Free jQuery Modal Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Modal' are listed here.
Powerful jQuery Dialog Box Plugin - Zebra_Dialog
- Other - 17236 ViewsZebra_Dialog is a small (4KB minified), compact (one JS file, no dependencies other than jQuery 1.5.2+) and highly configurable dialog box plugin for jQuery.
jQuery Dialog Box Plugin for Bootstrap - Bootbox
- LightBox - 38774 ViewsBootbox is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating alert, confirm and flexible dialog boxes using Twitter's bootstrap framework.
Responsive & Accessible jQuery Modal Plugin - Popup Overlay
- LightBox - 65073 ViewsPopup Overlay is a responsive, mobile-friendly, accessible, highly configurable and cross-browser jQuery modal window solution.
Customizable & Ultra-Light jQuery Lightbox Plugin - Featherlight
- LightBox - 22723 ViewsFeatherlight is an extremely simple yet fully configurable jQuery lightbox plugin for creating custom modal boxes with full-screen overlays and close button.
jQuery Multi-Purpose Popup Modal Plugin - popModal
- LightBox - 45816 ViewspopModal is a powerful and versatile jQuery modal plugin which allows you to create popup windows for multiple purposes like hint modal, notify modal, dialog modal and much more.
Responsive jQuery Modal Window Plugin with CSS3 Transitions - Custombox
- LightBox - 53068 ViewsCustom Box is a powerful jQuery plugin that makes use of CSS3 transitions to create awesome modal window effects with lots of animations and options to fit your needs.
jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin For Bootstrap 3 - Bootstrap 3 Dialog
- LightBox - 35757 ViewsBootstrap 3 dialog is a jQuery plugin that enhances the Twitter Bootstrap's modal component to make it more interactive, user-friendly and easy-to-implement.
Creating A Flat Style Modal Window with jQuery plainModal Plugin
- LightBox - 12083 ViewsIn this post, we're going to creating a trendy flat style modal window with close button and a fullscreen overlay by using jQuery plainModal and CSS styles.
jQuery Plugin For Textarea Fullscreen Mode
- Form - 4650 ViewsTextarea Fullscreen is a tiny jQuery plugin that allows you to display the textarea in a fullscreen modal window.
Responsive & Flexible jQuery Lightbox Plugin - Nivo Lightbox
- LightBox - 39078 ViewsNivo Lightbox is a simple yet robust and featured jQuery lightbox plugin that automatically detects the type of your content and display it in a responsive modal window with amazing animations.
Draggable & Skinnable jQuery Popup Windows Plugin - Msgbox
- LightBox - 12875 ViewsMsgbox is an versatile jQuery popup plugin for creating modals, dialogs, message boxes that are draggable, themable, resizable and fully customizable.
jQuery Plugin For Full Featured Overlayed Windows - containerPlus
- LightBox - 5148 ViewscontainerPlus is a jQuery plugin for creating full featured overlayed windows, similar to the modal boxes. The overlayed window is fully skinnable and can be set to be draggable, resizable, collapsible and minimizable.
Lightweight Customizable Lightbox Plugin - ColorBox
- LightBox - 30501 ViewsColorBox is a Lightweight Customizable Lightbox Plugin built with jQuery that allows you to display elements with the lightbox effect on the page. It supports photos, grouping, slideshow, ajax, inline, and iframed content.
Minimalist & Flexible jQuery Modal Plugin - jqModal
- LightBox - 6666 ViewsjqModal is a Minimalist & Flexible plugin for jquery to create dialog boxes, notification boxes, and modal windows in your web page.
Responsive & Customizable jQuery Modal Window Plugin - Helium Modal
- LightBox - 2831 ViewsHelium Modal is a simple jQuery modal plugin helps you create responsive and fully stylable modal windows on your web pages.
Responsive & Touch-Friendly jQuery Image & Video Gallery Plugin
- Gallery - 42184 ViewsBootstrap Image Gallery is a jQuery plugin that makes use of Blueimp Gallery and Bootstrap 3 to create a responsive, touch-enabled and customizable image & video gallery on your web page.
Lightweight and Simple jQuery Modal Window Plugin - OmniWindow
- LightBox - 3011 ViewsOmniWindow is a jQuery plugin developed for programmers that allow to create customizable and animated modal windows with callbacks and events support.
Advanced Modal Plugin with jQuery - Impromptu
- LightBox - 5074 ViewsImpromptu is an extention to help provide a more pleasant way to spontaneously prompt a user for input.
jQuery Popup Window Plugin with CSS3 Flipping Animation - Flip Popup
- LightBox - 12743 ViewsFlip Popup is a tiny, simple jQuery plugin used to pop up a modal window with a cool CSS3 flip animation.
