Free jQuery Bootstrap Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Bootstrap' are listed here.
Nice Clean File Input Plugin With jQuery and Bootstrap 5/4/3 - Bootstrap Fileinput
- Form - 86654 ViewsAn Html5 file input enhancement built with jQuery, Bootstrap 5 (or Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 3) for creating a nice-looking file uploader that allows you to select multiple files with image & file preview.
Show/Hide Password Field Text with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Form - 59807 ViewsBootstrap Show Password is a jQuery plugin that allows the visitor to toggle the password input field text visibility by clicking the toggle icon/checkbox.
Nice Tags Manager with jQuery and Bootstrap - Bootstrap Tags Input
- Other - 29942 ViewsBootstrap Tags Input is a jQuery plugin that allows you to add, remove, and categorize tags in Twitter Bootstrap 5/4/3/2 projects.
Touch-Friendly jQuery Input Spinner Plugin For Bootstrap 3/4 - TouchSpin
- Form - 30746 ViewsTouchSpin is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3 to create a touch-friendly spinner widget that wraps a text input with two buttons to increment and decrement the current value.
jQuery Dialog Box Plugin for Bootstrap - Bootbox
- LightBox - 38771 ViewsBootbox is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating alert, confirm and flexible dialog boxes using Twitter's bootstrap framework.
Simple jQuery Star Rating System For Bootstrap 5/4/3
- Other - 144872 ViewsYet another jQuery star rating plugin that converts a number input to a star rating widget using Bootstrap 5/4/3 styles and glyphs.
jQuery Multiple Select Plugin For Bootstrap - Bootstrap Multiselect
- Form - 713037 ViewsBootstrap Multiselect is a plugin for jQuery and Bootstrap that allows the visitor to select multiple options from a dropdown select list containing the single options as checkboxes.
Feature-rich jQuery Datetime Range Picker
- Time & Clock - 47482 ViewsA feature-rich Datetime range picker jQuery plugin for selecting a date range from a nice-looking calendar interface.
jQuery Colorpicker Plugin For Bootstrap 5/4/3
- Other - 28793 ViewsColorpicker Plugin For Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 3 frameworks that allow you to add a color picker to an input field field or to any other element with multiple formats: hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla.
jQuery Accordion Menu Plugin For Bootstrap 4/3 - metisMenu
- Menu - 126319 ViewsmetisMenu is a simple jQuery menu plugin for Bootstrap 3 that help you create a collapsible menu with animated accordion effects and auto collapse support.
jQuery Character Counter and Limit Plugin For Bootstrap - Bootstrap Maxlength
- Form - 19267 ViewsBootstrap Maxlength is a beautiful jQuery plugin that displays character counter attached to the input field and limit the maximum length as user input, using Twitter Bootstrap and html5 maxlength attribute.
Beautiful Modular Notification Library - Pnotify
- Other - 36897 ViewsPines Notify is a javascript Notification Plugin that allows you to add popup Notification windows on your website that allow the user to click elements behind the notice without even having to dismiss it.
Simple Star Rating Plugin For Bootstrap 4/3 - Rating Input
- Other - 29744 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that transforms a standard input filed into a simple star rating system styling with Twitter's Bootstrap 4 or Bootstrap 3.
Responsive jQuery Dual Select Boxes For Bootstrap 4 - Bootstrap Dual Listbox
- Form - 89735 ViewsBootstrap Dual Listbox is a responsive and touch enabled jQuery dual select boxes plugin for Bootstrap that allows you to move items between 2 list boxes.
Stylish jQuery Pagination Plugin - simple Pagination
- Layout - 27423 Viewssimple Pagination is a simple jQuery plugin for creating stylish on-page pagination for long items on your page.
Twitter-Like Text Box Character Counter with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Form - 21433 ViewsA twitter-like text box that displays the remaining characters count as well as limiting the max length of input text.
jQuery Based Icon Picker For Bootstrap 4/3 - iconpicker
- Other - 13384 ViewsIconpicker is a jQuery icon picker plugin for Bootstrap 3 that allows you to choose and pick a icon from multiple icon sets in a tooltip-like popup interface.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Slide Out Tab Feedback Widget - Feedback_Me
- Other - 22070 ViewsFeedback_Me is a plugin for jQuery and jQuery UI that creates a customizable feedback widget on your web page that slides out from the left side of your web page when clicking the tab.
Simple Action Confirmation Plugin With jQuery and Bootstrap - PopConfirm
- Other - 10484 ViewsPopConfirm is a simple jQuery plugin to display a popup window via bootstrap 2/3 popover for action confirmation.
