Minimal Toast Notification Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - Simply Toast

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License: MIT
Minimal Toast Notification Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - Simply Toast

Simply Toast is a tiny jQuery plugin used to display stackable notification messages based on Boostrap 3 alert component.

How to use it:

1. Include Boostrap's CSS in the head section of the web page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">

2. Include jQuery library and the jQuery simply toast plugin in the page.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.simply-toast.js"></script>

3. Create notification messages as follows.

$.simplyToast('success', 'This is a success message!');
$.simplyToast('warning', 'This is a warning message!');
$.simplyToast('info', 'This is a info message!');
$.simplyToast('danger', 'This is a danger message!');

$.simplyToast.clear(); // To clear current messages

4. Available options.

ele: "body",
type: "info",
  from: "top",
  amount: 20
align: "right",
width: 250,
delay: 4000,
allow_dismiss: true,
stackup_spacing: 10

Change logs:


  • Update simply-toast.min.js


  • Update simply-toast.js


  • Update simply-toast.js


  • Refactoring and CSS added for those who don't want to use bootstrap.css


  • Update jquery.simply-toast.js

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ericaprieto. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.