Free jQuery IFrame Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'IFrame' are listed here.
jQuery Plugin For Simple Responsive iFrames - mediaWrapper.js
- Layout - 1445 ViewsA minimalist jQuery plugin that makes your iFrame element responsive while keeping the aspect ratio by auto adjusting the height and width depending on the screen size
Trigger An Event When An Iframe Gets Focused - iframeActivationListener
- Other - 867 ViewsiframeActivationListener is a jQuery plugin that enables you to trigger an Activate event when a given iframe element gets focused.
Auto Resize Iframe To Fit Parent - jQuery Responsive Iframe
- Layout - 4205 ViewsA super tiny jQuery plugin which makes iframe embedded content (Youtube/Vimeo videos, external pages) fully responsive and maintains the specific ratio on window resize.
Iframe Content Loader In jQuery - Simple Iframe View
- Other - 2405 ViewsThe Simple Iframe View jQuery plugin allows you to load several external web contents into the same container using the iframe.
Detect Click Into iFrame using jQuery iframeTracker Plugin
- Other - 12984 ViewsiframeTracker is a jQuery plugin which allows for the tracking of click events on iframes embed in your webpage.
Synchronize Scrolling Across Multiple Scrollable Elements - jQuery ScrollSync
- Other - 4982 ViewsScrollSync is a jQuery plugin that makes it possible to synchronize horizontal and/or vertical scroll events across multiple scrollable elements (for example: iframes).
Set iFrame Height To Fit Its Content - jQuery frameLoader
- Layout - 5926 ViewsThe frameLoader jQuery UI widget is used to handle automatically resizing an iFrame based on the content height of the iFrame.
Easy iFrame Loader Plugin For jQuery - iFrame.js
- Other - 1830 ViewsiFrame.js is an easy jQuery ifame loader plugin that enables you to handle and manage iframe based html contents on the webpage.
Make Iframe Responsive While Preserving Aspect Ratio
- Layout - 1768 ViewsA very small jQuery responsive iframe plugin which makes the iframe embedded content (typically Youtube, Vimeo videos) fully responsive according to the screen size.
Dead Simple jQuery Responsive Iframe Plugin
- Layout - 2899 ViewsA super tiny (1kb) jQuery plugin which auto resizes your iframe elements while keeping the regular aspect ratio to fit the current browser size on window load and resize.
jQuery Plugin To Auto iFrame Height Adjusting - autoHeight.js
- Layout - 5075 ViewsautoHeight.js is a jQuery plugin that dynamically adjusts the height of an iframe element depending on its content.
Minimal Responsive iFrame Popup Plugin For jQuery - WMBox
- LightBox - 14744 ViewsWMBox is an ultra-light (~1kb) jQuery plugin which lets you create a responsive modal popup to display external content like Youtube or Vimeo videos.
jQuery Plugin To Disable Mouse Scroll On Google Maps - noScrollLayer
- Other - 1297 ViewsNo Scroll Layer is a very lightweight jQuery plugin used to disable mouse scroll events in iframe element, typically used for embedded Google maps.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Flexible Iframes - Flexy
- Layout - 1138 ViewsFlexy is a lightweight jQuery plugin designed for responsive, cross-browser website that automatically scales the iframes to make them adapt to any screen size.
Responsive & Adpative iFrame Plugin For jQuery - iframeResizer.js
- Layout - 1024 ViewsiframeResizer.js is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin that auto resizes the iFrame element depending on the size of embedded content.
Minimalist jQuery Based Responsive iFrame Solution - Responsinatr
- Layout - 689 ViewsResponsinatr is a tiny and cross-browser jQuery plugin makes your iFrame content fully responsive while preserving the original aspect radio.
Simple iFrame Modal Plugin With jQuery - modallink
- LightBox - 25148 Viewsmodallink is a simple but fully configurable plugin which enables you to display any external links into a modal popup via iframe.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive iFrame Embedded Content - Responsive Instagram
- Layout - 1847 ViewsResponsive Instagram is a small jQuery plugin used to make iframe embedded Instagram posts (or Youtube & Vimeo videos) responsive depending on the screen size.
jQuery Plugin To Load iFrame Content Asynchronously - EasyFrame
- Other - 4023 ViewsEasyFrame is a jQuery based iFrame enhancement plugin which loads iframe asynchronously on window load to improve page performance.
jQuery Plugin To Fire An Event When An iFrame Gets Focused - iframeActivationListener
- Other - 1097 ViewsA jQuery based iframe activation listener that allows to fire an "Activate" event when you click on an iFrame element.
Lightweight jQuery Responsive iFrame Plugin - FitFrame.js
- Layout - 5252 ViewsFitFrame.js is a cross browser and cross domain jQuery iFrame plugin for responsive web layout that allows you to set the size of the iFrame element to fit the container by using wrap or resize modes.
jQuery Plugin For Auto Resizing iFrame - iframe Auto Height
- Layout - 59344 Viewsiframe Auto Height is a simple jQuery plugin to dynamically resize iframes based on content height.
jQuery Plugin To Auto Adjust iFrame Height - setIframeHeight
- Other - 5282 ViewssetIframeHeight is a jQuery plugin that automatically and responsively adjust the height of your cross-domain iframe according to its content.
jQuery Plugin For Auto Resizing iFrame - iFrame Resizer
- Layout - 51426 ViewsiFrame Resizer is a small and useful jQuery plugin that automatically resize the cross domain iframe to fit it's container on window resizing.
Auto Resizing iFrame with jQuery rIframe Plugin
- Layout - 1826 ViewsrIframe is a jQuery plugin that automatically resizes the iFrame elements to fit for your responsive web layout.
Responsive IFrames Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 12778 ViewsResponsive IFrames Plugin can be used to create a Responsive IFrame which can change its width or height as users interact with dynamic content and we want the size of the IFrame to change accordingly to avoid scrollbars.