Free jQuery Notification Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Notification' are listed here.
Powerful jQuery Dialog Box Plugin - Zebra_Dialog
- Other - 17215 ViewsZebra_Dialog is a small (4KB minified), compact (one JS file, no dependencies other than jQuery 1.5.2+) and highly configurable dialog box plugin for jQuery.
Simple jQuery UI & jQuery Mobile Message Box Plugin
- Other - 3182 ViewsA jQuery plugin which makes use of jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile styles to show info or error message boxes on your webpage/web application.
Versatile jQuery Popup Window Plugin - jBox
- LightBox - 39809 ViewsjBox is a flexible, modular, robust jQuery plugin to implement a wide variety of popup windows on your web page & application.
Beautiful Modular Notification Library - Pnotify
- Other - 36863 ViewsPines Notify is a javascript Notification Plugin that allows you to add popup Notification windows on your website that allow the user to click elements behind the notice without even having to dismiss it.
Basic Twitter-like Notify Bar Plugin with jQuery
- Other - 4814 ViewsA simple-to-use yet highly configurable jQuery plugin used to display various types of message notifications on your webpage as you've seen on Twitter.
Super Simple jQuery Notification Box Plugin - notify
- Other - 2383 Viewsnotify is a super lightweight and customizable jQuery plugin that allows you to quickly create a notification box with some smooth fade in/out effects.
Simple and Easy jQuery Notification Plugin - NotifIt
- Other - 19463 ViewsNotifIt is a simple and fast jQuery plugin used to create various types of notification & alert windows with subtle sliding effects on the web page.
Minimal Toast Notification Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - Simply Toast
- Other - 13254 ViewsSimply Toast is a tiny jQuery plugin used to display stackable notification messages based on Boostrap 3 alert component.
Tiny jQuery Plugin For Informative Messages In The Browser - Growler
- Other - 9255 ViewsjQuery Growler is a lightweight and easy-to-setup jQuery plugin for creating Informative Messages which slide in and out from the upper right corner of the page.
jQuery Plugin For Animated & Stackable Toasts - Toast
- Other - 19299 ViewsToast is a jQuery notification plugin used to display animated, highly customizable & styleable, stackable visual feedback messages on your web page.
Small Animated jQuery Android-Like Toast Plugin - Notice
- Other - 1950 ViewsNotice is a tiny jQuery notification plugin used to add Android-like animated toast messages anywhere on your webpage/web application.
Lightweight Android-Style Toast Plugin with jQuery - m.toast
- Other - 1486 Viewsm.toast is a really small jQuery plugin that displays a Android-style toast notification on your webpage that will destroy itself after a specified time.
jQuery Event Based Notification Plugin For Bootstrap - BS-Alerts
- Other - 8333 ViewsBS-Alerts is a jQuery plugin that make it easy to create jQuery event based notification bar (warning, error, success) using Twitter Bootstrap and HTML5 data- attribute.
Cool Notification JavaScript Library - Noty
- Other - 17385 Viewsnoty is a cool and powerful jQuery Notification Plugin that allows you to create several types of messages as an alternative to the standard alert dialog.
Animated Notification Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap - Bootstrap Growl
- Other - 24519 ViewsYet another jQuery notification plugin that makes use of Boostrap's alerts to create animated informative messages in your web/app page, similar to the Mac OS X's 'Growl' notification system.
Responsive jQuery Message Box & Notification Plugin - lobibox
- Other - 40775 ViewsLobibox is responsive jQuery dialog box & notification plugin that is divided into two parts: Messageboxes and Notifications. .
Minimal Animated Notification Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - miniNoty
- Other - 4945 ViewsA super simple and lightweight jQuery plugin which pops up steam notifications with CSS3 based animations at bottom right corner of your web/app page.
jQuery & Bootstrap Based Toast Notification Plugin - toaster
- Other - 104627 ViewsToaster is a stylish and flexible jQuery notification plugin used to create growl-like toast messages using Bootstrap alert component.
Tiny Flat Notification Plugin With jQuery and jQuery UI - tinyNotice
- Other - 1818 ViewstinyNotice is a jQuery plugin used to create flat, eye-catching notification & confirm popups sliding out from the edge of your browser screen.
