Create Alert/Confirm/Toast Popups Using Bootstrap Modal - NewmcAlertConfirm.js

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Create Alert/Confirm/Toast Popups Using Bootstrap Modal - NewmcAlertConfirm.js

NewmcAlertConfirm.js is a simple yet fully customizable Bootstrap modal manager built using jQuery. 

It enables you to easily create alert/confirm dialogs and toast-like notification popups using Bootstrap's modal component. Currently supports Bootstrap 4.

How to use it:

1. Include the plugin's files on your Bootstrap page after jQuery library.

<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>

<!-- Bootstrap -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/cdn/bootstrap.min.css" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"></script>

<!-- jQuery NewmcAlertConfirm.js -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/NewmcAlertConfirm.css" />
<script src="/path/to/NewmcAlertConfirm.js"></script>

<!-- Optional Font Awesome Icons  -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/cdn/font-awesome/all.min.css" />

2. Create a placeholder for the modal.

<div id="NewmcAlertConfirm" class="newmc-dialog-plugin"></div>

3. Create alert/confirm dialogs.

var customAlertConfirm = new NewmcAlertConfirm({

    // modal = confirm dialog
    // alert = alert dialog
    dialog: 'modal',

    // success, warning, alert, or info
    type: 'success',

    title: 'Dialog Title',
    body: 'Dialog Body',
    action: 'Confirm Message',


4. Create a toast notification popup that auto-dismiss itself after 5 seconds.

<div id="NewmcAlertConfirmTimer" class="newmc-dialog-plugin"></div>
var customToast = new NewmcAlertConfirm({

    containerID: 'NewmcAlertConfirmTimer', 
    title: 'Toast Title',
    body: 'Toast Body',
    timeOutHide: 5000,  


5. The plugin also allows you to redirect the current page to another URL.

var customRedirect = new NewmcAlertConfirm({

    title: 'Auto Redirect',
    body: 'Redirect To jQueryScript After 3 Seconds',
    href: '',
    hrefDelay: 3000,  

6. All default plugin options.

new NewmcAlertConfirm({

    'containerID'   : 'NewmcAlertConfirm',
    'dialog'        : 'modal',
    'type'          : 'default', 
    'color'         : '#222222',
    'bgcolor'       : 'white', 
    'icon'          : 'fa-check-circle',
    'eID'           : null,
    'checked'       : true,
    'title'         : 'NewMC Custom Title',
    'body'          : 'NewMC Custom Body.', 
    'action'        : 'Perform NewMC Custom Action?',
    'href'          : null, 
    'hrefDelay'     : 0,
    'timeOutHide'   : null,
    'returnFalse'   : false,
    'triggerON'     : true,
    'cancelText'    : 'Cancel',
    'okText'        : 'OK'       




  • Update NewmcAlertConfirm.js

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by cybermano. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.