Stylish jQuery Pagination Plugin - simple Pagination

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License: MIT
Stylish jQuery Pagination Plugin - simple Pagination

simple Pagination is a simple jQuery plugin for creating stylish on-page pagination for long items on your page. It comes with 3 built-in themes and supports twitter's Bootstrap.

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How to use it:

1. Include jQuery library and jQuery simple Pagination on your web page

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery.simplePagination.js"></script>

2. Include the CSS file with the 3 default themes.

<link href="simplePagination.css" rel="stylesheet" />

3. Create a container for the pagination controls.

<div id="light-pagination" class="pagination"></div>

4. Call the plugin on the container element and pass the options as per your needs.


  // Total number of items that will be used to calculate the pages.
  items: 1, 

  // Number of items displayed on each page.
  itemsOnPage: 1, 

  // If specified, items and itemsOnPage will not be used to calculate the number of pages.
  pages: 0, 

  // How many page numbers should be visible while navigating. Minimum allowed: 3 (previous, current & next)
  displayedPages: 5, 

  // How many page numbers are visible at the beginning/ending of the pagination.
  edges: 2,

  // Enables start/end edge
  useStartEdge : true,
  useEndEdge : true,

  // Which page will be selected immediately after init.
  currentPage: 0, 

  // Uses anchor links or spans
  useAnchors: true,

  // A string used to build the href attribute, added before the page number.
  hrefTextPrefix: "#page-", 

  // Another string used to build the href attribute, added after the page number.
  hrefTextSuffix: '', 

  // Text to be display on the previous button.
  prevText: "Prev", 

  // Text to be display on the next button.
  nextText: "Next", 

  // Ellipse Character
  ellipseText: '&hellip;',
  ellipsePageSet: true,

  // list style
  listStyle: '',

  // The class of the CSS theme:
  // "light-theme", "compact-theme", and "dark-theme"
  cssStyle: "light-theme", 

  // Set to false if you don't want to select the page immediately after click.
  selectOnClick: true,

  // Next button at front.
  nextAtFront: false,

  // Inverts page order
  invertPageOrder: false


5. Callback functions.


  onPageClick: function(pageNumber, event) {
    // Callback triggered when a page is clicked
    // Page number is given as an optional parameter
  onInit: function() {
    // Callback triggered immediately after initialization


6. API methods.

// selects a page
$(selector).pagination('selectPage', pageNumber);

// selects the prev page

// selects the next page

// Returns the total number of pages.

// Returns the current page number.

// Disables the pagination

// Enables the pagination

// Destroy the plugin

// Re-renders the pagination

// Updates items
$(selector).pagination('updateItems', 100);

// Updates the number of items on each page
$(selector).pagination('updateItemsOnPage', 20);

// Draws pages
$(selector).pagination('drawPage', 5);



  • JS updated
  • Doc updated

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by flaviusmatis. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.