Lightweight jQuery Notification Plugin - ohSnap
- Other - 8889 ViewsOh Snap is a simple and lightweight jQuery plugin for easily creating different types of notifications in your websites or mobile apps.
jQuery Windows 8-Style Notification Plugin - notific8
- Other - 10083 Viewsnotific8 is a jQuery plugin inspired by Windows 8 notification that helps create animated notifications which slide in and out from the upper right corner of the page.
Tiny jQuery Toast Notification Plugin - rustaMsgBox
- Other - 1885 ViewsrustaMsgBox is a lightweight and easy jQuery plugin to display toast notification in a popup message box that slides out from the bottom of the page as you see in Android or iOS.
Cookie Based Notification Popup with jQuery and CSS3 - biscuit.js
- Other - 4239 Viewsbiscuit.js is a jQuery plugin that displays cookie based, various types of notification messages with cool CSS3 animations on your webpage / web app.
Xbox One Style Notifications with jQuery and CSS3 Animations
- Other - 3040 ViewsA jQuery based notification component which helps you create Xbox One style, animated, beautiful pull notifications on your webpage / web app.
Growl-like Toast Notification Plugin with jQuery and Font Awesome - MsgPop
- Other - 11268 ViewsMsgPop is an easy jQuery plugin used to show growl like animated toast messages on your web page. Font awesome 4 is required for the icons next to your notifications.
Growl-style Message Toaster with jQuery - Meow
- Other - 2485 ViewsMeow is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to display growl-like toast messages on your web page. Supports both temporary and sticky toast notifications.
Ajax-enabled jQuery Notification Popup Plugin - tpPopup
- Other - 2970 ViewstpPopup is a tiny and simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to display responsive notification popups with custom inline contents.
Creating Growl Notifications with jQuery and Bootstrap - Notify.js
- Other - 12389 ViewsNotify.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that takes advantage of Bootstrap's alert component to display various types of growl notifications in your web project.
Simple Top Notification Plugin with jQuery - firework.js
- Other - 1847 Viewsfirework.js is a small jQuery plugin which provides a simple way to display various notification messages on the top of your web project.
Android Toast-style jQuery Notification Plugin - dpToast
- Other - 947 ViewsdpToast is a very small jQuery plugin used to create nice clean toast notifications as you seen on the Android apps.
Create Cookie Based Popup Messages using jQuery - Flash Messages
- Other - 3498 ViewsFlash Messages is a jQuery plugin that displays popup messages and notification messages of various types on your webpage or inside a given container.
Google Snackbar-style Tiny Notification Plugin For jQuery - Notiny
- Other - 2736 ViewsNotiny is a tiny jQuery notification plugin helps you display Material Design snackbar style feedback messages with CSS3 powered show/hide animations on your webpage.
Simple Growl Notification Plugin with jQuery - Notifyr
- Other - 1760 ViewsNotifyr is a simple, customizable jQuery notification plugin used to pop-up growl-like notification messages on your website / web applications.
Simple Alert Dialog Box Plugin For jQuery - al.js
- Other - 3197 Viewsal.js is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery modal dialog plugin to create notification popups that can alert a user of anything you choose.
Minimal Modal Dialog Box Plugin with jQuery - Dialogbox
- Other - 2167 ViewsDialogbox is a simple yet customizable jQuery plugin to create modal dialogs for alert, confirm, prompt actions and normal, success, warning, error messages.
Customizable Popup Notification Plugin with jQuery - pop.js
- Other - 5503 Viewspop.js is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to display modal-style, draggable notification popups on your webpage / web application.
jQuery Plugin To Create Metro Style Toast Messages - toastr8
- Other - 3406 Viewstoastr8 is a jQuery notification plugin for creating Windows 8 metro inspired toast messages that use Font Awesome for notification icons.
Creating Windows 8 Style Toast Notifications with jQuery and CSS3 - Win8 Notify
- Other - 4123 ViewsA super simple script that allows you to create a Windows 8-style responsive & flat notification interface using jQuery and CSS3.
Easy Customizable jQuery Notification Plugin - cosyAlert
- Other - 2514 ViewscosyAlert is a jQuery notification plugin that makes it easy to show various types of notifications (alert, error, success, notice) on your web page.
Android Style jQuery Toast Notification Plugin
- Other - 2029 ViewsAndroid Toast is a jQuery plugin to create Android-like toast pop-ups that display a certain amount of time and automatically fade out after a timeout.