Minimal Toast Notification Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - Simply Toast
- Other - 13266 ViewsSimply Toast is a tiny jQuery plugin used to display stackable notification messages based on Boostrap 3 alert component.
Highly Customizable Rating System with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Other - 4249 ViewsA small jQuery plugin that turns an input field into a highly customizable rating system styling with Bootstrap 3 and Glyphicons.
Simple jQuery Client Side Image Cropping Plugin - Awesome Cropper
- Other - 38452 ViewsAwesome Cropper is a jQuery plugin which allows you to select an image from local and crop it to a specific size by mouse dragging in a popup window.
jQuery Tags Manager with Twitter Bootstrap - tagmanager
- Form - 12318 Viewstagmanager is a jQuery plugin works nicely with Twitter Bootstrap that helps you manage tags for each expense users were entering.
Responsive & Mobile-Aware jQuery Tabs Plugin For Bootstrap - droptabs
- Layout - 4249 Viewsdroptabs is a jQuery plugin that extends the Boostrap tabs component to display overflowed tabs in a dropdown list for small screen devices.
jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin For Bootstrap 3 - Bootstrap 3 Dialog
- LightBox - 35757 ViewsBootstrap 3 dialog is a jQuery plugin that enhances the Twitter Bootstrap's modal component to make it more interactive, user-friendly and easy-to-implement.
jQuery Event Based Notification Plugin For Bootstrap - BS-Alerts
- Other - 8337 ViewsBS-Alerts is a jQuery plugin that make it easy to create jQuery event based notification bar (warning, error, success) using Twitter Bootstrap and HTML5 data- attribute.
Bootstrap-style jQuery Drop Down Plugin - dropdown
- Menu - 24717 Viewsdropdown is a simple jQuery plugin that make it easier to create awesome Bootstrap-style dropdowns (menus, selects, panels, tooltips etc) with additional features and no dependencies.
Bootstrap Popover Enhancement Plugin with jQuery - WebUI Popover
- Tooltip - 33137 ViewsWebUI Popover is a powerful yet easy jQuery plugin used to extend the Bootstrap popover component with following advanced features.
Animated Notification Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap - Bootstrap Growl
- Other - 24524 ViewsYet another jQuery notification plugin that makes use of Boostrap's alerts to create animated informative messages in your web/app page, similar to the Mac OS X's 'Growl' notification system.
Nice Tree View Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - Easy Tree
- Layout - 116469 ViewsEasy Tree is a nice & powerful tree view plugin for jQuery and Bootstrap 3 that allows to select, add, edit or remove items/nodes to build your own tree view structure.
Generic Picker Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Other - 3896 ViewsA jQuery plugin used to create a picker widget that allows you to pick stuffs (e.g. icons, times, dates, list items, etc...) from a Bootstrap popover interface.
Cool Time Picker For Twitter Bootstrap
- Time & Clock - 102251 ViewsA very cool jQuery to easily select a time for a text input using your mouse or arrow keys.
An Instagram API Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap -
- Social Media - 13319 is an awesome jQuery plugin using the Instagram API to display recent, user or liked photo feeds on your web page.
Input Number Spinner with jQuery and Bootstrap - Spinner
- Form - 89433 ViewsSpinner is a jQuery spinner plugin worked with Bootstrap 3 (OPTIONAL) that allows you to create input spinner components using number inputs.
jQuery Autocomplete Plugin By Twitter - typeahead.js
- Form - 11898 ViewsA robust, flexible, smart, fast autocomplete/typeahead library inspired by Twitter's autocomplete search functionality.
jQuery Plugin To Search, Filter and Sort Html Table - pbTable
- Table - 18035 ViewspbTable is a jQuery table manipulation plugin styled with Bootstrap3 that enables the visitor to search, filter, select, and sort an Html table.
Powerful Form Validation Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap 3
- Form - 243733 ViewsYet another jQuery and Bootstrap 3 powered form validation plugin to validate form values your user input with 16+ built-in validators.
Responsive & Scalable Bootstrap Tabs Enhancement Plugin with jQuery
- Layout - 16007 ViewsA jQuery plugin extends the Bootstrap Tabs component to create a Safari-style responsive & scalable tabs interface.
Buttons with Built-in Loading Indicators For Bootstrap 3 - Ladda Bootstrap
- Loading - 57367 ViewsLadda Bootstrap is a javascript loading library inspired by Ladda.js that helps you create Built-in Loading Indicators (spinner, loading bar, etc...) with New twitter's bootstrap 3.
jQuery Tag & Token Input Plugin For Bootstrap - Bootstrap Tokenfield
- Other - 30063 ViewsjQuery Bootstrap Tokenfield is a pretty jQuery plugin that takes advantage of jQuery and Twitter's Bootstrap to manage tags / tokens in a input field.