Simple jQuery Plugin for Popup Window
- LightBox - 62287 ViewsA simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating popup window with smooth fade out effect.
Minimalist jQuery Modal Popup Box Plugin - Simple Popup
- LightBox - 21480 ViewsSimple Popup is a dead-simple jQuery modal plugin that popups a closable modal box with full-screen overlay and a smooth sliding animation effect.
Versatile jQuery Modalbox / Lightbox Plugin - MultiDialog
- LightBox - 1901 ViewsMultiDialog is a powerful and touch-enabled plugin that takes advantage of jQuery and jQuery UI Dialog Widget for creating full featured Modalbox / Lightbox on your web page.
Modal Boxes & Popups Plugin For jQuery - Avgrund Modal
- LightBox - 22147 ViewsAvgrund Modal is a jQuery Modal Plugin for adding beautiful Modal Boxes & Popups to your website.
Super Simple jQuery Based Modal Window - Overlay.js
- LightBox - 17913 ViewsOverlay.js is a minimalist jQuery plugin used to popup a responsive & CSS3 animated modal window with a fullscreen overlay.
Lightweight jQuery Lightbox Framework with API - jqFenster
- LightBox - 5228 ViewsjqFenster is a jQuery based Lightbox Framework that allows you to create various modal windows with API.
jQuery Plugin To Popup A Modal Window with Blurred Background - BlurBox
- LightBox - 17420 ViewsBlurBox is a small interesting jQuery plugin that blurs the background content while opening a modal/lightbox on your web page.
Responsive Flat jQuery Modal Plugin with CSS3 Transitions - Remodal
- LightBox - 11359 ViewsRemodal is a simple, cross browser jQuery plugin that popups a responsive & flat styled modal window with CSS3 transitions and fullscreen overlay.
Creating A Image Viewer with Descriptions Like Facebook - jQuery FBPhotoBox
- LightBox - 20494 ViewsFBPhotoBox is a jQuery plugin for creating a facebook like image/photo viewer that features an image gallery on the left and content area on the right.
jQuery Plugin For Lightbox Style Confirm Interface - confirmOn
- LightBox - 9203 ViewsconfirmOn is an useful jQuery plugin for creating a modal box style confirmation popup when performing important actions on your web page.
Animated & Stackable Modal Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Stackbox
- LightBox - 4649 ViewsStackbox is a jQuery plugin for creating stackable and fully customizable modal boxes with CSS3 animations depending on animate.css.
Lightweight jQuery Modal Popup Plugin - bPopup
- LightBox - 13370 ViewsbPopup is a lightweight (~1.4 kb gzipped) jQuery plugin that provides you with all the logic like opening, closing, centering on resize & scroll, creating a modal overlay etc.
SimpleModal - Beautiful Popup Window Plugin
- Other - 9449 ViewsSimpleModal is a Beautiful and easy-to-use Popup Window Plugin for creating modal windows used to generate alert or confirm messages.
Google-Style Photo Wall Gallery Plugin For jQuery - photowall
- Gallery - 4887 ViewsPhotowall is a simple clean jQuery plugin used to showcase your images in a Google-style responsive photo wall gallery. It will open a fullscreen modal window when clicking on a thumbnail and display the large version of the image with socia
Quick & Simple LightBox Plugin For jQuery - Boxer
- LightBox - 11679 ViewsBoxer is a Quick & Simple LightBox Plugin with jquery that allows you to display images, inline-content or iFramed URLs in a lightbox-style modal.
Minimalist jQuery Modal Windows Plugin - Overlay
- LightBox - 2165 ViewsA dead simple jQuery plugin used to create a closable modal window with a fullscreen overlay and easing effects.
Versatile & Flexible jQuery Lightbox/Modal Plugin - Popup
- LightBox - 6875 ViewsasPopup is a jQuery plugin for creating a responsive lightbox & modal window to present any Html elements like images, iframe, photo gallery, Ajax content and inline element.
Simple jQuery Popup Plugin with Easing Effects - Infobox
- LightBox - 7571 ViewsInfobox is a really simple JQuery plugin that enables you to create modal-style popups with fullscreen overlay and easing effects (jQuery UI is required).
Fully Responsive & Customizable jQuery Modal Plugin - PgwModal
- LightBox - 2938 ViewsPgwModal is a simple clean jQuery plugin for creating responsive modal windows (dialog boxes) with full page overlay on your web page.