Growl Style Message Toaster Plugin For jQuery - notify
- Other - 9696 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin to present growl-like, easy customizable toast messages that provides 'info', 'error', 'warning', 'alert', and 'success' styles.
Slick Responsive Toast Message Plugin with jQuery - Tostie
- Other - 1738 ViewsTostie is a tiny (~1kb) jQuery plugin to display toast messages in responsive, slick and customizable notification bars.
Simple Alert Box Plugin with jQuery - Lite Alert
- Other - 2053 ViewsLite Alert is a really simple jQuery notification plugin that displays fully CSS styleable alerts with custom messages on your web page / web application.
jQuery Plugin For Fixed Notification Bars - tappifications
- Other - 1382 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin used to create CSS3 powered animated notification bars which stick to the bottom of the web page.
jQuery Plugin For Growl-style Notification System - notifications
- Other - 1481 ViewsA tiny and cross browser jQuery plugin for creating Growl-style pop-up notifications that fade in and out from the upper right corner of the web page.
Small Animated jQuery Notification Popup Plugin - Notifier
- Other - 4574 ViewsNotifier is a lightweight yet heavily customizable jQuery plugin for creating animated attractive pop-up notifications on your web page/application.
Classic Growl-like Notification Plugin For jQuery - Gritter
- Other - 27912 ViewsA tiny, cross-browser, growl-like jQuery notification plugin for showing unobtrusive, animated and customizable messages to your users.
jQuery Plugin To Create Animated Bootstrap Alerts - notify
- Other - 9279 ViewsExtends the Bootstrap's alerts component to create animated & fully customizable notification messages on your web page.
Minimalist jQuery Notification Plugin - rtnotify
- Other - 1587 Viewsrtnotify is a simplest jQuery plugin used to display growl-style notifications that will always be stay in your screen or auto disappear after a timeout.
Create A Responsive Top Notification Bar with jQuery and CSS3 - Freenbar.js
- Other - 15041 ViewsFreenbar.js is a minimalist jQuery script which creates a fixed responsive notification bar sliding out from the top of your web page.
Simple Sliding Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery - getNotified
- Other - 4250 ViewsgetNotified is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin to create responsive notification bars that slides out from the top or bottom of your web page.
jQuery Plugin To Create Fixed & Stackable Notifications - Notification
- Other - 2707 ViewsA dead simple jQuery notification plugin which displays a group of stackable, auto-fading, and fix positioned message boxes in your web page/application.
jQuery Plugin To Show Pretty Notifications with Icons - Notification Service
- Other - 2605 ViewsNotification Service is an extension for jQuery growl plugin that provides an easy way to display informative messages with appropriate icons.
Animated Notification Plugin with jQuery and Animate.css - sticky
- Other - 2738 ViewsYet another jQuery notification plugin used to display sticky, eye-catching message boxes on your website, with cool CSS3 animations based on Animate.css.
Create Simple Alert Messages with jQuery and Bootstrap - alert.js
- Other - 77534 Viewsalert.js is a jQuery notification plugin which allows you to display one or multiple alert messages via Bootstrap alerts components.
Create Stylish Animated Notification Bars with jQuery - Sudo Notify
- Other - 2976 ViewsSudo Notify is a jQuery plugin that displays responsive, animated, nice-looking notification bars to announce important information to your visitors.
Simple jQuery Sticky Notification Plugin - Notify Me
- Other - 2013 ViewsNotify Me is a really simple jQuery plugin to create fixed notification bars/panels that can be positioned anywhere on your web/application page.
Dynamic Notifications Using jQuery and Bootstrap - Bootstrap Message
- Other - 8251 ViewsBootstrap Message is a jQuery plugin which allows you to create dynamic notification/feedback messages via Bootstrap Alerts component.
jQuery Mobile Android-like Toast Message Plugin - Mobile Toast
- Mobile - 6036 ViewsYet another toast plugin for jQuery and jQuery Mobile for broadcasting important notifications on the screen, as seen on the Android devices.
Stack Overflow-Style Animated Notification Bar with jQuery
- Other - 2801 ViewsA jQuery and jQuery UI based notification plugin used to display a full width message bar sliding out from the top of your screen.