Animated Password Strength Meter with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Form - 26496 ViewsPwstrength is a jQuery plugin works with Twitter's bootstrap for creating an animated bar attached to the password input filed to display a real-time Password Strength Meter.
Simple jQuery Calendar and Schedule Plugin For Bootstrap - Bic Calendar
- Time & Clock - 64447 ViewsBic Calendar is a lightweight jQuery plugin that enables you to create a simple and nice Calendar & Schedule with ajax event support using twitter bootstrap.
Nice Dropdown Mega Menu with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Menu - 55792 ViewsA nice drodown navigation plugin that opens a multi-column mega menu on mouse hover, built on top of Bootstrap 2 and jQuery library.
Efficient Dual List Box Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Form - 43163 ViewsJust another jQuery & Bootstrap based dual list box plugin that is easy to implement and has the ability to load huge data from a JSON file using Ajax.
Smart jQuery Scrolling Navigation Bar Plugin - Scroll Nav
- Menu - 27710 ViewsScroll Nav is a lightweight (~3kb unzipped) and smart jQuery plugin for creating a sticky navigation bar at the top of you web page that will auto hide (reappear) when scrolling down (up) the page.
Sticky Navigation Bar with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Menu - 78315 ViewsWith a little CSS and jQuery magic, we can make a native Bootstrap navbar sticky at the top of the document as you scroll down the page.
Touch-Friendly jQuery Color Picker Sliders For Bootstrap 3
- Other - 3941 ViewsA colorpicker plugin for jQuery and Bootstrap 3 that allows you to select a color from color picker sliders based on jQuery Color Picker Sliders.
Easy Stylable jQuery Tags Input Plugin - Tag Input
- Form - 2757 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin to turn text into tags/tokens in a input box, easily stylable via jQuery UI or Bootstrap.
jQuery Clock Style Time Picker Plugin For Bootstrap 3/4 - clockpicker
- Time & Clock - 43625 Viewsclockpicker is a fancy jQuery & Bootstrap plugin that enables you to pick a time from a popup clock interface.
Creating Collapsible Bootstrap Panels with jQuery
- Layout - 13395 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that extends the Bootstrap's panel component to make it collapsible and closeable as a widget.
jQuery and Bootstrap Based Carousel with Image Annotations
- Slider - 7905 ViewsA simple and responsive image carousel plugin built with jQuery and Bootstrap 3 that allows you to add custom image annotations using Bootstrap popover widget.
jQuery Editable Data Table with Custom Fields
- Table - 52419 ViewsCustom Fields is a jQuery & Bootstrap based data table which allows you to add, edit or delete custom fields with ease.
Lightweight Form Validation Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap - jbootvalidator
- Form - 8648 Viewsjbootvalidator is a lightweight and simple to use jQuery & Boostrap plugin for validating form fields users input using custom data validation patterns.
Full Width Responsive Carousel with jQuery and Bootstrap 3
- Slider - 350854 ViewsA fully responsive and full width content carousel/slider built on top of jQuery, Bootstrap 3 and Html5, no any more Javascript and CSS needed.
Bootstrap Lightbox Plugin with jQuery
- LightBox - 11562 ViewsBootstrap Lightbox is a simple lightbox plugin based on the bootstrap modal plugin.
Nice File Tree View Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - File Tree
- Other - 65111 ViewsFile Tree is a small jQuery plugin that helps you build a nice clean, sortable and selectable file tree structure from a JSON object.
Horizontally Scrollable Image Carousel Plugin with jQuery
- Slider - 13891 ViewsA full-width, horizontally scrollable image carousel plugin with a bottom scrollbar and a direction-aware image caption hover effect.
Simple Data Grid/Table Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Table - 38280 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin to creates a nice looking data grid/table from an ajax data source (JSON Data), built upon of jQuery, jQuery UI and Bootstrap3.
jQuery File Input Replacement Plugin with Image Preview - File Picker
- Form - 10727 ViewsFile Picker is a jQuery plugin for file upload control that allows you to style the default file input with Bootstrap, jQuery UI or custom CSS styles.
Animated Tree View Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - MultiNestedLists
- Layout - 49928 ViewsMultiNestedLists is a jQuery plugin to create an animated & nice looking tree view structure using Bootstrap and nested Html lists.
jQuery Plugin For Sliding Message Bar with Boostrap Alerts Component - Bootstrap Msg
- Other - 8082 ViewsBootstrap Msg is a jQuery plugin that uses Bootstrap's alerts component to display alert messages in a sliding message bar at the top of the page.