Responsive Ajax Modal Box Plugin with jQuery - Nice Modal
- LightBox - 11600 ViewsNice Modal is a simple responsive jQuery modal plugin which allows you to embed an external page into a sliding popup window via Ajax.
Fashion Subscribe Form Modal Box Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Subscribe Better
- LightBox - 6345 ViewsSubscribe Better is a jQuery plugin which allows you to display a fashion newsletter subscription form in a responsive customizable modal box/popup window.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Customizable Modal Popups - Flythat
- LightBox - 2849 ViewsFlythat is a robust jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create highly customizable modal boxes and popup windows through Html5 data-* attributes or explicit Javascript.
Animated & Responsive Modal Window with jQuery and CSS3 - Expose Modal
- LightBox - 2088 ViewsExpose is a super tiny responsive jQuery lightbox plugin which allows to create an animated modal window with CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Fashion Responsive jQuery Lightbox Gallery Plugin - cm-overlay.js
- LightBox - 7549 ViewsCentered modal overlay is a jQuery plugin which allows you to navigate through a group of images (or iframes) in a responsive, full-page and mobile-friendly modal box.
jQuery Plugin For Popup Windows In A Specific Area - Area Popup
- LightBox - 1935 ViewsArea Popup is a small jQuery plugin that that allows you to popup a modal window that is always positioned in the middle of its parent container.
Responsive & Auto-Centering Modal Window Plugin with jQuery - egrModal
- LightBox - 7829 ViewsegrModal is a very small jQuery plugin for creating a responsive modal window that will be auto centered as you resize the browser window.
Simple Clean jQuery Modal Plugin with CSS3 Animations
- LightBox - 4434 ViewsYet another jQuery modal plugin that makes it easier to display Html content in a popup window with CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Minimal jQuery Fading Modal Popup Plugin - Poppy
- LightBox - 2942 ViewsPoppy is an ultra-light jQuery plugin for creating responsive, nice clean modal popups with subtle fadeIn effects.
Bootstrap Lightbox Plugin with jQuery
- LightBox - 11562 ViewsBootstrap Lightbox is a simple lightbox plugin based on the bootstrap modal plugin.
Light & Animated jQuery Modal Window Plugin - JUI Modals
- LightBox - 1164 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin to create responsive & animated modal windows with plain Html markup and a little CSS/CSS3 magic.
jQuery Mobile Popup Window with Blurred Background
- LightBox - 10757 ViewsA mobile-first jQuery & CSS3 popup widget for creating a modal window with blurred 'background' content, that will focus your users on your popup window.
Create A Flipping Modal Window with jQuery and CSS3 - Adaptive Modal
- LightBox - 6264 ViewsAdaptive Modal is another jQuery modal/lightbox plugin for creating a cool modal window with a cool flip animation that can be morphed from any Html elements
Lightweight Responsive jQuery & CSS3 Modal Plugin - LiteBox
- LightBox - 2164 ViewsLiteBox is a jQuery & CSS3 based lightbox plugin that displays any Html content in a responsive fullscreen modal window.
Simple and Highly Configurable jQuery Modal Window Plugin - smartModal
- LightBox - 3643 ViewssmartModal is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery lightbox plugin for creating clean and customizable modal windows by using html5 data-* attributes.
Lightweight & Easy jQuery Lightbox Plugin - WS Lightbox
- LightBox - 2533 ViewsA very simple and lightweight jQuery lightbox plugin which helps you create modals, dialog boxes, and popup windows with ease.
Creating A Simple Animated Modal with jQuery and jQuery UI - ModalWindow
- LightBox - 1846 ViewsModalWindow helps you create a simple jQuery modal window with amazing jQuery UI based open/close effects.
Simple Clean jQuery Scrollable Modal Dialog Plugin - Tiny Modal
- LightBox - 3353 ViewsTiny Modal is a lightweight and easy to implement jQuery plugin that has the ability to show up a modal window with a scrollbar for long popup content.
Responsive Flexible jQuery Modal Plugin - flexModal
- LightBox - 1848 ViewsflexModal is a jQuery plugin for creating responsive & flexible modal box that supports any Html contents like text, iFrame, Video, etc.
jQuery Plugin For Scrollable Modal Dialog - Long Dialog
- LightBox - 5466 ViewsLong Dialog is a super-light jQuery modal plugin designed for long content popup dialog.
jQuery Plugin To Popup A Modal Window with Blurred Background - BlurBox
- LightBox - 0 ViewsBlurBox is a small interesting jQuery plugin that blurs the background content while opening a modal/lightbox on your web page.