Growl-like Notification Plugin with jQuery and Animate.css - iGrowl
- Other - 2244 ViewsiGrowl is a lightweight yet robust jQuery plugin to display Growl-like responsive notification boxes with cool CSS3 animations based on animate.css.
Lightweight Pretty jQuery Notification Box Plugin - notiJ
- Other - 1071 ViewsnotiJ is a small jQuery plugin to create animated and customizable notification boxes that can be placed anywhere on your web page.
jQuery Plugin To Create iOS-style Overlays/Notifications - iosnotice
- Other - 2955 Viewsiosnotice is a tiny jQuery plugin used to create Apple iOS-style overlays, notifications and loading spinners for the web.
Simple Yet Fully Customizable jQuery Notification Box - notify
- Other - 1433 Viewsnotify is a simple jQuery plugin for creating customizable auto-fading notification messages that can appear anywhere and anytime on your web page.
Simple Clean jQuery Notification Plugin - MX Notice
- Other - 1456 ViewsMX Notice is a simple clean jQuery responsive notification plugin to display important messages (error, info, success) in the center of the screen or at the top of the web page.
Minimal jQuery Toast Notification Plugin - ialert
- Other - 852 Viewsialert is a simplist jQuery plugin used to create an auto-hiding popup window on your web page.
jQuery Plugin For iOS Style Notification Center - obNotificationCenter.js
- LightBox - 2082 ViewsobNotificationCenter.js is a lightweight and easy jQuery plugin for creating a iOS 7 style notification center that will slide from the top of your page when triggered.
Minimal jQuery Grouped Notification Boxes Plugin - notifyme
- Other - 1253 Viewsnotifyme is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to display alert, warning and error messages in the grouped notification boxes.
Minimal jQuery Alert Box Plugin with CSS3 Animations - Simple Alert
- Other - 1657 ViewsA dead simple jQuery plugin to create alert & notification information boxes with cool CSS3 animations.
Minimal jQuery Popup Notification Plugin - emergejs
- Other - 1330 Viewsemergejs is an ultra-light and easy jQuery plugin for creating simple animated notification popups on your website.
jQuery Notification Plugin with CSS3 Animations - Tikslus Notirious
- Other - 2081 ViewsTikslus Notirious is a jQuery plugin for creating various types of notifications to display website messages, with support for progress bar, CSS3 animations and much more.
Stylish Animated Notification Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - AmaranJS
- Other - 3324 ViewsYet another jQuery notification plugin to display website messages in animated and highly customizable flyout notification boxes.
Create A Fullpage & Responsive Notification Box with jQuery and CSS3
- Other - 2963 ViewsNotification Popup is a jQuery plugin allows you to create a full page, fully responsive and flat style notification box with subtle CSS3 transition effects.
jQuery Plugin For Sliding Message Bar with Boostrap Alerts Component - Bootstrap Msg
- Other - 8081 ViewsBootstrap Msg is a jQuery plugin that uses Bootstrap's alerts component to display alert messages in a sliding message bar at the top of the page.
Tiny jQuery Sticky Notification Plugin - stickynotif
- Other - 1495 Viewsstickynotif is a lightweight jQuery plugin that make is easier to display grouped messages in a sticky notification box.
Ghost-Like jQuery Notification Plugin - goNotification
- Other - 1764 ViewsgoNotification is a jQuery notification plugin inspired by Ghost blogging platform that supports multiple notification types such as info, error, warning, success, and loading.
Cool Animated Notification Plugin with jQuery - jGrowl
- Other - 14778 ViewsjGrowl is a jQuery plugin that make it easy to create variety of notifications with smooth animations in your project.
jQuery Plugin For Grouped & Streamlined Notification Boxes - Sticky
- Other - 881 ViewsSticky is a lightweight & simple to use jQuery notification plugin for displaying info/alert/error/warning messages in grouped, streamlined and fix-positioned notification boxes that can be placed anywhere on the web page.
Lightweight jQuery Notification Box Plugin - jNotify
- Other - 1328 ViewsjNotify is a simple and easy to use jQuery notification plugin for creating messages bubbles that can be placed at any corner of your web page.
Android Style jQuery Toaster Messages Plugin - cftoaster
- Other - 1187 Viewscftoaster is a simple jQuery plugin for creating Android-style toaster messages centered in the page to display the important notifications to your users.
