jQuery Plugin For Auto Resizing iFrame - iFrame Resizer

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License: MIT
jQuery Plugin For Auto Resizing iFrame - iFrame Resizer

iFrame Resizer is a small and useful jQuery plugin that automatically resize the cross domain iframe to fit it's container on window resizing. Perfect for responsive web designs.

See also:

Basic Usage:

1. Load the latest jQuery library and jQuery iFrame Resizer plugin at the bottom of your web page

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script type="application/javascript" src="jquery.iframeResizer.min.js"></script> 

2. Insert a iframe element on your web page

<iframe src="frame.content.html" width="100%" scrolling="no"></iframe>

3. Call the plugin with default options.

// Disable if using size method with custom dimensions.
autoResize                : true,

// Override the body background style in the iFrame.
bodyBackground            : null,

// Override the default body margin style in the iFrame.
// A string can be any valid value for the CSS margin attribute, 
// for example '8px 3em'. A number value is converted into px.
bodyMargin                : null,
bodyMarginV1              : 8,
bodyPadding               : null,

// When set to true, only allow incoming messages from the domain 
// listed in the src property of the iFrame tag. If your iFrame 
// navigates between different domains, ports or protocols; 
// then you will need to disable this option.
checkOrigin               : true,

// If enabled, a window.parentIFrame object is created in the iFrame 
// that contains methods outlined
enablePublicMethods       : false,

// 'bodyOffset' | 'bodyScroll' | 'documentElementOffset' | 'documentElementScroll' | 
// 'max' | 'min' | 'grow' | 'lowestElement'
heightCalculationMethod   : 'offset',

// The default value is equal to two frame refreshes at 60Hz
interval                  : 32,

// Setting the log option to true will make the scripts in both the host page 
// and the iFrame output everything they do to the JavaScript console 
// so you can see the communication between the two scripts.
log                       : false,

// Set maximum height/width of iFrame.
maxHeight                 : Infinity,
maxWidth                  : Infinity,

// Set minimum height/width of iFrame.
minHeight                 : 0,
minWidth                  : 0,

// Enable scroll bars in iFrame.
scrolling                 : false,

// Resize iFrame to content height.
sizeHeight                : true,

// Resize iFrame to content width.
sizeWidth                 : false,

// Set the number of pixels the iFrame content size has to change by, 
// before triggering resize of the iFrame.
tolerance                 : 0,

// Called when iFrame is closed via parentIFrame.close() method.
closedCallback            : function(){},

// Initial setup callback function.
initCallback              : function(){},

// Receive message posted from iFrame with the parentIFrame.sendMessage() method.
messageCallback           : function(){},

// Function called after iFrame resized.
resizedCallback           : function(){},

// Called before the page is repositioned after a request from the iFrame
scrollCallback            : function(){return true;}

Change logs:

v2.8.2 (2015-02-12)

  • Throw error if passed a non-DOM object.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by davidjbradshaw. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.