Clean and Powerful jQuery Lightbox Plugin - ClassyLightbox
- LightBox - 2519 ViewsClassyLightbox is a powerful and fully configuration jQuery Lightbox plugin that supports ajax content, draggable lightbox (jQuery UI needed), fading background overlay, etc.
Minimal Responsive jQuery Modal Window Plugin - Pop Up Window
- LightBox - 15579 ViewsPop Up Window is a cross-browser and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating responsive flat popup windows and modal windows with custom buttons and callbacks support.
Simple jQuery Modal & Dialog Box Plugin - Dialog
- LightBox - 10814 ViewsDialog is a simple yet robust modal & dialog box plugin built with jQuery and CSS3 that is fully customizable, responsive-aware, and easily stylable.
Simple HTML5 Lightbox Plugin with jQuery - h5-lightbox
- LightBox - 5496 Viewsh5-lightbox is a jQuery plugin that displays/enlarges your images in a simple lightbox using HTML5 data- attribute.
Easy jQuery Popdown Modal Dialog Plugin - popdown
- LightBox - 4368 Viewspopdown is an easy jQuery plugin used to load an Html page in a 'popdown' modal window that slides down from the top of your web page.
Basic jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin - Mirekbenes Modal
- LightBox - 2239 ViewsA simple and easy way of creating modal dialog windows with fade and slide animations in jQuery. Click the esc key, close button and overlay will close the modal window.
Super Simple & Lightweight Modal Box jQuery Plugin
- LightBox - 0 ViewsA really simple, lightweight and easy jQuery resolution to toggle a modal box with a fullscreen overlay.
Responsive and Tidy jQuery Modal Box Plugin - Smoothbox
- LightBox - 3301 ViewsSmoothbox is a lightweight jQuery lightbox plugin for creating simple and clean modal boxes with image gallery, smooth CSS3 transitions and image preload support. The plugin works with all the modern browsers which support CSS3 transitionpr
Flexible & Draggable jQuery Popup Window Plugin - Dialog
- LightBox - 13828 ViewsDialog is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that allows to popups a draggable and closable modal dialog with amazing transitions on page load or on demand.
Customizable & Lightweight jQuery Popup Window Plugin - JeeGooPopup
- LightBox - 7971 ViewsJeeGooPopup is a fast and customizable jQuery plugin for creating a draggable, resizable, and closeable lightbox-like popup modal window on your website.
Responsive jQuery Window & Modal System For Bootstrap - Bootstrap Window
- LightBox - 15504 ViewsBootstrap Window is a powerful jQuery plugin that takes advantage of Twitter's bootstrap to create responsive & bootstrap-style window and modal system for your website & web app.
Multi Functional Windows Like Context Menu Plugin - contextMenu.js
- Menu - 2533 ViewscontextMenu.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating windows like context menu with keyboard interaction, different type of inputs ,trigger events and much more.
Smart jQuery Plugin For Page Leave Event - pageleave
- Other - 9036 Viewspageleave is a smart jQuery plugin that triggers an event when your visitors want to leave the current page.
Super Tiny jQuery Modal Dialog Box Plugin - ssDialog
- LightBox - 1698 ViewsssDialog is a super tiny jQuery modal plugin that make it easier to create message or confirm boxes with one line of source code.
Minimal jQuery Popup Modal Window Plugin - NS Window
- LightBox - 3712 ViewsNS Window is yet another simple jQuery modal plugin for creating popup windows with support for animations, overlay, ajax content and some useful custom options.
Flexible jQuery Animated Modal Window Plugin - moaModal
- LightBox - 4043 ViewsmoaModal is a clean and neat jQuery plugin for creating flexible modal boxes with custom animation effects and positioning.
Animated Modal Window Gallery Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Block Slide
- Gallery - 3318 ViewsBlock Slide is a pretty jQuery plugin for creating a image gallery which will popup up an animated modal window when clicked clicked on to show more information about the image.
Easy jQuery Popup Window Dialog Box Plugin - Message Box
- LightBox - 22037 ViewsMessage Box is an easy and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to create customizable popup window message boxes with many implement options and callback events support.
Small and Easy-To-Use jQuery Scrollable Modal Plugin - portBox
- LightBox - 17353 ViewsportBox is a simple, fast, and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating modal boxes with scroll function support.
jQuery Plugin For Confirmation on Leaving the Current Page - confirmExit
- Form - 6131 ViewsconfirmExit is a lightweight yet useful jQuery plugin that will make a customizable confirm box when someone try's to exit the current page with unsaved changes.