Simple Bar Chart Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - jchart
- Chart & Graph - 61275 Viewsjchart is a lightweight jQuery plugin that renders a clean bar chart with raw data specified in Javascript arrays or in plain old HTML.
Beautiful jQuery Color Picker For Bootstrap - Pick-a-Color
- Other - 7822 ViewsPick-a-Color is a cool and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that helps you create beautiful and powerful color picker using Twitter's bootstrap framework.
Fullscreen jQuery & Html5 Gallery lightbox Plugin - fullscreen.js
- LightBox - 15346 Viewsfullscreen.js is a jQuery plugin to display your photo gallery/slideshow in a fullscreen lightbox using Html5 fullscreen API supported in major browsers.
Stylish Editable Table Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap 2/3 - Editable Table
- Table - 47773 ViewsEditable Table is a table manipulation plugin that turns a standard Html table into a responsive in-place editable spreadsheet with input validation based on jQuery and bootstrap 2/3.
Responsive & Modular Carousel / Slider Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - Moodular
- Slider - 3040 ViewsMoodular is a responsive carousel / slider plugin built on top of jQuery and Boostrap 3 that comes with 2 modules (controls & effects) in order to create your own styles.
jQuery Plugin To Convert Radio Buttons Into Grouped Buttons - radiosforbuttons
- Form - 6570 ViewsRadios For Buttons is a jQuery alternative to the standard Html radio button that converts radio buttons into a series of buttons styling with Bootstrap 2/3.
Lightweight jQuery Gallery Lightbox Plugin - Simple Photo Gallery
- Gallery - 4479 ViewsSimple Photo Gallery is a lightweight jQuery & Bootstrap plugin for displaying a photo gallery in a responsive & fullscreen lightbox with arrows navigation support.
Minimal Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - bootbar
- Other - 8676 ViewsBootbar is a lightweight and easy to use jQuery plugin styled with Bootstrap 3 that creates various types of stacked notification bars with simple slide away animations.
Creating A Weather Forecast Web App With jQuery searchWeather Plugin -
- Other - 22618 ViewssearchWeather is a jQuery plugin for creating a weather forecast web app that allows to search and display the weather conditions of multiple cities/countries in the world.
Highly Configurable jQuery Table of Contents Plugin - TocJS
- Layout - 3591 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin to generate a table of content from headings in the document for long content page.
Simple Animated jQuery Calendar Plugin with Bootstrap - SuperCal
- Time & Clock - 14862 ViewsSuperCal is a jQuery and Boostrap based plugin for creating a calendar widget with transition effects when the month changed.
jQuery Text Field Notes with Regular Expressions - Input Notes
- Form - 2071 ViewsInput Notes is a jQuery form plugin used to add real-time notes attached to textareas and input fields based on regex patterns.
Lightweight and Skinnable jQuery Tooltip Plugin - Tips
- Tooltip - 1788 ViewsTips is a simple and easy to skin jQuery tooltip plugin that extracts tooltip text from 'title' or 'data-tip' attribute.
Responsive jQuery Window & Modal System For Bootstrap - Bootstrap Window
- LightBox - 15504 ViewsBootstrap Window is a powerful jQuery plugin that takes advantage of Twitter's bootstrap to create responsive & bootstrap-style window and modal system for your website & web app.
jQuery Form Helpers For Twitter Bootstrap
- Form - 7036 ViewsBootstrap Form Helpers is a small collection of 10+ jQuery plugins for creating beautiful, robust and efficient forms with Twitter's Bootstrap framework.
Easy jQuery Progress Bar Timer Plugin For Bootstrap 3 - progressTimer
- Loading - 40948 ViewsprogressTimer is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin which makes use of Bootstrap 3 progress bar component to create an animated progress timer with CSS3 transitions and striped effects.
Versatile jQuery Tags Input Plugin - Tag Handler
- Form - 3486 ViewsTag Handler is an easy yet powerful jQuery tags manager plugin that converts an Html list into a tags input field that allows to add/remove tags via Enter or comma.
User Friendly Pagination Plugin With jQuery and Bootstrap - easyPaginate
- Other - 6653 ViewseasyPaginate is a simple and fast jQuery plugin for creating a clean and user-friendly one page pagination with Twitter's bootstrap support.
