Responsive & Accessible jQuery Modal Plugin - Popup Overlay

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License: MIT
Responsive & Accessible jQuery Modal Plugin - Popup Overlay

Popup Overlay is a responsive, mobile-friendly, accessible, highly configurable and cross-browser jQuery modal window solution.


  • Popups a clean modal window with fullscreen overlay.
  • Responsive design that adapts to any screen size and orientation.
  • Highly configurable with lots of built-in options, methods and callback events.
  • Works with all the modern browsers and IE7/8/9.
  • Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) supported.
  • Also can be used as a tooltip plugin that the tooltip content will be positioned relative to the opening link.
  • Easy to implement on your web page/app with one js call.

View More Modal Plugins At:

Basic Usage:

1. Create a link with href attribute pointing to the target modal content.

<a class="demo_open" href="#demo">Click me</a>

<div id="demo">
<p>Your Content</p>
<button class="demo_close">Close</button>

2. Include the jQuery javascript library 1.x and jQuery popup overlay plugin in the page.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="jquery.popupoverlay.js"></script>

3. Call the plugin with all the default options.

$(document).ready(function () {

4. Available options.

// Sets popup type to overlay or tooltip.
type: 'overlay', 

// Shows the popup when initialized.
autoopen: false, 

// Enables background cover.
background: true, 

// Disable background cover and keep background elements active.
backgroundactive: false,

// Sets background color.
color: 'black', 

// Sets background opacity.
opacity: '0.5', 

// Sets horizontal position.
horizontal: 'center', 

// Sets vertical position.
vertical: 'middle', 

// Sets top offset to tooltip.
offsettop: 0, 

// Sets left offset to tooltip.
offsetleft: 0, 

// Closes the popup when Escape key is pressed.
escape: true, 

// Closes the popup when clicked outside of it.
blur: true, 

// Sets elements which will be ignored in blur option, even if they are outside.
blurignore: null,

// Sets default z-index to the popup (2001) and to the background (2000).
setzindex: true, 

// Sets highest z-index on the page to the popup.
autozindex: false, 

// Disables scrolling of background content while the popup is visible.
scrolllock: false, 

// Displays close button
closebutton: false,

// Html markup for close button
closebuttonmarkup: null,

// Lock keyboard focus inside of popup. Recommended to be enabled.
keepfocus: true, 

// Enables you to specify the element which will be focused upon showing the popup.
// By default, the popup element #my_popup will recieve the initial focus.
focuselement: null, 

// Sets a delay in milliseconds before focusing an element. 
// This is to prevent page scrolling during opening transition, 
// as browsers will try to move the viewport to an element which received the focus. 
focusdelay: 50, 

// Shows a default browser outline on popup element when focused.
outline: false, 

// Sets a page container (to help screen reader users). 
// Page container should be the element that surrounds all the content on the page 
// (e.g. '.container' in the case of this very page).
pagecontainer: null, 

// Removes popup element from the DOM after closing transition.
detach: false, 

// Enables you to define custom element which will open the popup on click. 
// By default, in our case it's set to .my_popup_open.
openelement: null, 

// Enables you to define custom element which will close the popup on click. 
// By default, in our case it's set to .my_popup_close.
closeelement: null, 

// Sets CSS transition when showing and hiding a popup.
transition: null, 

// Sets an element to be an anchor for tooltip position.
tooltipanchor: null,

// executed before the popup is opened.
beforeopen: null,

// executed when the popup starts to close.
onclose: null,

// executed when the popup starts to open.
onopen: null,

// executed after the opening CSS transition is over, 
// only if transition actually occurs and if supported by the browser.
opentransitionend: null,

// execute after the closing CSS transition is over, 
// only if transition actually occurs and if supported by the browser.
closetransitionend: null


5. Public methods.

// Manually opens a popup.

// Manually hides a popup.

// Manually toggles a popup.



  • v2.1.3: Don't close when the click originated from inside the popup


  • v2.1.1: Fix: Popup div scrollbar can’t be dragged with mouse if background:false is used


  • v2.1.0: New: Add option 'blurignore'


  • v2.0.1


  • Checks for undefined, null


  • v1.7.13


  • v1.7.8


  • v1.7.7


  • v1.7.6


  • v1.7.5


  • Fixed typo effecting array size. Most browsers will auto correct this, but IE7 will not.


  • v1.7.4


  • v1.7.3


  • Add option `action: hover` for tooltips.


  • v1.7.1



  • Added feature detection of CSS3 transitions; 
  • Removed 'notransitiondetach' option; 
  • Fixed jumping of the scrollbar with 'scrolllock';


  • Fixed touch devices not to open links below the popup on click outside of it.


  • Added option "triggerevent" to support multiple opening links for the same tooltip.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by vast-engineering. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.