Facebook Like jQuery Responsiv Modal Box Plugin - Mike's Modal Library
- LightBox - 8251 ViewsMike's Modal Library is a jQuery plugin inspired by facebook's Photo viewing experience for creating responsive and flexible modal boxes in your website.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Showing Modal Overlay - mloverlay
- LightBox - 795 Viewsmloverlay is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating modal less overlays with various close triggers on your web page.
Super Simple jQuery Modal Window Plugin - Simple Modal
- LightBox - 4187 ViewsSimple Modal is yet another simple and lightweight jQuery plugin for creating modal popup windows with full-screen overlay effect.
Minimal jQuery Modal Windows Plugin - modalBox.js
- LightBox - 1906 ViewsmodalBox.js is a lightweight (~2.7kb minified) jQuery modal box plugin that aims to provide a simple way to create modal windows with only most used features.
Pretty Modal Window Effects with CSS3 Transitions and Animations
- LightBox - 45896 ViewsIn this tutorial written by MARY LOU we're going to create Pretty Modal Window Effects with javascrtipt and CSS3 Transitions & Animations.
Lightweight and Customisable jQuery Modal Window Plugin - jQuery Modal
- LightBox - 3019 ViewsjQuery Modal is a extremely lightweight jQuery plugin for creating neat, customizable, performant and easy-to-integrate modal windows on your website.
Stylish jQuery Notification & Alert Plugin - Smart Alert
- Other - 18942 ViewsSmart Alert is an alternative to the standard javascript alert box that makes it easy to create fully configurable and stylish lightbox-like notification & Alert box using jQuery and jQuery UI.
Stylish jQuery Modal Windows Plugin - Pop Easy
- LightBox - 14585 ViewsPop Easy is a super tiny (~2kb minified) but powerful jQuery plugin for easily and quickly creating Modal Windows on your website.
Responsive and Touch-Enabled CSS Lightbox - CSS Modal
- LightBox - 11290 ViewsCSS Modal is a responsive and mobile-friendly modal box built only with CSS and a little bit javascript (optional, only for improving the experience).
Super Tiny jQuery Popup Modal Plugin - justPopup
- LightBox - 3453 ViewsjustPopup is an extremely simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to create a simple modal box with a close button.
Lightweight Modal Dialog Plugin - SimpleModal
- LightBox - 3402 ViewsSimpleModal is a lightweight jQuery plugin that provides a simple interface to create a modal dialog. The goal of SimpleModal is to provide developers with a cross-browser overlay and container that will be populated with content provided to
Super Simple jQuery Modal Plugin - Basic Modal
- LightBox - 1854 ViewsBasic Modal is a lightweight (~3kb) and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to create the most basic modal with fade or slideDown animation effects on the page.
Smart and Customizable jQuery Media Viewer Plugin - Shadowbox
- LightBox - 3673 ViewsShadowbox is a highly customizable and easy-to-use javascript lightbox library that enables you to display all of the web's most popular media publishing formats in a popup modal box.
Neat and Clean Modal Plugin with jQuery - wModal
- LightBox - 2285 ViewswModal is a jQuery plugin helps create neat and clean Modal dialogs with amazing animations on your web page.
Powerful jQuery Lightbox Plugin - Pretty Photo
- LightBox - 37754 ViewsPretty Photo is a powerful jQuery Lightbox Plugin. Not only does it support images, it also support for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and ajax contents. It’s a full blown media lightbox.
An Easy-To-Use jQuery Modals Plugin - Reveal
- LightBox - 6054 ViewsReveal is a simple jQuery Modals Plugin that make it easy to create awesome lightbox effects on your website.
Lightweight jQuery Lightbox Plugin - SuperBox
- LightBox - 1638 ViewsSuperBox is a simple and lightweight jQuery Plugin that allows you to display your web elements in a window with the lightbox effect. Superbox can display pictures, pictures galleries, external pages, a page element or even AJAX loaded conte
Simple Pop-up Window Plugin - GreyBox
- LightBox - 7673 ViewsGreyBox is a simple jQuery plugin for creating fullscreen pop-up window or center window on your webpage. It's only 22 KB and very easy to use.
Modern Modal Dialogs - ModalBox
- LightBox - 2383 ViewsModalBox is built with Prototype JS framework and toolkit that helps you create modal interaction processes in your web-application.
Beautiful LightBox Plugin - lightview
- LightBox - 3455 Viewslightview is a jQuery LightBox Plugin which can be used to create the most beautiful overlay windows. It is clean, fast, easy-to-use, and smart.
Modal Dialog Windows Plugin - leanModal
- Other - 9130 ViewsleanModal is a simple and useful jQuery plugin for adding Bare bones modal dialog windows to your website. It is great for login, sign up & alert panels, etc.