Minimal Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - bootbar
- Other - 8676 ViewsBootbar is a lightweight and easy to use jQuery plugin styled with Bootstrap 3 that creates various types of stacked notification bars with simple slide away animations.
Elegant iOS-like Notification Plugin - ClassyNotty
- Other - 1704 ViewsClassyNotty is a jQuery Plugin that allows you to add beautiful and iOS-like elegant notifications for your applications.
Flat Style jQuery Bottom Right Notification Plugin - Notifications.js
- Other - 6566 ViewsNotifications.js is a notification library built with jQuery for creating flat styled notification bars sliding out from the right bottom of your page.
Lightweight jQuery Notification & Alert Message Plugin - AlertView
- Other - 3089 ViewsAlertView is a simple, quick and lightweight jQuery plugin for creating OS X like notification windows and Twitter-like alert messages on your web page.
Windows 8 Style jQuery Notifications Plugin - w8n
- Other - 1947 ViewsjQuery w8n is a super lightweight plugin for creating Windows 8 style notifications that will slide in and out from the upper right corner of the page.
jQuery Plugin For Transactional Messages In Your Web App - Messenger
- Other - 5385 ViewsMessenger is a jQuery notification plugin that allows to trigger transactional messages with actions (undo, cancel, etc.) in your web app.
Useful and Multi Functional jQuery Plugin - liga.js
- Other - 1714 Viewsliga.js is an Useful and Multi FunctionaljQuery Plugin that brings together a number of common features in web applications such as windows, messages, notification, form validation, AJAX history and more.
jQuery Animated Favicon Notification Plugin - Notify Better
- Animation - 3493 ViewsNotify Better is a jQuery plugin that allows you to show important information alerts via favicon, browser title and more. Ideal for pending notifications, unread messages, etc.
Simple Top Bar Notification Plugin For jQuery - TopBar
- Other - 5998 ViewsTopBar is a small jQuery plugin for creating various notification bars (success, info, warning, danger, primary, default, ...) at the top of your web page.
iOS Style jQuery 3D Dropdown Notification Plugin - ios.notify.js
- Other - 3162 Viewsios.notify.js is a responsive and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin for creating Apple iOS style drop down notifications with CSS3 3D transforms on your web page.
iOS Style jQuery Overlays & Notifications Plugin - iosOverlay.js
- Other - 13156 ViewsiosOverlay.js is a responsive and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin for creating Apple iOS style loading spinner, overlay and notification for your website.
Stylish jQuery Notification & Alert Plugin - Smart Alert
- Other - 18939 ViewsSmart Alert is an alternative to the standard javascript alert box that makes it easy to create fully configurable and stylish lightbox-like notification & Alert box using jQuery and jQuery UI.
Simple Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery - jBar
- Other - 3938 ViewsjBar is a simple and lightweight jQuery Plugin for add a Notification Bar to your website for displaying important informations.
jQuery Plugin For Neat Web Notification - WNF
- Other - 850 ViewsWNF is a jQuery based web notification fallback plugin that allows your web site or web app to degrade gracefully while you're using the newest HTML5 Web Notification API.
Super Tiny jQuery Notification Bar Plugin - toast
- Other - 3158 Viewstoast is a super simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to create a notification bar with smooth fade in / out effects for displaying important messages of your website.
Alertify - Customizable jQuery Notification Plugin
- Other - 4515 ViewsAlertify is a Customizable jQuery Notification Plugin. Notification system is a very useful tool for webmaster to tell visiters the lastest and most importtant informations.
jQuery Password Checking and Notification Plugin
- Form - 3015 ViewsjQuery Password is a jQuery based plugin that checks/scores the password strength your user input, and then shows the strength problem of the password.
Stackoverflow Like Notification Bar for jQuery - Howdy-do
- Other - 2030 ViewsHowdy-do is a jQuery plugin that helps you create a Stackoverflow-Like Notification Bar on the top of your page.
Smooth Sliding Notification Bar Plugin - msgTips
- Other - 2436 ViewsmsgTips is an useful jQuery Plugin that add a Notification Bar on the top of your website with smooth fade in and fade out effects.
Simple Password Strength Notification Plugin
- Form - 1425 ViewsA simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that shows the strength of you passwords by telling you how long time it would take to brute force them.