Styling Your File Input with jQuery Inputfile Plugin and Bootstrap
- Form - 15377 Viewsinputfile.js is a jQuery plugin for file upload that replaces the standard file input with a file select button and gives you the ability to remove your selection easily.
Easy Client Side Pagination Using jQuery Dynapagin Plugin
- Other - 14874 ViewsDynapagin is a jQuery plugin that provides a simple method to create a flexible Client Side Pagination for your long content without any server-side code.
jQuery Paginated Data Table Plugin with Bootstrap - Tabulate
- Table - 76511 ViewsjQuery Tabulate is a jQuery plugin for creating an ajax-enabled data table from a JSON data file and paginating it using javascript and Twitter's bootstrap 3.
Multi-Level Right-Click (Context) Menu with jQuery and Bootstrap - ContextJS
- Menu - 20546 ViewsContextJS is a lightweitht jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create multi-level right mouse-click (context) menu with event based links support.
jQuery Responsive Top Navigation Bar Plugin - Peek
- Menu - 12472 ViewsPeek is a lightweight (~2kb) and responsive jQuery plugin for creating an auto-hiding top navigation menu on your website, similar to the jQuery Scroll Nav Plugin.
jQuery Plugin for Enhanced Password Field - Pass Field
- Form - 2329 ViewsPass Field is a powerful jQuery plugin that enhances and beautifies your password field with bootstrap and CSS.
Pretty Table Filter Plugin With jQuery and Bootstrap - Filterable
- Table - 45438 Viewsfilterable is a beautiful and powerful jQuery plugin that allows you to create per-column filters for an HTML table, based on Bootstrap and jQuery X-editable plugin.
jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap Button Group Toggles
- Form - 6781 ViewsBootstrap Select Toggleizer is a tiny jQuery plugin that turns the default select list into Bootstrap button group toggles.
Beautiful jQuery Drop Down Menu Plugin For Bootstrap - Dropdown on Hover
- Menu - 31462 ViewsDropdown on Hover is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that Integrates with Twitter's Bootstrap to create stunning and user-friendly drop down menus on hover.
Responsive Multi Level Navigation with CSS3 Transitions - BootM
- Menu - 23914 ViewsBootM is a pure-CSS menu system for creating responsive and cross-browser multi-level navigation menus with CSS3 transitions.
Amazon Like Drop Down Menu Plugin with jQuery - Menu Aim
- Menu - 28649 ViewsMenu Aim is a jQuery plugin inspired by Amazon's Shop by Department dropdown menu that can differentiate between a user trying hover over a dropdown item vs trying to navigate into a submenu's contents.
Smooth Color Picker Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - jqolor
- Other - 2969 ViewsjQolor is a lightweight and smooth javascript Color Picker with event handling support, built with jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap.
Simple jQuery Form Validation Plugin with jQuery UI and Bootstrap - ETFormValidation
- Form - 3748 ViewsETFormValidation is a simple and fast jQuery plugin that helps you to add a real time info validator to your form when users input.
Event Based Bootstrap Form Validation Pluin with jQuery - formalerts
- Form - 3828 Viewsformalerts is an event based form validation plugin that displays bootstrap form alerts attached to the input field when your user clicks the submit button.
Simple jQuery Date Picker for Bootstrap
- Time & Clock - 164549 ViewsA simple jQuery Plugin built with bootstrap-datepicker.js for adding datep picker to field or to any other element.
jQuery Tags Manager with Twitter Bootstrap - tagmanager
- Form - 0 Viewstagmanager is a jQuery plugin works nicely with Twitter Bootstrap that helps you manage tags for each expense users were entering.
jQuery Tags Manager with Twitter Bootstrap - tagmanager
- Form - 0 Viewstagmanager is a jQuery plugin works nicely with Twitter Bootstrap that helps you manage tags for each expense users were entering.
jQuery Tags Manager with Twitter Bootstrap - tagmanager
- Form - 0 Viewstagmanager is a jQuery plugin works nicely with Twitter Bootstrap that helps you manage tags for each expense users were entering.
Customizable Bootstrap Video Player Plugin for jQuery - Video UI
- Other - 23114 ViewsVideo UI is a bootstrap UI based jquery plugin for creating Customizable HTML5 video player on your web page.
jqBootstrapValidation - Validation Framework For Bootstrap Form
- Form - 17506 ViewsjqBootstrapValidation is a jQuery plugin that make it easy to create a validation framework for bootstrap forms.
BootMetro - Metro Style Web Framework
- Layout - 10494 ViewsBootMetro is a Metro Style Web Framework for creating website like windows 8 Metro UI Style. With build-in jQuery plugin, it supports the Metro features.