
if (isMiddle) {
} else {
var brightness= 1 + Math.abs(sin),
contrast= 1 - Math.abs(sin),
filter= 'contrast('+contrast+') brightness('+brightness+')';

5. Options with default values.

// Triggered after the animation has stopped.
// function(event, cover, offset, isVisible, isMiddle, sin, cos)
animateComplete:  undefined,
animateStart:   undefined,

// Triggered for every animation frame. Use this event to customize how the animation looks if the default options provide insufficient control.
// function(event, cover, offset, isVisible, isMiddle, sin, cos)
animateStep:    undefined,

// todo
density:      1,

// The speed of animation. 
// "slow", "normal", "fast" 
// or an integer for time in milliseconds.

// Define an easing method for scrolling. 
// If none is specified, "swing" easing is used by default.

// true, false, 'both', 'focus', 'hover', 'none'
enableKeyboard:   'both',     

// Set to false to disable mouse button (and touch tap) interaction. 
enableClick:    true,

// Set to false to disable mouse wheel interaction. 
enableWheel:    true,

// The initial selected index.

// An angle, in degrees, of the inner covers. 
// Negative values indicate the covers are turned inwards (towards the center). 
// Positive values indicate the covers will be turned outwards.

// A plain object containing CSS properties of the inner covers. 
// Leave undefined if you don't need any CSS changes. 
// You can specify all (and only) the CSS properties supported by jQuery/jQueryUI.

// todo
innerOffset:   100 / 3,
innerScale:     0.75,

// An angle, in degrees, of the outer covers. 
// Negative values indicate the covers are turned inwards (towards the center). 
// Positive values indicate the covers will be turned outwards.

// A plain object containing CSS properties of the outer covers. 
// Leave undefined if you don't need any CSS changes. 
// You can specify all (and only) the CSS properties supported by jQuery/jQueryUI.

// todo
outerScale:     0.25,

// A plain object containing CSS properties of the selected cover.
// Leave undefined if you don't need any CSS changes. 
// You can specify all (and only) the CSS properties supported by jQuery/jQueryUI.

// 'density', 'all', NNN (exact)

// todo

// Whenever index is changed

// Whenever clicking on the current item

// Whenever index is set (also on init)

6. Public methods.

Change logs:

v1.3.4 (2017-01-17)

  • Added 'before' event

v1.3.3 (2016-12-06)

  • use offsetWidth due to broken outerWidth in jQuery 3+

v1.3.2 (2016-12-04)

  • Changed load() fn to on() since load is deprecatedy


  • Fixed: Calculate maxHeight from children


  • Bugs fixed.

v1.1.6 (2014-11-21)

  • Bugs fixed.

v1.1.0 (2014-11-19)

  • Fixed: new items not picked up when added to DOM

v1.1.0 (2014-11-17)

  • various fix

v1.0.4 (2013-11-24)

  • Fixed negative index

v1.0.3 (2013-11-24)

  • Minor performance fix
  • Layout fix for FF

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by vanderlee. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.